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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. Precisely, Dave. Save our £100m* from Allardyce just to give it to Redknapp? Gerraway. *obviously, before someone pedantic sillybilly picks up on it, i'm just using that figure hypothetically... Id trust Harry to make better more attacking signings than Allardyce to be honest. I think he'd be able to implement those signings better as well. I dont know why, but Harry reminds me of Keegan.
  2. I think though that he'd be the exact opposite to Allardyce to be honest, he style has always been to try and beat them rather than Allardyces stop them scoring try and nick it. I can see Redknapp using the money on buyng more more attacking options rather than looking for defensive options. A complete different philosphy. Id rather we had Redknapp to Keegan, they strike me as similar types of managers.
  3. Thats a good point, something which hasnt really been mentioned too much.
  4. its all hypothetical, im just trying to look at the merits of the potential appointment. try and drum up some support etc....
  5. Well, if we are to believe what the media are saying then 'Arry looks like he could be coming up north for a while. Now if this was to happen, why would people be unhappy? Is it because we should be aiming higher or becasue people dont rate Redknapp? Now personally, i think 'Arry could be someone i could get behind, more so than Allardyce, his brand of footbal is really good to watch and he has been pretty successful where ever he's been as well as unearthing and blooding young talent and some excellent gems. His impact on a football club is pretty immediate too, bar southampton which people could argue was a sinking ship anyway. The more i think about this potential appoint, the more it would excite me, he has a really good record in the transfer market his brand of football would be excellent, the squad he would inherit would have some good attacking options and i have no doubt that with backing he'd undoubtedly get would he would be ableto pull off some big trasfers. I also think that his effect would be pretty immediate.
  6. To be honest, i could see both happening, Blackburn arent ever gonna be able to employ the same resources we have, and he strikes me as an ambitious manager. Redknapp has links with Ashley and is one of the lowest paid managers in the league with ok resourcesbut nothing compared to us. He'd also be tempted by the fat wages he'd be earingin up here. Massively tempted. i take ur point, but both clubs are doing well and it would take some balls to move here who have no chance of doing anything this season (realistically) Yeh, thats what i think, i could probably understand Hughes coming here, if only for the challenge and backing he's bound to get i can see Blackburn hitting a plateau pretty soon.. If harry came up here it would be mad to be honest, he has a cushy job with a bright future.
  7. To be honest, i could see both happening, Blackburn arent ever gonna be able to employ the same resources we have, and he strikes me as an ambitious manager. Redknapp has links with Ashley and is one of the lowest paid managers in the league with ok resourcesbut nothing compared to us. He'd also be tempted by the fat wages he'd be earingin up here. Massively tempted.
  8. Both Blackburn and pompey seem open to offers for Hughes and Arry, usualy you get the "not going anywhere" blurb.
  9. It would be easier for you to just say you believed the article.
  10. Not necessarily. Whether Redknapp or Hughes are considered of the 'blown socks off' standard depends on how highly they are rated by the board, whom at the moment have a very questionable level of football knowledge. nah sorry i'm not having that, if it turns out to be one of them he was lying Really, if Redknapp or Hughes are appointed, it means that the board thinks he was the best possible man for the job, and therefore given what must therefore be assumed to be limited football knowledge, Mort's socks blew off when he received the call touting whoever. Another absolutely correct observation, ignored by those who form a different "opinion" based on nothing other than seeing what they want to see. Well you are ignoring things as well, such as Oliver describing the agents client as being a "top manager", and also one who didnt have morts number. It may of been viable that Oliver may belive that Hughes and Redknapp are top managers, and they may of "knocked the boards socks off" but it isnt under any circumstances viable that the representatives of Hughes or Redknap wont have Morts number my post a few days ago, said that I think it was obviously a deliberate ploy to get this particular event reported in the press, by the biggest paper in the city, and Oliver duly obliged. It being his job, unless he had reason to hold it back. I haven't got a clue what Oliver thinks of Redknapp or Hughes. Nor Mort, because we don't know who the name was that was mentioned, nor do we know who Ashley and Mort think "would blow their socks off". Not yet anyway. So I can't see your point, you are rambling on again. I will be interested to see your response if they start to back their manager mind, copies of any letters of protest you send to the board for showing ambition and not building up solid, slow and "planned" foundations should be posted on here for interests sake if nothing else. Just so we can all see. What, so you didnt think it was true? As you describe it as a ploy, yet in your previous posts you say... Dear me, bracktracking-ell!
  11. How muich of a dick would we look though, when he doesnt come.
  12. Not necessarily. Whether Redknapp or Hughes are considered of the 'blown socks off' standard depends on how highly they are rated by the board, whom at the moment have a very questionable level of football knowledge. nah sorry i'm not having that, if it turns out to be one of them he was lying Really, if Redknapp or Hughes are appointed, it means that the board thinks he was the best possible man for the job, and therefore given what must therefore be assumed to be limited football knowledge, Mort's socks blew off when he received the call touting whoever. Another absolutely correct observation, ignored by those who form a different "opinion" based on nothing other than seeing what they want to see. Well you are ignoring things as well, such as Oliver describing the agents client as being a "top manager", and also one who didnt have morts number. It may of been viable that Oliver may belive that Hughes and Redknapp are top managers, and they may of "knocked the boards socks off" but it isnt under any circumstances viable that the representatives of Hughes or Redknap wont have Morts number especially given the links between redknapp and ashley Precisely.
