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Everything posted by Norwegian-Geordie

  1. Well, if you ask Mike Ashley it is. At least within five years. But I do agree with you, it will take longer. I am not so keen on Hyypia either. He was a good player once, but I'd rather have Cambell than him. And if he wouldnt come I'd look elsewhere. I would certainly not take them both as some has speculated in. We dont have much pace in the defence and none of them have that, but Cambell is better IMO. Hyypia is far too slow, though Cambell is not exactly fast either.
  2. I think his contract is out. If not he will go cheap, I think he is told to find a new club so he'll be leaving anyway.
  3. I thought Boumsong sucked in Juventus as well? Or is he good again now?
  4. My guess is that Shepherd says that Taylor wants a smack on the back and thinks he is bigger than the team. Give him a good 6-7 year contract I say!
  5. Nah. Not Senderos. He's a ''Bramble'' in my eyes. Maybe Flamini could be something. I agree there.
  6. I think so to. Rather him than Viduka.
  7. Little countries where people talk alike? They don't though tbh. The languages aren't even related to one another. I know but Sweden and Denmark are more closely linked than the other two, and Swedes/Danes were put in the same category, because they're more like party people, while a lot of Finns and Norwegians are seen as boring cunts. I'm just waffling but I'm sure there was another reason I put them together. Not a big thing. But I say Finland have got more in common with Sweden. Norway/Sweden/Denmark (Scandinavia) would be better. But not a big thing, just wondered. Stavanger is by the way the city you take the ferry to from Newcastle. Have anyone been there? If you are, you should go to a Viking FK match if they are playing against Brann, Rosenborg, Start or maybe Bryne if they ever come up. Fantastic atmosphere then. Or any other match in the summer. Some pics: http://gardkarlsen.com/stavanger/early_morning_in_stavanger.jpg http://www.stavangerpark.com/S0stavanger1.jpg http://home.online.no/~pjhaalan/kirke.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/V%C3%A5gen_i_Stavanger_ut.jpg/800px-V%C3%A5gen_i_Stavanger_ut.jpg The local football team, Viking: http://www.scandecsystemer.no/nyheter/images/viking_stadion_1.jpg http://www.fotball.no/files/%7BD75B92EC-E44C-4CD9-BED7-6A400AB5FE23%7D.jpg http://www.scandecsystemer.no/nyheter/images/viking_stadion_1.jpg http://www.viking-fk.no/newsread/ReadImage.asp?WCI=GetByID&IMAGEID=1&DOCID=10549 http://www.stadiumguide.com/viking4.jpg Btw. It is Norways national day today.
  8. Norway, Stavanger. Why the hell does it say Norway/Finland in the poll? Don't have anything to do with each other...
  9. I have the feeling that we will stick with Parker and Emre. I also think Big Sam is the man to get out Emres potential. And Parkers if he uses him as a defensive midfielder.
  10. Coloccini, Huntelaar, Van Der Vaart, Sneijder, Heitinga, Alex (PSV, not Alex Valencia ), Baines, Bridge, Dainelli, Pazzini, Quaresma, Jankulovski, Saviola, Klasnic, Alan Smith. I could probably mention 50 more if I just had the time Does'nt Braathen refuse to renew his contract with Rosenborg? Maybe we should get him when his contract goes out just before christmas. Could be nice to have as a backup. But I seriously doubt we could get him, because the giant club Vålerenga are said to be interested, and if thats true we don't stand a chance! I can't think of other players in the Norwegian League that could be of any interest except him and Sapara. Sapara would be very nice. He could come now. Maybe one of these africans Rosenborg have got in 3-5 years?
  11. I think Skjelbred would be nice. But not now, maybe in one or two years. Hasnt been the same since he broke his leg though imo. As a matter of fact he is Newcastle-fan as well so if any other big clubs were after him I think he'd choose us!
  12. Hell yeah! I'd take him! Rather him than Allardyce, but there is many other managers i rate higher than him. Ramos, Van Gaal, Trappatoni, Strachan and Eriksson just to name a few... We could ask Lippi, Scolari, Hiddink and Capello (if he get fired) just ''for fun''. You don't know 100% if they want the job before you have asked
  13. Where have you read this? Personally I think Roeder will get fired. Last year he and Shepherd said that the minimun goal for this season was top 6, if not Glenn would go/get fired. And Roeder agreed to that because he didnt think it would be a problem... Roeder probably dont ''remember'' this now, but maybe Freddy does... But if he stays it will be because Freddy says it is impossible to reach top 6 with this kind of injury-crisis. I also think the Allardyce rumors are correct, though if we were to replace Roeder I would look elsewere (Both Koemans, Van Gaal,Trappattoni... Maybe ask Lippi and Scolari just for ''fun''). Freddy have been fast to deny rumors about other managers and I dont think he has denied the Big Sam rumor, has he? But still, I say look at other alternatives first. Edit: allright, but we dont know if Freddy has given him the money do we? Maybe I should make a simmilar thread. Roeder signs 5-year deal in Newcastle United, does this mean we wont get Sam Allardyce?
