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Everything posted by plenum

  1. Which may have all originated from Bishop and Ashley. Kenyon has said nowt himself. He hasn't came out to deny it either which for a person of his standing he would. I was thinking that as well but then I thought how a little money can make people more or less loyal/apahetic once on the payroll. Perhaps MA has appointed Kenyon as an advisor and has him on a very high hourly rate. This of course a smokescreen just to buy MA time til the end of Jan. Risk and reward and all that....
  2. Double on Jamaal to get booked and Rondon to scored at 18/1.
  3. I'm gonna play with some words found on this page: I hope Perez breaks Ashley's rod when necking it.
  4. The Bouycott must go ahead! Ashley is just using sn old trick to calm the fans in the short term and then in January won't spend because a new owner is on the cards and his hands are tied bla-bla-bla-bullshit!
  5. I would advise you to steer well clear of that. Classic Froggy. Luckiest bet ever. Unfortunately I'm usually on the other side. I thought it was good value too and decided to go with a Manchester double. Almost gave 6/1. Thanks O' Nutty!
  6. plenum

    The Magpie Group

    So, what's the plan for this Sat? We are 2 aliens coming to town this weekend and want to show our disgust!
  7. You could add Ritchie, Shelvey and Kennedy to that all been shit At least the ones you mention t-r-y.
  8. If Mike dies his shares will still be in the Ashley family and who knows how long it will take to sell, or not even wanting to sell?
  9. plenum

    The Magpie Group

    Is the Magpie group "the same" as ashleyout.com? Im looking to donate.
  10. Hopefully the message (boycott) reaches aplenty via social media but how to put the message across to the non-www. generation? Leaflets in town, and putting up signs in local shops and in supermarkets?
  11. I like it! Perhaps replace 'you' with 'them' in that you could argue that you're referring to the flags and not the regime ?
  12. Put 15 on Shelvey to score anytime at 7/1
  13. west ham to win and both teams to score 7/1 YES! Over 10 corners. 2/1 YES! 35 quid bets returned 145
  14. London stadium appear shite from a spectator view. Seats are miles from the pitch. Hate that, but West Ham fans seem to accept it(?) I've never been to this particular stadium but similar ones with Track n Field bullshit but these were built in the 20th century. I would never accept a modern football stadium albeit being in the biggest league in the world to have running tracks in between.
  15. Yeah, they have unlike NUFC invested in some quality players. Simple equation really.
  16. You fucking hate Zaha like. Ill admit I really hate Zaha...diving, strutting, moaning constantly A bit like Perez then...
  17. No way, Murphy has never been in form man, he's a nothing player, Kenedy at least can could beat a man and create something. I agree Kenedy had some mad skills and needs to get back on track asap in order to restore some dignity. Murphy is less prone to vital mistakes imo.
  18. Would rather see Murphy than Kenedy,- ken has lost his form completely no?
  19. plenum


    Pathetic penalty piss taker. Unforgivable.
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