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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. classic misquoting and blowing passing comments out of proportion from the "media"
  2. oldtype


    If you thought Shearer as Newcastle manager was a crazy idea... This is just....
  3. oldtype


    His stats are pretty bad, and you look at him playing some times and it's so frustrating... But compare us with Oba and us without Oba, and it soon becomes apparent that for all his flaws, we need him.
  4. oldtype

    back barton

    It would do the people here good to note that attitude should apply to all of our players, not just the one's who've been to prison.
  5. Does he s**** work harder than him. Hes being picked on his past. We've not seen Charlie get a good run of games on the lft in ages. Duff works very, very hard. Even when he's shit. I was sitting very close to the pitch at one of our home games and it surprised me how much he was pushing himself. He had the facial expression of somebody giving 110%. Zoggy really can't be bothered about 80% of the time.
  6. Duff right now is about as effective as N'Zogbia has been for the past two years, that is, decent runs with 0 end product. Considering that he comes minus the attitude and works a LOT harder than Zoggy ever did, I wouldn't criticize any manager's decision to choose him over the Zog.
  7. Public apology, Llambias and Wise out, a more clearly defined way of running the club, preferrably bring back Mort, and appoint a good manager that's not Kevin Keegan while backing him with enough funds for 1~2 players in the winter. Then we'll talk. Don't think Ashley can pull it off though. even if he does all that, there will always be a vocal minority of fans who won't accept him and prevent him from enjoying owning this club. He won't want to stay where he doesn't feel welcome.
  8. I feel a stuffing coming. They're a good team. We're not. Think it'll end up like Villa Away last year, when Owen scored the opener but Villa then put four past us.
  9. One could argue that he's horribly misguided, trying to play that kind of football with the resources at his disposal. It worked for him last year, its working for hull this year....either way the point still stands, its difficult to get a team playing the way he had them playing, i saw alot of dynamic movement from them. Movement which has been missing from our team for a long time. Its refreshing to see a team without resources like WBA trying to play football. If I was a WBA fan I would rather play like that than put 11 men behind the ball and hoof it up the pitch like the Bolton's of this world, even if it meant relegation No you wouldn't. If you were a WBA fan you would take any kind of football you could get as long as it meant staying up. It's only because we're neutrals we have the luxury of "applauding" them for their effort to play an open game even when it may lose them a lot of points.
  10. He slipped, if he had kept his footing Miller wouldn't have scored. Lot of slipping and scruffing of shots from both sides today, now that I think of it. Problem with pitch conditions?
  11. All other attributes aside, his tackling is simply unbelievable. I've never seen such pinpoint tackling from a Toon player. Just slides in fearlessly and comes out with the ball. Made several challenges today which were almost as good as that wrongly penalized one against Robinho. Obviously, he has confidence in his ability since he's never afraid to tackle even in the box.
  12. oldtype

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Think this thread deserves to be bumped so we can all gush over Jonas' performance today. It deserves some major loving amidst all the negativity about the 2nd half. In Jonas we trust
  13. One could argue that he's horribly misguided, trying to play that kind of football with the resources at his disposal.
  14. Somewhere along the line somebody told him to stop being a pansy and start using his physical attributes to push defenders around. To his credit, the lad's taken the advice seriously and has managed to elevate himself from "completely useless" to just "mediocre." At this point he's pretty much integral to Kinnear's system and undroppable. While I don't particularly like said system, as long as Kinnear insists on playing that way Ameobi will be moderately effective and should stay in the side.
  15. I'm actually 90% sure that Kinnear will drop Martins for Owen (or move Martins into midfield and drop Duff) instead of dropping Ameobi. His long-ball tactics simply won't function without Shola in the side. The crazy thing is, I'm not sure I disagree with him.
  16. Kinnear may be a good motivator, but tactics wise he's just like Big Sam without all the fancy Prozone s***.
  17. Probably going to get hammered by Villa, but the next two all very winnable.
  18. Lucky to win after that shitstorm of a second half, but it's three points and I'll take it. Kinnear showing a lack of imagination playing way too defensive after going two ahead. Can't just sit back against a passing side like West Brom.
  19. I feel like we should just voluntarily give Mallorca a few mil in compensation. Whatever we paid for Jonas, it wasn't enough.
  20. Seriously don't think there are a lot of wingers in this league better than Jonas. He's just so good... it feels... odd. I'm not used to our players having so much class.
  21. The signing of Guttierez alone makes Mike Ashley the best chairman in Newcastle history. FACT.
  22. OBA! :celb: Poor West Brom. Excellent passing, good at keeping position, just haven't got the quality at either end. Lets just hope we don't take our foot off the gas.
  23. Jesus Christ, Shola looking like Santa Cruz today. Boggles the mind
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