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Everything posted by magpie418

  1. http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/7763/nandc.jpg
  2. Tracksuit - Notts County Suit - Juventus
  3. magpie418


    http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1182/screenshot20101108at244.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us 7 possibly 8 threads in the top 11.
  4. As I've mentioned, I have no problem with the original use of the poppy. But it's starting to symbolise/justify something different imo.
  5. And without wanting to derail this thread too much - I don't have any issue with remembering those who were butchered in the first and second world wars, many at the hands of their own commanding officers.
  6. They made the decision to join the army though, which is the same thing in my book. It's quite clear that by joining the army you are supporting the establishment and it's actions, and to potentially sacrifice your own life (and that of others) in that support. If you agree with the motives of the establishment then fair enough, I don't however.
  7. Really? a fair point imo. (and I'll save the joke about having a bloodstained hoop).
  8. For example Steve Bruce and Don Hutchinson Aye, and Sting.
  9. Geordies have the power to bless those that deserve it with the honorary title of Geordie, they also have the power to take this away from those that are no longer fit to be a Geordie (even if these people were born and bred on Tyneside). We are all Popes of the Geordie Church.
  10. magpie418


    I was in Melbourne, Australia over the weekend where the big AFL game between Collingwood & St Kilda was taking place, Collingwood are known as the Magpies and play in black & white stripes (they were formed in 1892) and have a pretty fanatical following, so it was rather surreal to be walking down the street and seeing all these black and white hats, scarfs and tops (their strip is just like ours from a distance). The one thing that did confuse me was that they call themselves the Pies, I was hearing shouts of Pies! all day… I was talking to some bloke and told him about us and said we were the Mags and he looked kind of puzzled and said what? I said i'd never thought of calling us the Pies, it just didn't seem right, we're the Mighty Mags! to which he started shouting Go Pies! at some other black and white stripped fans… I'm actually going to be watching the re-play this weekend in Newcastle, Australia. (in an area called Wickham) It's a funny old world. (i'm a little surprised that the Pies name hasn't been used against us for obvious reasons...)
  11. magpie418

    Sports Direct

    what a load of bollocks - the sign looks cheap & nasty, it sends shivers down my spine seeing it there. And the flashy bollocks they have whizzing around the pitch side now is cheap & nasty, how long until they start painting shit on the pitch? have a look at australian football/rugby to see where all this is going.
  12. Does anyone know if the game is on sky/fox sport? I thought I saw it listed on nufc.com but it doesn't appear to be there anymore.
  13. good summary Merlin, are you in Perth? I watched the game in an Irish bar in Sydney, surrounded by a load of Irish Villa fans (!?) After the forth one of the lairy ones started shouting that he was going to stab someone in the head Cracking game.
  14. Shola's goal celebration is a fucking masterpiece, love the one where he kicks the girl over as well. Top work man
  15. Hats off to the mag I saw on the way to work this morning, walking down Broadway in Sydney in his Newcastle top, big smile on his face. It's times like that it doesn't matter where in the world you are, you still get that buzz.
  16. If you're going in the boro end just remember to wear one of those asbestos masks with a web drawn on it, in black marker pen.
  17. Hairy Lemon - Whitley Bay: You can't go wrong mate.
  18. Stick to the city centre. Pubs: Newcastle Arms Trent House The Bodega
  19. You would of been lucky if Gazza had 50p on him never mind £50. And if he did have 50p he would of bought a Mars Bar with it. Money is killing football already thank you very much.
  20. I would expect every player to grow a tash.
  21. Internet = Noise >> Signal
  22. looks like some blokes fisting his arse. (although I shouldn't really be looking that close).
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