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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. I know, but quite a few foreign/none Geordie based fans talk a lot of crap where this club's history and especially where figures like KK are concerned. Oh and I'm aware I come out with a lot of crap doesn't excuse comments that basically say KK isn't an NUFC legend when he most certainly is and always will be. It irks me that no-bodies who do something daft in a match (ketsbaia) or score a hat-trick in a big game (Tino) get classed as legends. No people, they are not, not even heroes, its the likes of KK, Sir Bobby, Moncur, Shearer, Harvey, Wor Jackie, Hughie Gallacher, Super Mac et al that are heroes and legends. I'm allowed to think that Keegan's a cowardly prick for what he did in September while still acknowledging his legendary achievements in the past.
  2. Yeah, f*** me what do I know. Although you do have SBR calling Keegan yesterday's man as well, but he's just a mouthpiece for Ashley as well. Poor old King Kev, misunderstood by everyone. You wouldn't be supporting the club if it wasn't not for KK man. Sir Bobby would never have done what KK did, come to an ailing second division club on the brink of relegation and going bust and that's not me having a dig at the man, just putting things into perspective. In fact without KK there would have been no Sir Bobby. They are both legends, as is Harvey the last man who won us a trophy who you conveniently failed to mention. I can understand people still being pissed off about KK leaving but f*** me, its getting sillier and sillier to the point where its as if what he's achieved for this club (basically he saved us and paved the way for Sir Bobby and those high finishes and CL nights) didn't happen. You being a foreigner cannot possibly comprehend what KK means to the people of this club even outside of football matters so stick your s**** where it belongs. got nowt to do with being a foreigner. everything to do with being thick though. dont tarnish our overseas fans cos one of them made a laughably ignorant statement, plenty of geordies come out with rubbish too. For future reference, can we get some sort of scale on the forum. I'd like to know whose opinions are 100% Geordie approved, and whether non-Geordie ex-pat opinions are worth the same or less than non-Geordie UK based opinions, versus non-Geordie, Johnny Foreigner opinions. And hows does the E.U. factor in, if at all? Thanks. Obviously, votes of non-Geordie members should only be counted at 3/5 of Geordie votes on any polls.
  3. The only cringeworthy thing I see here is the narrow minded xenophobia of certain members. Don't like non-Geordies supporting the club? Well then you'd best f*** off from an internet forum where nearly 50% of the members are foreign. After 8 months I'm perfectly capable of ignoring the usual rubbish about Keegan being to blame etc, cheers and I never implied anything of the sort btw Good, after 8 months I've adjusted myself somewhat to ignoring the usual rubbish about the man with 50% responsibility for this debacle being made into some sort of sainted matyr.
  4. The only cringeworthy thing I see here is the narrow minded xenophobia of certain members. Don't like non-Geordies supporting the club? Well then you'd best fuck off from an internet forum where nearly 50% of the members are foreign.
  5. Yeah, f*** me what do I know. Although you do have SBR calling Keegan yesterday's man as well, but he's just a mouthpiece for Ashley as well. Poor old King Kev, misunderstood by everyone. I see it's "flog the foreigners" day again on N-O.
  6. West Brom? Yeah, but I've been counting them as a Championship team since december
  7. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor/Nolan

    N'Zogbia's an overrated, inconsistent, ungrateful piece of shit who only got as much credit as he did because he's fast and foreign. 6m straight up would have been good enough for the tosser. Ryan Taylor is just a bonus. I'm sorry but I just feel physically ill whenever the Insomnia-wanking starts up again. I don't miss him one bit. If anything, Milner was the far greater loss.
  8. Based on current form, every team in the Premiership has a better squad than us. We have to go with the mentality that we're looking to cause an upset. None of this "if we just play to our ability we'll roll over shit like Stoke" mentality.
  9. Why not judge on his past performances, even pre-Newcastle? It's obvious he wasn't caring anymore, nobody was caring anymore in our side before Shearer. We were destined for the drop the way Hughton and Calderwood were running things, and if I was Owen I'd be looking at my options very closely come the end of the season. Though now, with Shearer. Things are different. Regardless of his half-hearted performances as of late, I'd have a celebratory w*** if Owen signed an extension. People are unfairly judging him on his gigantic wage, but it's not his fault Freddy Shepherd found it necessary to throw money the club did not really have at Owen. But under all his injury troubles, there's one of the world's greatest strikers. And we have him in our team, and Shearer will get the best out of him, I am sure of that. Pre-Newcastle (or to be more precise, pre-Germany 2006) Owen is basically a completely different individual from Owen now. And his good stint last season was mostly as a support striker coming in from deep. We have yet to see Michael Owen have a long, productive run as a goalscorer in a Newcastle shirt since 2006-2007
  10. oldtype

