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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. Would i be wrong in saying that what Ashley said only became a lie on the last day of the transfer window?
  2. fredbob


    Apart from scoring a few goals. Few being the key word. We can't rely on him up front at the best of times never mind now. Honestly some of his play was embarrassing last night, I wouldn't mind but he's like that 2 games in 3, like I said he does very little other than score the odd goal which just isn't enough really. That pass where it went out of play, that control where it come off his shin, the dilly dallying, the constant misreading of Shola's knockdowns, that moment where he pointed for Shola to play it which he did, only for him to seemingly forget where he pointed to, going the other way instead. Thick as pig s*** that lad up stairs on that pitch. He scores goals though - and has proven in the past what a vital player he is for us (twice), late end of last season where his pace were perfect for changing the complexions of a game in an instant and when his goals saved us from relegation under Roeder. Lets not forget that, and lets not forget how when he did play in a team that knocked the ball about he did well. He needs the ball to his feet, not lumped to him from the defence. As for that little bit you described at the end, i actually thought it was no ones fault, if anything it was intelligent forward play from Martins where he made his run but checked it late to fool the defender - unfortunately Shola didnt read it. Martins didnt point at all. He's by no mean the complete package, and i dont think he ever will, but he's definitely a vital player for us in this paceless team.
  3. As far as i can see this is an impossible relationship - Ashley wont want Keegan having 100% full say on transfer policy and Keegan wouldnt want anyone having any say on his transfer policy. For the sake of the club I'd say no.
  4. fredbob

    back barton

    Id go as far as saying that making him captain now would be a very good mood providing the players were alrite with it, it would be the best thing JFK could do to invoke that siege mentality. The media would go fucking crazy, i think that "us against them" attitude could work wonders for us in the situation we're in now.
  5. I dont see many attainable managers to be honest, ones that will fit our criteria anyway. As for Shearer Im not sure, in fact i wouldnt want him here, he has a history of putting personality over ability and i dont see him creating a technically proficient squad like keegan or SBr but more a grafting conventional playing team like Dalglish/Souness (spit).
  6. Spot on, esepcially that last sentence. They looked excellent in the first half, Guthrie looked like a canny DM there seemed to be a decent understanding between those 2.
  7. Spot on, esepcially that last sentence. They looked excellent in the first half, Guthrie looked like a canny DM there seemed to be a decent understanding between those 2.
  8. Yeh, id have him back as well, Im not sure where our next appoitments goona come from though, there seems to be a severe lack quality managers that are available or even in 'attainable' at worst.
  9. Amen to that - the sooner this whole thing gets sorted out the better. I just hope that whoever comes puts a manager who likes to attack in charge becasue if he doesnt its not gonna be long before we see it happen all over again.
  10. But don't you also learn a lot about players when the going gets tough? A fair few players are made to look good if the rest of the team are doing well. Pretty difficult for a striker to make a mark on the game when the teams under the cosh, not a very influential position in those sort of situations.
  11. One could argue that he's horribly misguided, trying to play that kind of football with the resources at his disposal. It worked for him last year, its working for hull this year....either way the point still stands, its difficult to get a team playing the way he had them playing, i saw alot of dynamic movement from them. Movement which has been missing from our team for a long time.
  12. I know that we backed off them alot in the second half especially, but i think that West Brom played with some decent style, with more technically proficient players at his disposal i genuinely think Mowbray could do a good job here. He seems to have them playing a decent brand of football just minus the quality of player to make it count.
  13. Interesting - was gonna go for a 1-1 draw but with that line up im a little more optimistic! Shame we didnt have Bassong in - would of made that line up almost perfect in my opinion.
  14. Good signing. He'd add some extra options up front.
  15. fredbob


    Isnt the point that PSV status as a top team has been maintained despite all those changes of managers and that it has maintained its status as one of Europes top talent spotters?
  16. Its things like 6 posts in a row at the top of this page & the end of the previous one by the same person that are dragging it out on this occasion. sorry Liam, but I've been to work today, and am just catching up on the thread I've been posting in. I don't sit for hours on end all day looking at this site ? And on this occasion, I'll apologise for not sticking to the subject, even though I don't think anybody even you will blame me for replying. I haven't got a clue what fredbobs going on about either, which seems to have dragged it down to me. Whatever. Im only jokin with you. All I was saying is that your memeory must be very short if you genuinely think this is the worst squad we've had since 1992. Its an absurd claim and you know it. And as that was the point to your entire post i thought it was something that needed pointing out. p.s Why should anyone who wants to debate this point have to feel like we have to conform to some sort of "online" etiquette? Its like politics - no opposing party will ever agree but they'll still keep on debating, and why shouldnt they. my point is quite simple fredbob. I think this is the weakest squad of players since 1992 and I fully expect the league table at the end of the season to show it, unfortunately. I'm not talking about the first 11 here. We know - and you should because I told you - people like Viduka will hardly play, never mind perform when he does. We lack pace in midfield. We lack a balanced attack ie without a replacement for Viduka and cover for Owen and Martins, neither of who will play enough games. Any more than one or two injuries will cost us dear. Keegan knew all of this, and more. Thats why he's gone, along with the fact that they made him sell to buy then didn't even give him the money from the sale [of Milner] to buy the player he wanted. The fault lies with the person holding the purse strings, because he thought that he could run the club with minimal outlay and make smalll profits. This, to me, became more and more obvious at this stage of the season a year ago. Hence my comment about choosing to back the manager . This point was made by me in the past too ie the people who ran the club chose to back their managers and show ambition, which is never automatic. Ashley has chosen not to back his manager . I don't think Ashley will be very happy, but I don't give a toss about him, any more than it would appear he gave a toss about us. But isnt all what you've said applicable to other periods in our recent history? That's my point. It seems pretty ironic that youd use that particular stick to beat Ashley with when in actual fact the very thing you complain about has been wintessed in the past on 2 or 3 seperate occasions. Would you agree with me if i said that the qulaity of the playing staff has improved year on year since Ashley has been here? The signings may not of set the world on fire but they were a deifnite improvement on who they replaced... Think about it, you know the answer isnt one that you want it to be.
  17. fredbob


