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Everything posted by magpie418

  1. magpie418

    Joey Barton

    How many fucking chances has he had? the one time we need him he fucks us over man, the same old twat. To focus on the 'severity' of this one challenge misses the point some what.
  2. Butt would of gave away a penalty/free kick that led to a pompey goal in the last 10 minutes. I'm off to work now, bah..
  3. Honesty has been defeated by mediocrity. The enjoyment/conversation of the working class has been turned into a charade, a scam, a lie. sold back ten fold, empty of any soul, any life, any truth. there is a field of puppets playing the game we love out there, payed in money we give up like religious fanatics.
  4. Shit & bad luck are 2 different things! ;o)
  5. Lets hope Lady Luck didn't fuck off with Shay Given.
  6. What odds can I get on us beating Liverpool 4-3? I fancy sticking a tenner on it.
  7. Owners/Managers listening to sections of the support never helps us much.
  8. Affirmative according to a post back up there^ I'm stroking a boner here, but as this news was released around 11pm last night, i ain't gonna be poppin' off till i get the official word.
  9. http://www.brightestyoungthings.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/clueless.gif
  10. Balls of steel mate, can you imaging the bruise's on his wifes arse?
  11. He's going to learn a hell of a lot about football either way. Yeah. I'm a bit annoyed we've appointed such a newbie actually. I missed out the word 'more' in that post
  12. He's going to learn a hell of a lot about football either way.
  13. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9180/spark2.jpg
  14. 33 was at games when i was a bairn (<8) albeit not big ones (15 or so)...in my time at toon games i've experienced all of the things madras describes at various places and spouted my venom at the police too, in the cold light of day i'm adult enough to see both sides of it you? Add 4 years or so, started going with my old man at the beginning of the eighties. I don't think there is anymore to add to this from me, I joined this thread knowing there had been cover-ups but unaware of the extent of these (I never knew the Chief police officer lied for a start). So i've gained a great deal in reading these posts, cheers to Toonlass & Scouseman for their contributions.
  15. erm... a couple of posts back you asked - ...Because you asked me a question?
  16. long story short the police f*** up (tragically) then try to cover it up...noone pays from the police 'cause they shaft the innocents via the establishment media welcome to f***ing england - anyone else buying a new england shirt? it's smart and white and that get in the f***ing queue that doesn't mean they were right, nor does it mean there was any intent involved Out of interest, how old are you? and when did you start going to matches? (I'm not being patronising here, just want to get an idea of where you are coming from, cheers).
  17. Sorry, you've lost me. We were talking about the bloke on the comments section who was saying that Liverpool fans were responsible for breaking into the ground. You've now brought the whole South Yorkshire police into it, I don't recall the police ever saying that Liverpool fans smashed their way into the ground, or at least if they did, could you provide me with a link? sorry mate you mentioned "the propagation of lies" iirc...someone else mentioned the south yorkshire police propaganda elsewhere in the thread just wondering what you were alluding to See the post above by Scouseman, contains everything you need to know.
  18. What the fuck did they have to cover up? Honestly, Fuck this.
  19. Sorry, you've lost me. We were talking about the bloke on the comments section who was saying that Liverpool fans were responsible for breaking into the ground. You've now brought the whole South Yorkshire police into it, I don't recall the police ever saying that Liverpool fans smashed their way into the ground, or at least if they did, could you provide me with a link?
  20. If only it was that simple eh? There's one big difference, I don't recall police cover-ups and disgusting media involvement in any of those other tragedies.
  21. So we should just allow the propagation of lies?
  22. http://actingschmacting.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/broken-record.jpg The amount of ticketless fans would not have made any difference, you had many coaches of fans turning up late, people arriving late from the pubs and those with tickets for other parts of the ground. Everyone who had tickets and where not yet inside the ground would of been outside that part of the ground. Ticketless fans could of been scattered all over the place, trying to get tickets anywhere else around the ground at this point, they could of been in pubs around the ground, it would of been no different than any other game.
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