  13. Im not being funny but you'd have to have a pretty limited knowledge of football to have your "socks blown off" by the likes of Hughes and Redknapp offering there serives to us,team which are witin 8 points of us.
  14. Not necessarily. Whether Redknapp or Hughes are considered of the 'blown socks off' standard depends on how highly they are rated by the board, whom at the moment have a very questionable level of football knowledge. nah sorry i'm not having that, if it turns out to be one of them he was lying Really, if Redknapp or Hughes are appointed, it means that the board thinks he was the best possible man for the job, and therefore given what must therefore be assumed to be limited football knowledge, Mort's socks blew off when he received the call touting whoever. Another absolutely correct observation, ignored by those who form a different "opinion" based on nothing other than seeing what they want to see. Well you are ignoring things as well, such as Oliver describing the agents client as being a "top manager", and also one who didnt have morts number. It may of been viable that Oliver may belive that Hughes and Redknapp are top managers, and they may of "knocked the boards socks off" but it isnt under any circumstances viable that the representatives of Hughes or Redknap wont have Morts number
  15. I don't know how to respond here. Are you clear on the concept of journalism? You do realize that it isn't supposed to be made up? So, you are saying that Oliver has to tell his readers who his sources are mackems.gif Fantastic. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. This isn't Watergate. Nobodies lives are at stake, and I doubt anyone's job is either (probably because he MADE IT UP). I at least want to know the agent's name, if not the person he spoke to. Especially if we end up appointing Harry Redknapp. sorry, but in the real world, journalists don't name their sources. For obvious reasons. Backing NE5 on this one, no journo is going to hand over his source, no matter what line of feild he's in. Stupid to think he should or would, i know the guy is dumb, but he's not thick as fuk. To be fair, it would madness to oust his "source", that insider would soon become an outsider if people knew who he was, knowone wants a mole unless its tactical.
  16. The first thing they said last night was that club sources stated that we're after an experienced British manager and we'd be going through the proper channels, that then changed to "Sky Sports News Understands" and then a few hours later it changed altogether to say that NUFC sources were now saying that "nationaility did not come into it." The safe money is still on Redknapp, Hughes or Shearer - but the majority of fans want foreign, and as has been stated, most want Mourinho. But just recently SSNhave just said that (in response to a fans email for Jose) we are looking for a British manager who's already employed, ruling out Jose. Man, im so confused and excited, its this decision which shapes the future of this club for the coming years, it'd be mad of them to rule out anyone. Harry would be so uninspiring but if he produced good football onthe pitch then i could quite easily support him. Kelmsey wanted Harry, i imagine Ashley will rate him the same. Harry said he turned down what he considers a big job (Spurs), i think he'll of turned them down becuase of Comolli. We wont have that problem. It'd would be nice to see the board actively seeking bigger options though, even if they didnt get them.
  17. Where has it been said that nationality wont be an issue? SSN have implies that we're actually looking for a Brit manager who's already in a job. Why?
  18. the thoughts in germany are that klinsmann got the best out of an already set up coaching set up and wasn't that astute himself. (the current german manager whose name i cant remember being the brains behind it) Joachim Lowe is the guy you're on about, someone i actually like the look of, seems to have made Germany a great force again, plays good football as well. He's someone who's gone under the radar to be fair. I actually thought it was Hughes dead cert, but i heard 'Arry as links with Ashley, its something that i could deal with to be honest, not exactly inspiring, but he always brings good football wherever he'sbeen. My worry if that i dont see him being a good long term choice who could help us break into the top 4. That is a mntrous challenge and its gonna require someone big and extremely talented to get us there.
  19. So let me get this right, (a) Redknapp and Hughes are 2 "top managers which would blow Morts socks off" (b) the agent of these "top managers" needed to ring the local hack to get Mort's number to let him know that they are interested in the job?? Is that basically the drift of it? What a frustrating load of bollocks. or as NE5 would say mackems.gif
  20. This has got Mark Hughes written all over it if you ask me. Redknapps quotes suggest he would be interested, whther he has the brass bollocks and confidence to except this challenge is another question, especially as he has one of the safest jobs in England. I think he's primarily interested because of £££££££. He's one of the lowest paid managers in the prem. For me it'll be Mark Hughes who'll get the job, i think he has a massive reputation in the game of football both as a former player and now as a up and coming young manager. He'll be well respected inthe football game and this alone will get him to the front of the cue, he's at a club with meagre resources and low potential which is punching well above its weight and still not getting the support it deserves, his transfer record has been excellent so far and for me that just adds to his reputation. From a business and practical sense, this appointment would actually make the most sense, but its not overly ambitious which is extrmely worrying for me.
  21. The mad thing about this thread which highlights the problems we have as fans is that, although predicting what he might of achieved with us is a moot point, a very high percentage of football fans still actually belivied that he would eventually achieve our primary goal. Its shocking that people acknowledge that he had a good chance of achievieng something but didnt have the patience to wait, because that essentially is what is highlighted by this thread.
  22. Anyone not good enough for England wont come to us, i can feel it in my funny bone.
  23. all fingers points to ONE man Chuck Norris?
  24. Mark hughes morel likely than Redknapp inmy opinion. Might like the bigger resources, highly rated etc. I'll pray for Hitzfeld or Mourihno. But wont be surprised if its someone more low key. The thing that im clinging onto at the mo, is that the 2 big clubs we're competing with (ie simialr situations to us) Spuds and Man city have gone for foreginer with good reps and so i imagine Mort will look to go the same way.
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