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Everything posted by magpie418

  1. magpie418


    http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/7564/stokoecharlie.jpg Charlie boy's clocked him.
  2. fucking thigh strain? You could snap my banjo string and i would still be up against those cunts.
  3. Almost praying for trouble that lot. It's got a lot to do with the irresponsible way their manager has been talking. You'd think a so called professional would know better. The FA really should confront him about some of the things he's been saying in the press which are designed to make an already difficult situation for the police even more volatile. Aye Bruce is being very naive if you ask me and the s*** he is spouting is only going to add to their "revenge" mentality, IMO if we win or maybe even draw there could end up being alot of trouble. we just need to keep a clean sheet, they will not be able to handle it.
  4. Do yourself a big favour- keep your mouth shut and if they score make sure you stand up. Might help taking some ket before going in as well, help you look like the people around you...
  5. magpie418


    I can smell the mackem tension for this game and I'm roughly 10459 miles away... I'm just after us keeping a clean sheet whatever we manage to get ourselves. Their fucking heeds are gonna pop!
  6. magpie418


    these daft twats put the Sad into SMB.
  7. magpie418


    this thread is the equivalent of the acronym SMB*, it's one thread to laugh at their sad and pathetic nature. * I always imagined the mackem code crackers working weeks on deciphering SMB, oh how we laughed
  8. magpie418

    Alan Pardew

    mums, mams, ma's, wifes, wives, girlfriends - they're all the same to chunky.
  9. magpie418

    Alan Pardew

    between your mums thighs? I don't have a mum. lets just hope your girlfriend isn't over 40 then.
  10. magpie418

    Alan Pardew

    between your mums thighs?
  11. magpie418


    you'll be having wife swapping parties and finding your feminine side with your best mate before you know it.
  12. magpie418


    a right toe tapper that was. and that was our recent heyday, we've had a few.
  13. Roberto Martinez looked like he was tripping his nuts off every time the camera was on him.
  14. magpie418

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    every silver lining has a cloud - taylor.
  15. magpie418


    Merry Christmas mate. A couple of old mates of mine were in the away end when sunderland played Millwall, during a chant of we hate Geordies one of them shouted they're not Geordies they're mackems. the other lad said it was a bit squeaky bum time in there, especially when they were clocked by a mackem who lives in the same village, the mackem wasn't happy
  16. magpie418

    Alan Pardew

    "Indifference from this point on is impossible." - Kropotkin - Dec 9th 1842
  17. Just seen Sepp Blatter's post bid press conference. Some bloke from the beeb asked him who his favourite current Qatar player was. 'Eric Clapton', he replied.
  18. Well we're dealing with celtic here so there is obviously some truth in the latter, although that still shouldn't sway us too far from the former point, that associating the poppy with this current conflict is something the government is keen to do to provide emotional backing to what is a very unpopular war. I completely agree.
  19. Change my is to was or originated as then you pedantic bugger. my point still stands with regard to the popularity of the current war/occupation.
  20. And you have the cheek to call someone else's post absurd? Your attempt at emotional blackmail leaves a lot to be desired, for one there were no women in the trenches of WWI, and the world itself was a very different place then than it is today - and WWI was not a fight against fascism, that came latter. The poppy is a symbol of remembrance of those who lost their lives in WWI, the war to end all wars. The fact that it is now being used by certain elements to encompass modern wars such as Iraq/Afghanistan is what is questionable, and that is what the celtic banners are attempting to do - albeit in a rather overly dramatic way. Some people are not happy with the conduct of the British government and the actions of sections of the British army (i'm sure you can find all sorts of evidence etc online as to why), and would rather not see the remembrance of those that died fighting in what they themselves believed to be a just war, tarnished by the actions of a modern occupying force. Of course the emotional hysteria that the government (et al) wishes to whip up in order to get backing from the public appears to be working - if some of the posts on this thread are anything to go by.
  21. As the poppy has now come to symbolise more than what it was originally the symbol of (Armistice Day), wearing one could in-itself be seen as a political act.
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