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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. The irony is that the naysayers are probably the most emotionally invested in hoping the takeover goes through. The negativity is just a weird defence mechanism for if/when it goes tits up.

    I'd imagine all fans want it to go through, why wouldn't they? I don't think you can blame people for not expecting the takeover to go through based on the numerous times it's looked a done deal and not happened.


    See Manxst's post above. There is a difference between being cautious & cynical towards the takeover happening and downright mocking and/or having an "I'm intellectually superior" attitude towards those who are still positive about the eventual outcome.

  2. I don’t quite understand this thread anymore if people don’t  believe the takeover is still a possibility why then come on this thread just to p*ss on peoples chips? Stay off it then.


    Because the very issue of whether or not the takeover is still ongoing is very much open to debate. This is the purpose of the thread. It’s like someone telling posters that they can only post in the Longstaff thread if it’s positive.


    It's fucking ridiculous isn't it, theres even a thread specifically for only positive posts, and they still cry if someone says something they don't like  :lol:


    On another note, just rename this thread the Whitley Mag thread, close it and be done with it. He's so deluded and posts so often I'm starting to think he has something to do with these NCSL idiots.


    So, in your opinion, the takeover is dead and will not be revived?

  3. This is now the only thread I click on within the football section of this forum. I'm already about 90% withdrawn from being a follower of NUFC and the wider game. Apart from Wilson (who is pretty much impossible to ignore) I couldn't tell you a thing about players signed in the summer or what they even look like. Dont follow match threads, dont listen to anything Bruce has to say in interviews and havent watched a single minute of our games this season. Havent watched MOTD once this season and got no interest in the other PL teams. The takeover is the final thread keeping me attached to NUFC and is the only thing about the club worth still taking an interest in.

  4. I’m very hopeful this will get done, but can understand pessimism. I’m all in on this or my days with this club are over.


    Same here. I'm basically at the point where I'm sticking my fingers in my ears to the pessimism and am blindly assuming that the deal will happen. Because if it doesnt then that's me properly done. And not simply because we didnt hit the jackpot, but more because corruption within football beat us.


    For now though, negativity & pessimism are off the menu altogether.



  5. This also backs up Staveley's reveal about how the PL were giving her assurances that the takeover would go through early on, only for them to do a u-turn in May. Pretty obvious now that the dippers & Manure stuck their oar in & Masters & co are terrified of them. In a way this also gives credence to the theory that the PL want the takeover decision taken out of their hands by a court.

  6. The absence of fans in stadia is going to make this a bonkers season. The summer month of crowdless football was an interesting novelty but its going to cause havoc with this season's league placings. I am dreading the emerging possibilty of Everton winning the league. Absolutely detest the bastards as they have nothing but contempt for us.

  7. If there was no evidence that could be used to link the Saudi state with piracy then I still dont understand what the problem would have been with saying that MBS had ultimate control? There's nothing in the test that says a state cant own a club is there?


    Anyway, yeah this takeover is dead. Will still be interesting to see if Ashley can sue for damages though.


    We have been shafted, and there is no reason why the spamming and various assaults on the PL's brand should not continue.


  8. I dont understand the paragraph below?


    "If an arbitrator had ruled in Newcastle’s favour, the Saudis would have been required to go ahead with owner registration. This would have given the League the right to call Newcastle’s ownership to account over TV piracy by network beoutQ."


    If the arbitration decision went in the Saudis' favour, why would that then allow the PL to link them to piracy?

  9. See Martin Samuel has a new piece out.


    As far as I can tell he's saying Prem havnt rejected deal but PIF pulled out because they didn't wish to list MBS as a director and rebuffed arbitration from PL.


    So seemingly trying to lay some blame at Buyers door. Not beyond the realms tbh


    Just read it. So basically the PL tried to set a bear trap for the Saudis. No wonder they declined the independent arbitrator.

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