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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. There's no way he got through the door, bay window out and winched him in.
  2. This should be a cakewalk for a resurgent Arsenal, even with a weakened team they should dispatch Steve "The Offal" Bruce with ease. Another season wasted, another 90 minutes of our lives we'll never get back. 3-0 the Arse.
  3. Brucey special, play extraordinarily negative, boring football, bring the opposition down to our level and hope for a draw.
  4. 3-0 Leicester, too easy for them, they'll lay off us in the second half to conserve energy with the job already done and we'll still struggle to get out our own half, the one time we do will see them score their 3rd and game over. Bruce will say we were in it up until that 3rd goal and had our effort gone in it would have been a different game, but we'll roll wor sleeves up and go again.
  5. The Liverpool game was one of those where the players want to play better on the big stage, nothing to do with Bruce. Liverpool were as poor as I've seen them in a few years, the match could have gone on for 4 more hours and neither side would have scored. Fully expecting a return to normality and 3-0 loss today and Bruce scratching his head that the same team in the same formation couldn't get the same result.
  6. It's all gotten very RTG in here, do people have to start watching their letterboxes soon, marra? Might be a good time for some of you to step away from their computer and take a deep breath. It's all a but shite at the moment, what with lockdowns, shite football, Bruce, no takeover on the horizon, but maybe let's not take it out on each other. We all want the same thing when it comes to NUFC. I would be less concerned about how embarrassed you are about a letter some of our fans sent to the PM and more about the petty arguments you're publicising on here.
  7. Definitely could have been written better but maybe they were going for emotive and personable over professional and stuffy? I don't find it embarrassing as I didn't write it, not sure how people get embarrassed for someone else to be honest. It might be a little cringe worthy but at least they're still going for it, still trying to keep this takeover afloat in the water. Clearly there is more to what they're doing in the grand scheme of it all or they'd have been asked to stop by those involved in the takeover. So maybe, rather than criticize and feel embarrassed by proxy, we should just leave them to it, offer support of we can and see how it plays out, or if it really bothers you that much, ignore it all until it reaches whatever conclusion it's hurtling towards.
  8. Well, looks like we're back here again. Hoping for a record breaking good old fashioned dry bumming, he needs to be exposed so even his most embittered cheerleaders in the media can't possibly defend him.
  9. If he can't sell it for £305m he won't sell it, he'll just hold onto it until he can put it back on the market in the PL.
  10. No intention but to lose this by as few goals as possible, lump it on less than 20% possession and 0 shots on goal.
  11. They'd beat us with a team of actual skeletons tbf. Man City could have eleven first team players out and they would still give us a thrashing. Bruce would have all our players in our half defending for dear life against an empty pitch, hoping for a lucky draw
  12. Absolutely couldn't care less right now, total cold blooded apathy. I hated Pardew, wanted us to lose to prove a point, but at least I had emotion towards something. Now matches happen and I don't even realise, I try and watch some games and just phase out, end up wandering off to do something more productive. It's never felt this pointless before. I'm not from the area, I fell in love with NUFC in the 90s, I've never supported another team, I just latched on and have never let go. I bought every VHS/DVD, every shirt, watched every game rain or shine, made the 300 mile round trip more than once. It's just sad, what a waste of a generation.
  13. Mattoon

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas you bunch of reprobates. Hope you all have a good one
  14. Yet the football is day and night, funny that
  15. I don't think even Shearer will dig Bruce out, he'll be honest to a point, but I imagine most pundits will be blaming the players, not mentioning the fact the same players were insurmounably better under the previous manager and they've lost their way due to lack of coaching. Fwiw Pardew is Klopp compared to this cabbage.
  16. Couldn't be arsed to watch the inevitable play out last night, could have scripted it myself, went Christmas food shopping instead. I'll be giving this a wide berth too, can't stomach watching the wretched display we put up every match, it'll be a much better Christmas if I just check the result and laugh at Bruce. Literally the only thing that can save this club is a takeover at this point, sleepwalking our way to relegation again whilst being told we don't deserve to expect any more and Bruce is doing a great job. Fuck that noise.
  17. Another saunter in the park for the opposition, disjointed, aimless, clueless and useless from top to bottom. Bruce has sucked the life out of this squad.
  18. Not sure I can be arsed to watch a live rearing with an exasperated cabbage heed waving his arms around on the touch line, not my idea of fun. Anyone know where I can get a stream for the gang bang?
  19. Pardew was just an out and out twat and unashamedly so. Bruce likes to play the nice guy with sly digs and swipes, professing to be everything he's not. "Very, very good" get fucked, you useless sack of shite.
  21. If he has players to choose from, he'll choose the wrong players. Can't see us getting anything more than a lucky point here.
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