    Amd it was Ashley that didnt give it the chance to succeed. He had the opportunity once Kevin walked, to stick to his guns and to try and prove it could work. He chose to walk too. Its a good point but the evidence suggests that there are reasons for him walking and not just a case of him thinking "fuck it" as is being made out, maybe its financial and the problems with Sports Direct meant that he felt he needed to concentrate on whats most important to him, maybe he felt that the pressure from the fans was too much maybe he took exception to having his family and himself personally threatened (I'd bet my left testicle that he had death threats). Maybe its a combination of all 3. Who knows?
  18. Its things like 6 posts in a row at the top of this page & the end of the previous one by the same person that are dragging it out on this occasion. sorry Liam, but I've been to work today, and am just catching up on the thread I've been posting in. I don't sit for hours on end all day looking at this site ? And on this occasion, I'll apologise for not sticking to the subject, even though I don't think anybody even you will blame me for replying. I haven't got a clue what fredbobs going on about either, which seems to have dragged it down to me. Whatever. Im only jokin with you. All I was saying is that your memeory must be very short if you genuinely think this is the worst squad we've had since 1992. Its an absurd claim and you know it. And as that was the point to your entire post i thought it was something that needed pointing out. p.s Why should anyone who wants to debate this point have to feel like we have to conform to some sort of "online" etiquette? Its like politics - no opposing party will ever agree but they'll still keep on debating, and why shouldnt they.
  19. fredbob


    Is your complaint about Ashley the lack of signings the quality of signings or both? And how does your view compare to some of the transfer windows we had under Shepherd?
  20. Spoken to him, have you? Didn't think so. The facts are none of us know exactly what's gone on, so we can't really point the finger with absolute certainty. Given the relative merits of Kevin Keegan and Mike Ashley, I'd be inclined to back the former in a straight choice, but it's just not that simple. there are other people in the past that have been crucified by you and others and you didn't ask him nor did you ask others if they had also asked them. You would look better not moving the goalposts rather than blatantly defend anybody who I disagree with, even when I have facts to back up my own comments. Faced with a choice between believing Keegan and Ashley, I'll take Keegan anytime if its alright by you. This is the worst squad and smallest squad of players we have had since 1992. We are in the s*** for one reason and one reason only, and that is because they owner of the club failed to make the choice to show ambition in keeping with what this club ought to do and is used to seeing, in backing his own appointed manager. Considering thats the crux of your entire argument thats an incredibly turdish and quite frankly ridculous claim. Old age affecting your memory or is it just selective nowadays? no. I'm right and I expect the results and league position to prove it. Standby for our lowest top league position since winning promotion. At least we didn't waste any money in the summer. A bit of both then? What a ridiculous claim. eh ? A bit of both what Old age/Selective memory. look up the league tables. Nowt to do with memory. Definitely Old age/Selective memory.
  21. fredbob


    Have to say this but in my opinion theres a difference between failing and not been given the oppurtunity to succeed. That is all.
  22. Spoken to him, have you? Didn't think so. The facts are none of us know exactly what's gone on, so we can't really point the finger with absolute certainty. Given the relative merits of Kevin Keegan and Mike Ashley, I'd be inclined to back the former in a straight choice, but it's just not that simple. there are other people in the past that have been crucified by you and others and you didn't ask him nor did you ask others if they had also asked them. You would look better not moving the goalposts rather than blatantly defend anybody who I disagree with, even when I have facts to back up my own comments. Faced with a choice between believing Keegan and Ashley, I'll take Keegan anytime if its alright by you. This is the worst squad and smallest squad of players we have had since 1992. We are in the s*** for one reason and one reason only, and that is because they owner of the club failed to make the choice to show ambition in keeping with what this club ought to do and is used to seeing, in backing his own appointed manager. Considering thats the crux of your entire argument thats an incredibly turdish and quite frankly ridculous claim. Old age affecting your memory or is it just selective nowadays? no. I'm right and I expect the results and league position to prove it. Standby for our lowest top league position since winning promotion. At least we didn't waste any money in the summer. A bit of both then? What a ridiculous claim. eh ? A bit of both what Old age/Selective memory.
  23. Spoken to him, have you? Didn't think so. The facts are none of us know exactly what's gone on, so we can't really point the finger with absolute certainty. Given the relative merits of Kevin Keegan and Mike Ashley, I'd be inclined to back the former in a straight choice, but it's just not that simple. there are other people in the past that have been crucified by you and others and you didn't ask him nor did you ask others if they had also asked them. You would look better not moving the goalposts rather than blatantly defend anybody who I disagree with, even when I have facts to back up my own comments. Faced with a choice between believing Keegan and Ashley, I'll take Keegan anytime if its alright by you. This is the worst squad and smallest squad of players we have had since 1992. We are in the s*** for one reason and one reason only, and that is because they owner of the club failed to make the choice to show ambition in keeping with what this club ought to do and is used to seeing, in backing his own appointed manager. Considering thats the crux of your entire argument thats an incredibly turdish and quite frankly ridculous claim. Old age affecting your memory or is it just selective nowadays? no. I'm right and I expect the results and league position to prove it. Standby for our lowest top league position since winning promotion. At least we didn't waste any money in the summer. A bit of both then? What a ridiculous claim.
  24. A DM is important becasue it's the first defence against counter attacking football. Having 2 over commited box to box mids isnt ideal if possession is lost.
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