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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. Post of the thread. This can't be happening. It's mad isnt it, I'm completely shocked to be honest. Lets just hope this is a blessing in disguise. Surely noone will want the job in england after having 'Arry turn the job down. This surely leaves us with only a foreign option. I've popped a couple of cowboy hats in the post for Mort and Ashers. Cowboy hats?? Why didnt i think of that..... i just pooped in an envelope.
  2. Yep, Ranieri would definitely leave Juventus for Newcastle. Maybe he can flatshare with Mancini... Never rated Ranieri to be honest, has he ever won anything?
  3. fredbob

    Official Statement

    I think this bit is the key to the entire statement, this to me suggests that they believe this "we need attacking football" myth. I think they've bought this myth and are therefore looking for someone who plays attacking football.
  4. Van Gaal or Houllier, those 2 seem the best options that this club could look to appoint. I definitely think they're realisitic options and would be pleased if we aquired either of them.
  5. Post of the thread. This can't be happening. It's mad isnt it, I'm completely shocked to be honest. Lets just hope this is a blessing in disguise. Surely noone will want the job in england after having 'Arry turn the job down. This surely leaves us with only a foreign option.
  6. Why he isnt sounded out by more clubs is beyond me, Jose is the flavour of the month becasue he has guaratueed success written all over him, he gets linked with all huge clubs, same with Capello but this guy as far i can remeber rarely gets mentioned i have no idea. The guy quite clearly is a genius.
  7. Bit of both i imagine, i think he'd rue like any british manager not having the oppurtunity to have a big job and after missing out on the england job im sure he'd like a bit of redemption for the FA overlooking him. Also, he;s one of the lowest paid managers in the league and with this appointment with the figures being quoted could become one of the richest, i dont know of person in the world who would turn down the oppurtunity to have there wage doubled or tripled with the added bonus of doing a job they'd really want. To be honest i cant help but feel that the club are towing the "attractive football" criteria. It'd be a shame because i wouldnt want our success to be primarily based on finance but rather have the success of the club based on the managers skill.
  8. more piece of bullshit, no quotes, there's nothing at all to back their claims, the same 1's that we're said earlier it's fairly good knowledge he was in london with family and friends tonight as well Although the driver of the car in that photo does look like Kemsley. In Hong Kong with Ashley?
  9. Will Ashley back them as much as Redknapp? I don't think so. It's easier to say no to an employee than to a mate who happens to be an employee. Not really the point. Im just saying that these are 2 realisitc candidates who are ambitious and would tick all the boxes for the fans.
  10. It's simply not true. Falsehood. If Shearer doesnt know what we as fans want then who the hel does. There are so many myths about nufc.
  11. Houllier and Van Gaal are 2 mnagers who come to mind who are ambtiious aappointments and also not too out of our reach.
  12. "Newcastle fans would rather we won the FA cup than the league" - Alan Shearer Boils my piss everytime he says that.
  13. Why would shearer potentially throw his name in the hat if its dead cert that Redknapp is coming?
  14. I wouldnt hold my breath, this has got redknapp nailed on im afraid, its strange because this is the first time in many years where i have actually believed we'd be in a position to appoint a top manager. Part of me thinks im being unrealisitc part of me is seeing it as a realistic option. I just dont understand what could possibly attract Ashley, maybe lookin at the likes of lippi or jose are a tad unrealisitc but the likes of Houllier, Vn Gaal, havent even been mentioned.
  15. Does any one know of a reason why throughout our premiership history why we only appoint english british managers? With the exception of Gullit who obviously was familiar with the english league. I just dontunderstand why throughout our entire history we havent looked to appoint a foriegn manager from a different league and perspective. Not saying that that is the way to success, just that there hasnt been an actively effort to look outside the great bristish borders. My guess is the whole "understanding the geordie culture bollocks" to be honest, i can also see why Ashley and Mort would buy into that if that is what is being peddled about in the media and by footballing people.
  16. f*** that. Mr Miyagi Chuck Norris is your man. They say god wanted 10 days to build the world, Chuck gave him 7.
  17. Not sure how I'd feel about this, what kind of experience does he have of top flight football? I'm aware that he brought Juventus back into Serie A but he left to be replaced by Ranieri didn't he? To be fair, my nan could have taken Juve back into Serie A. Would she be interested inthe toon job? Probably not. She's holding out for the Liverpool job at the end of the season. Smart move
  18. Not sure how I'd feel about this, what kind of experience does he have of top flight football? I'm aware that he brought Juventus back into Serie A but he left to be replaced by Ranieri didn't he? To be fair, my nan could have taken Juve back into Serie A. Would she be interested inthe toon job?
  19. Man, i cant make head nor tail with whats going on (obviously). My big concern is what could possilby have interested both Ashley and Kelmsey in wanting Redknapp, it just doesnt add up. What has he actually done throughout his career that makes Ashley so desperate to get him at this club?? Why would someone be so confident to put £30m in his hands?
  20. Must say it puts me off. It also put me off Allardyce... difference being Allardyce was never arrested. I think we need to sign the right characters as well as the people with the right skills. Was also against signing Barton on the same grounds, and why I feel like vomiting when people suggest signing Chimbonda. I never realised this Redknapp bung thing was in stone, i missed the Panorama thing so dont really know the extent of it all. To be honest asmuch as i dont want baggage at the club i can handle someone like Redknapp, Allardyces involvement in the bung thing didnt seem to affect me too much. As for Barton, i was comletely against him as well, i just couldnt see the sense of gettin rid of Bellamy, Dyer, Bowyer et al then replacing them with possibly THE big troublemaker in the Prem.
  21. because he only does stuff for money Wheres that come from? Im sure he one of the lowest paid managers in the league?
  22. Why do people hate Redknap as a person? Because of his bung stuff?
  23. u-turn of the decade Thought you'd say that, but the subtlty to waht im saying is that it wouldnt be practical and sensible to to leave Redknapp in this window with no finanace to make his own signings and work with them. I still dont think that Allardyce should of got too much backing because he didnt get anyhting out of anyof his signings from the summer. Redknapp or any other manager need to be able to manage a squad which they can call there own the only way to do this is to have there own signings at the club. So not quite a u-turn, just a sensible analysis of the current situation. thought you'd try and deny it. The sensible thing was always to attempt to get into europe. It's a huge u-turn mate, pure and simple. If you dont understand what a u turn is mate then thats your problem. A u-turn would be me saying Allardyce he needed to be back this January, i.e contrary what ive said previously. What im saying is actually different in the sense that a new manager always needs to make new signings, like Allardyce needed to make signings in the summer. The circumstances have changes now. Saying Redknapp needs backing this Januray is not the same as me saying Allardyce needs backing this January, can you see the difference? Probably not. mackems.gif Janitor is right, im not gonna respond to be fair, i just think there are 2 completely different sets of circumstances. I still believe that Allardyce shoudt of been given too much money this Jan which fits in line with my original argumetns but think as this squad isnt Harrys and he wont ave another period to buy his own players till summer he will need backing, Thats all.
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