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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Holy fuck Hull City. Stoke and West Brom are pretty decent too, really feels like all the pieces are falling into place for us to go down.
  2. I'm already getting to that point where I'm interested in stoke/hull/brom's results almost as much a ours. And it's fucking September
  3. credit to him for that. Even a mediocre manager is far better than none at all
  4. I'd rather have Shearer to Keegan. Like HTT mentioned, there's just something about Shearer that makes me think that he'll do it right. He's got the mentality, got the character, and the intelligence as well so I figure the tactical prowess will come with time. If Southgate, Keane, and Ince can all do a decent job, why can't Shearer? As for Keegan, he's a brilliant manager but as has already been well publicized on this board, I don't think I'd ever be able to trust him not to leave us when the stress becomes too much. By the way, if your one of the people who think Shearer needs to cut his teeth in the Championship before coming to Newcastle... The two might not be mutually exclusive starting next season.
  5. You're right. They shouldn't. It's all obscene, the millionaires, billionaires in this game. Just sticks out like a sore thumb when it's people from a country that has it's begging bowl out. For the record, I've always thought the money these Russian oligarchs have is basically stolen money. Nigeria's also in pretty decent shape compared to the rest of sub-Saharan Africa by the way. Africa, Dubai, Russia, or even Britain, it's all the same anywhere in the world. You'll have people who are swimming in money despite the fact that there are people in their country who are starving to death. It'd be nice if every rich man could be like Bill Gates, but that's not a realistic standard to hold people to.
  6. oldtype

    Joe Kinnear

    If he gets us 10 points during his tenure here he'll be a hero for me.
  7. You could donate the money you spend on going to matches to UNICEF. It would probably save a dozen starving children annually. Why don't you? I already contribute to good causes in my home country. It's called NI and Income tax. They probably pay taxes too. Everyone uses money for selfish purposes. You can't fault people more for that just because they're rich. Love how you originally had a less confrontational response and deleted it becuase you felt that you had to be more hardass by the way.
  8. You could donate the money you spend on going to matches to UNICEF. It would probably save a dozen starving children annually. Why don't you?
  9. bye then Fuckoff middleclass c*** I don't get it, do you live out of a box or something? Committed communist perhaps?
  10. Thankfully, your needs have very little to do with my support of Newcastle United.
  11. It would appear that you are only a t*** ... unfortunately there are many of these types about ...you are not unique.... dont cry.... I've noticed
  12. I've decided to humor the two of you tonight. So please do keep the hateful stupidity coming.
  13. Yes, obviously I'm a glory hunter. I have no emotional attachment to the club and just stick around for all the trophies we win. ... that wasn't my point actually. As you can see they have a beckham banner not real madrid or man utd Ah I see, then I must be here for all our glamorous players like Beckham and Ronaldo!
  14. Yes, obviously I'm a glory hunter. I have no emotional attachment to the club and just stick around for all the trophies we win. ...
  15. OMG, how did you know that I wasn't a season ticket holder for my local club! Oh... But wait... I am!
  16. Sigh, I know I shouldn't bite but... Yes, and yes. You may now proceed to question my support by saying "but, but... you're not there for every match!" That's actually funny considering how I was picturing the two of you.
  17. mackems.gif That'll be my only contribution to this thread.
  18. Praying that the club gets bought within a week or so. Don't care if it's the Nigerians or whoever. Could be North Koreans for all I care.
  19. Number of people waking up to the fact that Keegan is far from blameless in this tragedy is growing rapidly by the day.
  20. You find it plausible that a reputable company would risk throwing its reputation and all of its business connections to English football away just to pull the biggest email scam ever?
  21. Honestly don't think I could ever trust him the same way I used to again.
  22. As good a temporary solution as you can get I suppose. Certainly preferable to going without a manager unitll the takeover is all wrapped up.
  23. Every day that passes in our shit situation the mood on this board gets worse and worse. Hope things get resolved before all of us are at each others throats.
  24. We're pretty deep in the shit but so are they. We've got a chance to stop the freefall here. It's home, Oba's back, and when's the last time we lost to them anyway?
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