    Steve Harper

    It's his distribution and lack of urgency that's letting him down once again. It's interesting how Harper and Given both get criticized for having poor distribution. Could it possibly be because they both had nothing to kick at because our midfield is essentially a giant black hole?
  11. oldtype

    Steve Harper

    Had some great saves today. Didn't do much wrong in my eyes. He slowly needs to build towards not only full match fitness but also adjusting to the mentality of being a number one and playing week-in week-out, something he's almost never had to do for most of his career. I think he's getting progressively better with every match and I still trust him as our number one.
  12. I'm willing to chalk off his absolutely woeful and pathetic performances under Houghton as just having decided that he was going to leave and not being bothered. I will reserve judgement about just what kind of player Michael Owen is until I see how he performs in the next few matches under Shearer.
  13. [kneejerk] I'm starting to think he could actually be coming down to the Championship with us. I mean, when it comes down to it, how much better is he than the likes of say.. Ricardo Fuller or Marlon King? [/kneejerk]
  14. I have a feeling anyone with brains would also think that. wasn't too long ago no one was allowed to pick s.taylor for the first 11. a couple of weeks injured may do colocinni some good. too early to get rid unless someone comes in with a very good price. Figures that the only player we have who can't get injured is the one who could use a couple weeks off.
  15. I'm starting to get this horrible, horrible feeling that Fergie's boys are going to do Liverpool and the Mackems a favor by having a shitter at the Stadium of Light next week.
  16. Shearer's going to stick by Owen, and Owen-Carroll will probably work better than Owen-Martins.
  17. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor/Nolan

    I haven't given up hope on Nolan yet. He's come form spending his entire career as "Mr. Bolton" and it has to be a huge adjustment for him. I'm not saying that he's a top 6 player, but surely he'll be an asset or us in our mid-table trawl for the foreseeable future. As for Ryan Taylor, if taking free kicks is anything like what I imagine it must be (being a big, talentless center half I've honestly never been asked to take one in my life ), it should be all down to confidence. If you're going to be threatening you've got to have the "fuck them, I can score form here" mentality. The fall against Man U seems to have shot Taylor's confidence and he may well take some time to recover. Like Nolan, I'm willing to give him some more time.
  18. In the same way Bin Laden shows his love for the USA ? And how the pope just signed a lucrative endorsement deal with Durex.
  19. What's the point in sacking him now? They're down already. Gibson said he'd still be there next season even if they went down too, but we'll have to see whether he sticks to that claim. Because he's obviously lost the dressing room and there's no point in keeping him other than building up even more ill will with the fans. Get an up and coming Championship manager in, pray for a miracle, if you don't get it you've got a ready made replacement who can start preparing for the second tier now rather than fucking around for a month or two in the summer looking for a replacement.
  20. I'm not really that bothered. It's like KK at Bolton last year, Shearer was never going to get the result that he wanted in his first match. It's all about Stoke and Spurs at the moment. Hope we can scrape 3 or 4 points from those.
  21. Selective memory at its best?
  22. Having a go at the old board does not equal exonerating the new board. Having a go at Keegan does not equal exonerating Ashley. Having a go at Martins does not equal exonerating Owen. Why this fails to compute for some people on here so often I'll never know. I don't think that's his point mate. I think what Ronaldo is trying to say, is that for all people are berating Martins for not scoring, Owen is far worse yet still in the team. I understood him perfectly. He's saying "why aren't you berating Owen when he's doing just as bad? (or as Ronaldo seems to think, much worse)" I think both our strikers need to shoulder a lot of blame for our antics. I'm just picking out Martins today because Owen gets enough flak without me having to contribute to the lynching. Just because I'm criticizing Martins doesn't mean I think Owen is brill.
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