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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Ryan Taylor

    He's finished. Should be nowhere near a match day squad. We all know hell be shoe-horned in by the king week in, week out, however.
  2. Really don't understand why the porn barons still back him.
  3. Can see those twats doing well next season, sadly.
  4. toon25

    Remy Cabella

    Spot on. Even 12 months ago people would've been far more positive about a signing like this. Staggering how much enjoyment has been drained from us this past year.
  5. Fucking hell, there is nothing entertaining about this match at all.
  6. Never seen those tacky fucking SD signs in the tunnel before. Cheap as fuck.
  7. Gotze's been crap in more or less every game I've seen him in this World Cup.
  8. Very well said sir and tbh was going to post pretty much the same thing and i imagine the majority of us feel the same way Aye. Top post.
  9. I'm not sure what their names are off the top my head, but there's a CM from Chile and Colombia who have been class too. Vidal, maybe? Thought he was great against Spain particularly. Diaz has also been good.
  10. Portugal are fucking woeful. Offered zero threat.. But....fuck yes. 2-2
  11. Portugal are a horrible side to watch. No fluency or team spirit at all. And their strikers are fucking shit.
  12. Aye. Typical case of square pegs and round holes. Why he's playing Van Buyten rather than one of the other CBs I don't know.
  13. Absolutely love Clarence Seedorf. Would like to see him given another shot at management soon. Speaks a lot of sense.
  14. Really not been overly impressed by Gotze so far this tournament.
  15. Benzema was superb last night, watching the highlights of the French game.
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