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Everything posted by manorpark

  1. It's REALLY GRIM darn Sarf. "Have a plate of Jellied Eels Mite"
  2. It's GRIM darn Sarf. "Have a plate of Jellied Eels Mite"
  3. "from one of London's grimmest places" - Lived in Cockney-land for years mate. It is ALL Grim!!! It really is "Grim Down South"
  4. Alex (and all) - It is so incredibly frustrating, as each "impossible that it has happened" year goes by! How often we achieve the impossible, is incredible!
  5. Couldn't agree more Alex, but there are times when bizarre comments need to be responded to!
  6. No response, silly Monkey?
  7. This is a pointless argument. Until recently (VERY recently) I would have always classed us as a PERMANENT member of a 'Big Five' (Financially : which is the main thing and we still have that / and support/fame-wise / and "potential" (sadly, only POTENTIAL) to win loads of things and challenge for the Premiership season-in, season-out). We have slipped, even from this position, over the last two seasons (ONLY over the last two seasons). Remember, Chelsea are not, by any stretch of even the thickest persons braindead imagination, a "BIG" club. They are a JOKE. A joke that goes bankrupt (afresh) every year!!!!!!!!!! Bankrupt, out-of-business - GONE, afresh, every year - be it by "£85 Million" (2005) or by "£145 Million" (2006) or whatever it is, afresh, each year. They get "Russian Grants and Donations" that rescue them from bankruptcy, every year (at the moment). It will not last, the bloke will be off soon, then they will VANISH. Also, so many people confuse "Current successful T E A M" with "Large C L U B". Just because a small CLUB (like Chelsea, though they are an 'extreme' and artificial example) currently has a successful TEAM, that doesn't make them a part of any invented 'Big Four' There will be silly people who cannot (will not?) understand what I am saying. That sort of person always thinks that "whatever is NOW always will be" - they cannot see how 'transitional' (temporary) certain aspects of 'now' are!! Our status will never change, no matter how often little Monkeys decry it.
  8. Isn't it 'pathetic' that Shepherd acknowledges the actual existence of the 'press-created' Big Four Clubs. My god, just how FAR have we fallen in the last two seasons. Hello - Aston Villa, Everton and Spurs.
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