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Everything posted by doublecrown

  1. Look at our team. Man U played their 2nd and 3rd stringers too. It was f-ed - Shrek scored a hat trick and Owen got one as well. Was hoping the Sounders would win, and injure the two of them while they were at it....
  2. We're in trouble if this is the best we can do.... Man U beat our Seattle Sounders 7-0, and the Sounders are one of the best MLS teams.
  3. Photo of pitch invasion on twitter: The invasion - http://t.co/AFDU11K (via / @Kenny_C365) #NUFC #preseason #fb http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/8790/3fwgg.jpg
  4. http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/193/lolrus.jpg
  5. http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/8210/winningw.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. I can't watch Ameobi anymore - all he does is lope around, fouling and getting called offsides. Who seriously enjoys watching him out there? How many fans go to games wearing replica tops with Ameobi on the back? He's Championship quality at best - can't believe none of the decisionmakers at NUFC can't see that.
  7. doublecrown

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I think it looked something like this: :colo: http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/nechronical/sep2010/9/0/hatem-ben-arfa-620777229.jpg Hilarious - that sums that game up perfectly!
  8. Really hoping for Vancouver - this is a once in a decade chance, and it'd be great to have a game on the West Coast.
  9. When the cameras show people "walking out early" and the commentators comment on it, I always wonder if the people are truly leaving the game, or just going out to get a beverage/food, or take a leak. They only showed a few people walking out after the game went 0-4. In the US, during baseball, football, basketball games people are always leaving their seats throughout the game. Is that not done in the UK? Do people only get food/drink, or hit the bathroom at halftime?
  10. I couldn't agree more! I cannot believe how unmotivated we looked. Horrible...
  11. doublecrown

    Alan Pardew

    It's the cover story in the soccer section of Sports Illustrated.com today: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/georgina_turner/12/10/newcastle/index.html
  12. That summarizes my feelings exactly. Hughton deserved better, and I'm sure we'll see him back leading another club soon.
  13. The penalty didn't give Chelsea the game, so let's give 'em another 6 minutes...FFS
  14. I'm about to give up on this f$#%ing league - compare that penalty to the shoulda been penalty with Nolan last week. Absolute joke - it's what makes MLS nearly unwatchable here in the States. It really takes away from the game.
  15. With Hull looking like they'll be going down, I wonder if we could get Bullard off them - have always liked his attitude and he's a pretty decent player as well.
  16. I saw that too - looked pretty healthy to me from that 5-10 seconds they showed him.
  17. Looks like this Saturday is his last game with us - any thoughts?
  18. I think teams should be able to play whoever they want out of their roster of 25 players, whenever and wherever they want. A 3-0 result at Old Trafford is hardly throwing a game.
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