  14. Actually I think Premier League would fit Coloccini good. I have always liked him, just not his hair... He kind of reminds me a bit of Gabriel Heinze, and he fits very well in. Not like for instance Albert Luque. (He is that overpaid spanish guy that never plays for us ) I agree that it would be best to buy english players or players from England, but how many players with this quallity can we get for the same kind of prices in England? But anyway, the only player I have suggested that I am not sure would fit in Premier Leauge is Nelson. He is a typical Portugese player, fits better in Spain or Portugal. But hey, Ronaldo could adapt so it is not impossible.
  15. What the hell are you waiting for Glenn?
  16. This is the answer: Dario Dainelli - free from Fiorentina Fabricio Coloccini - aprox. 2-3mill£ Phillipe Degen/Nelson - 3-5mill£ Marcell Jansen - i would guess 6mill£
  17. Thought it was supposed to be funny firtst, but I didnt quite catch the joke... Prepared... A shite badge for a shite team!
  18. I still think I would want to keep him if he didnt miss London so much. He was really good at the end of last season, remember that? Almost like when he was in Leeds. He was a good player to have in the squad imo.
  19. Shit, hoped we finally got rid of him when. Afraid he will stay now... Well, lets hope he break his legs or something else terribble happens to him so he can't play Hate that kind of players. Wear lots of make-up, dive and cries when he don't trick the refs. Though I must admit he is one of/the best player(s) in the world, even though I like it or not.
  20. Colloccini - 2,5mill (wasn't that what Deportivo wanted for him in January, but we didn't want to pay more than 1,7mill or something?) Either Benficas Nelson or Dortmunds Phillipe Degen - I would gess 3-4mill Dario Dainelli - free, not sure if he have signed a new contract though, if not i would definately have him. Sidwell - free Bridge - 5mill In case we wouldn't get Bridge: Baines - 5-7mill Pizzaro - free Given Nelson/Degen - Colloccini/Taylor/Dainelli - Dainelli/Colloccini/Taylor - Bridge/Baines Milner - Sidwell/Parker - Emre/Dyer/Sidwell - Zog (if he find his old form again, if not I would play Duff) Owen - Martins Maybe I would try Saviola free instead of Pizzaro, but he might be to similar to Owen. But still I think I would take him if I had the chance. Maybe both aswell Out: Bramble Luque Perhaps Butt, Carr and Baba, unless they are happy being backups.
  21. My ''friend''/contact just told me that we are signing Adriano, Phillipe Mexes and Ashley Cole this summer. And Titus Bramble has seen what a shite player he is so Freddy and Roeder has told him to go to Sunderland to fuck up for them. He also doubted that we are signing Brown. I can be trusted, remember when I brought you the Shearer and Bellamy thing first. Remember this in September! Seriously. I don't doubt Roeder are after Brown, but I hope he is not. In my eyes he is a little better version of Bramble, only more injury prone. Doubt he would have any caps if he didnt play for ManU. Would like Heinze though. Pure quality, but because of his age I think I would look elsewhere. But still, I would be very happy with him. Would welcome Colloccini aswell!
  22. Nah, thats the guy we had on trial in the summer, when the training were open for spectators. He was turkish as well and only spoke to Emre, maybe he was a friend of Emre as well.
  23. "It was in the summer of 2001 that a then 19-year-old Emre left Turkey in a move from Galatasaray to Inter Milan, but he still suffers from a bit of homesickness. That's one of the reasons why United brought his Turkish compatriot Erol Bulut, who shares the same agent as Emre, across to St James' Park for a couple of days' training this week. But United have absolutely no intention of signing the 32-year-old Turk, even though he can play in the position they need to fill more than any other in the close season - left-back. Indeed, Glenn Roeder told me today: "I am looking to bring in players who are under 25 and whose best days are in front of them, not behind them." Not sure of the source, found it on a norwegian forum. To buy him is not an option.
  24. Link:Finally! A shame Shepherd didn't follow him, but you can't get everything in life! All honour to him for resigning voluntary.
  25. HAHA! He deserves it as well that little cunt!
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