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Everything posted by toon25

  1. I don't mean to call you out because you're far from the only one, but are you all this negative with other things in life? If so, there's a lot of miserable bastards on here. It's two games, we still have one of the best squads in the league, we probably will get at least one more in, and we have the best manager in the league by some distance. We may not walk the league like everyone thought, but we have 44 games to go. Let's all calm down a bit and have a little faith in the first quality manager we've had in over a decade. Not at all. I'm frustrated because we're not playing well, and I continue to see the problems popping up in the same areas. I've not once questioned the ability of players brought in. Of course they need time to gel. What I'm saying is that I don't think there have been efforts to address the weaknesses in the 2 positions we've known have been problematic for nigh on 3 years. I don't think this is negativity; we're short in key areas that haven't been addressed yet. I hope to be proven wrong, but time is ticking and I worry that we'll be left short of quality to mount a strong challenge.
  2. In addition, I think a loan for an Everton reserve is hardly a long term solution the LB problem.
  3. I don't know, like. I think given what we've seen it's clear that there are areas that need to be addressed. A left back and a central midfielder should have been first through the door. We've been short of quality in these areas long before Rafa arrived.
  4. After initial optimism, I don't think there's any way we'll get what we need between now and the end of the window. Having seen the deficiencies in the squad over the past couple of weeks, there are simply too many holes to fill to make us competitive given the strides some of our promotion rivals have made recently.
  5. If he needs motivation to play for Rafa then he's not worth bothering with.
  6. I still have absolutely no idea why we signed him. Especially given the fact we were in a relegation struggle when he arrived. He's a player we simply can't afford at the moment, good passer of the ball or not.
  7. Central midfield has been a problem since Cabaye left. Fucking joke.
  8. Aye. He's not going to be given time to show what he can do in this league.
  9. Gayle not good enough to carry the burden of scoring enough on his own to get us out of this league.
  10. This squad has nowhere near enough to go up without a hassle. Going to be a long season at this rate. No threat. Not enough goals.
  11. They're going 4-4-fucking-2. Exactly what we should be doing. This isn't the fucking Premier League and we don't have to be so rigid.
  12. The brass neck on this cunt.
  13. Thing with Shola though, is that whilst he was absolute dogshit, he wasn't a coward. Frustrating as fuck to watch him week in, week out, don't get me wrong, but I didn't hate him as much as this twat. Shola also had the decency to get injured regularly.
  14. I'm sorry, like, but I just can't help but feel this new ownership of Villa and Wolves has complete balls up written all over it.
  15. Can't see them letting him go for that.
  16. I'd like to think so, but I don't think there's enough goals there at all. Perez isn't prolific, and Mitrovic is more battering ram than finisher. Gayle and Ritchie have experience in the league, granted. Moreover, how often will we see these guys all on the pitch at the same time?
  17. Aye. Butt was old and Smith kept getting injured by throwing himself into needless tackles. No danger of that happening with Colback.
  18. Aye. All the more important given that this cunt can't.
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