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Everything posted by magpie418

  1. magpie418


    It's the villages you need to worry about. Seghill against Annitsford or Seaton Delaval against Cramlington - those were the days. bedlington high street on a saturday night was interesting. What was that pub with the pink wallpaper again? it's been over 20 years since I was out in that place :-)
  2. magpie418


    It's the villages you need to worry about. Seghill against Annitsford or Seaton Delaval against Cramlington - those were the days.
  3. magpie418

    Joey Barton

    I dreamt about Joey last night, and I fell out of bed twice.
  4. magpie418


    Ashington? All the way up there? I'd find that surprising as well. What was the source? its true, although Ashington has the most, quite alot of them are spread around South East Northumberland, mainly due to miners moving there for work years and years ago. Early 20th century strike breaking blackleg scum i believe. Led to the first case of football hooliganism in 1905 at SJP apparently. Can you supply any more info on this? very interesting if true.
  5. Really? It just looks like someone using caps lock. Feels like yelling :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: CAPS-LOCK HAS BEEN USED SINCE THE DAWN OF THE NET TO INDICATE SHOUTING/YELLING AND TENDS TO BE FROWNED UPON BY MOST OTHER INTERNET USERS.
  6. I don't think 2011 can properly start without another Kasper creation
  7. He's taken that from the Chinese blokey's video which was longer than this one. Exactly the same and has the shot of the policeman with his arm in a sling at the end too. aye, that's the one I posted further up the page (it was much better quality), but I removed it due to it containing match footage (and it looks like YT have now pulled it too).
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahaha 36 seconds, the mackem bottom right, miles away from the divide anyway, going mental (in black, pulled back by his mate in a khaki coat) heh, yeah just seen him, what a clown 2 lasses calling for re-enforcements at 1m
  9. 12 months cleaning the bogs at SJP should do it, and he should be made to wear his mackem top when he's cleaning them on match days.
  10. not sure if you can post YT film clips of the crowd on here? (after the whistle), someone called liam555 has a good angle on it. brucie's babes
  11. removed as i've just checked the posting rules Japanese tourist? actually just checked his profile, he's Chinese Canny camera.
  12. Can't be real? Seriously? f*** off man. :lol: :lol: :lol: I saw a Magpie hopping around on the pitch. After Nolan scored? There was one on telly but that was before kickoff. there was mention of a Magpie on the pitch before kick off, they never said anything about it having clipped wings. Louise Taylor has said that an obviously stressed Magpie with clipped wings was released onto the pitch after we scored, in my mind she's alluding to it being a Newcastle fan thats did this (that's how it reads to me anyway). did Taylor actually see the bird being released, and can she verify that it's wings were clipped, or is she just talking s**** as usual? it's common for birds to wander into the stadium during a match, and dave said it was picked up on before kick off, so it sounds like her claims are just made up. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/jan/16/sunderland-newcastle-united-premier-league Re-reading it, if it was hopping around Harpers goal then i would assume it would of been a mackem? if indeed one was released at that point.
  13. Can't be real? Seriously? f*** off man. :lol: :lol: :lol: I saw a Magpie hopping around on the pitch. After Nolan scored? There was one on telly but that was before kickoff. on the radio there was mention of a Magpie on the pitch before kick off, they never said anything about it having clipped wings. Louise Taylor has said that an obviously stressed Magpie with clipped wings was released onto the pitch after we scored, in my mind she's alluding to it being a Newcastle fan thats did this (that's how it reads to me anyway).
  14. WTF? Someone in the crowd responded by releasing a Magpie on to the pitch. The poor little black and white bird's wings had clearly, cruelly, been clipped and, panic stricken, it hopped around for some time before taking refuge just outside Steve Harper, the Newcastle goalkeeper's, area. LT - Guardian
  15. we'd do the same sorry mate but that's bollocks. cheered & laughed yes, but acting like they had just won the FA cup? small time mackems.
  16. If they celebrate this in anyway then it shows just how fucking low they really are.
  17. Bruce needs to get upstairs and start dusting down that bit of vinyl.
  18. Magpie on the p;itch, been hanging around for half an hour - get in son!
  19. magpie418


    http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9864/firea.jpg he obviously wasn't aiming at the polis.
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