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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    There are three kinds of managers. The truly great managers have their squad preform far beyond their abilities. The good managers that have their squad preform to the best of their abilities And the shit managers who make shit teams out of good players. Guess which one Kinnear is.
  2. Well what do you think all owen is f***ing just an average striker, kinnear is a c*** and i've had enough of ashley the best thing for this club is to get relegated and start again Don't be fucking daft. We're not coming back up for a loooong time if we go down.
  3. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    What did he do wrong today? Probably nothing, other than starting a fight like a five year old and getting sent off. I just cannot stand the sight of the odious twat.
  4. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Sack Kinnear today, have Curbishley, Boothroyd, or Pardew up here by tomorrow. All I'm asking. f*** new signings, the biggest weakness of our squad right now is manager.
  5. You just know Hull are going to do the quadruble on us when we go lose at their place. Fucking nailed on.
  6. Wonder why we're playing a s*** excuse of a team, with all those great summer signings The System has provided us with? Where all our good players always are. The physio room.
  7. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    To be fair he wasn't doing the managing today. Too busy getting sent off to the stands mackems.gif
  8. Because that would make sense. Seriously. Argh. What a shit club I support.
  9. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    So Phil Brown is an embarrassment to Hull as well then? After that stunt he pulled against City? yeah.
  10. oldtype

    Nile Ranger

    I'd rather Ranger not come on today. Would kill me to miss his debut.
  11. cos they sell them in deals to tv companies, but i do agree with the point your making. Liverpool have one for 50 quid a year, can't see why we couldn't do the same.
  12. Fucking club really needs to come out with an online tv service. "Hi, I'd like to pay you for something. Wtf won't you sell it to me?"
  13. If I end up missing Nile Ranger's debut tonight I'm just about going to explode. Come on ITV!
  14. Pretty shit Hull side. This should be interesting.
  15. Ah well, so much for that glimmer of hope. Looks like text only today then.
  16. Surely it'd be physically impossible to get everything up to SJP on such short notice? Hope so though. Literally every fucking network in the world was covering the Chelsea match.
  17. Great price. Simple fact is that despite his strengths Geremi simply no longer has the fitness to be playing Premiership football. Very happy with this move as long as the usual caveat "if we get a replacement in..." comes through
  18. Roeder was the worst manager we've had for years IMO. If he was a school teacher the kids would be firing pellets at his arse through a pea shooter every time he tried to write on the blackboard. I disagree So do I. The team played much better looking football than under Souness and Allardyce, and had no worse results. Remember us holding Manchester Utd to a 2-2 draw with a defence consisting of Solano, Taylor, Huntington and Edgar? Sibierski up front? Hell, even Pattison got a few minutes. Our squad was even worse then than it is now. Roeder's main problem was that he was incapable of getting good players in. Remember getting beaten 5-1 at home by Birmingham City? Roeder had his share of shitters
  19. Yes, and they came to SJP and one of our former players enabled them to pinch a point - true..?? As Fading star points out, our record against pooer teams is hardly great, is it? Read beyond the first line. Please.
  20. Because he brought through LOADS of class young players.l By all accounts he was a good, hands-on coach for the youth setup. Not his fault that our youngsters have been useless in the past few years.
  21. Wouldn't mind putting him back in charge of the youth setup here.
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