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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Players in public

    Saw Lee Probert walking past Topshop at Cribbs Causeway in Bristol today. Was smaller than I imagined but no less troll like in appearance.
  2. toon25

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If Dan fucking Gosling starts, man.
  3. They've got better players too tbf. Though I'm sure someone told me that they got them by spending money or something equally silly. Spending money Dave? Gerraway man. Nobody should be doing that these days. They'll end up like a Portsmouth or a Leeds.
  4. Outclassed by the tactical mastermind that is Tim fucking Sherwood. Well fucking done you useless sack of shite.
  5. Spot on. The lack of ambition from the top filtering down to the players too.
  6. Should have taken that offer for Cisse tbh. Really don't have a fucking clue what's been done with him.
  7. Vickic has never convinced when I've seen him tbh.
  8. Didn't realise QPR were just a bunch of washed up Premier League shite until tonight. Would love it if they didn't go up.
  9. Should have been in for Holtby on loan. Would've been a fantastic short-term replacement for Cabaye.
  10. No they won't. They'll sing songs about Ashley and he'll be 300 miles away not giving a fuck. Pards will smile and give the fans a wave and job done. Aye. Rinse and repeat.
  11. Not fooling anyone you fat cunt. This was part of the plan all along. That senile duffer was just a buffer between him and those on the management wanting investment in the squad. Nice try, but you'll still not get a penny from me. Hope the majority won't be fooled by this charade either.
  12. toon25

    José Mourinho

    He's a brilliant cunt, really. Brilliant, but a cunt all the same. Glad he's back in the Prem for the entertainment.
  13. Here, here. I've not a fucking clue why he was appointed in the first place. A deliberate attempt to piss off the fans perhaps? Or perhaps Ashley is indeed moving closer to selling up and needed one of his bum boys who wouldn't pester him for cash every transfer window. Either way, it's job done for the fat cunt in charge. - alienated a large majority of fans. Check - spent fuck all. Check The lot of them can go to hell in a hand basket. Fucking odious pigs.
  14. Think it's in Keegans book that says Freddie Fletcher just rocked up at the Juventus HQ and demanded to speak to someone about buying him And quickly got told to fuck off. Them days we genuinely tried to sign the cream of the crop, home or abroad. Aye. Sad times really.
  15. They turned last season and it didn't make any difference. Absolutely agree with the second point though. Very worried about the future, there are very few clueless fuckwits out there who'd willingly work under JFK. I'm not saying Pardew shouldn't go, quite the contrary, but only the shite scraped from the murkiest depths of the football barrel would work under this set up. The club has not, and will not, have another penny from me until Ashley is gone.
  16. Clearly the season is over for him. Reached his objective by Christmas. Fucking clueless, talentless, ambitionless cunt.
  17. Never gone into a derby expecting to lose before. Sad times.
  18. Yep. Far too eloquent. Not enough profanities.
  19. I feel sorry for the poor cunt who has to ghost write that column for him week in, week out. Making sense from drunken, senile, bull shit mustn't be the most rewarding job in the world.
  20. It's the msg it send though, tbh. He's been shite, aye, but whilst he's here there's at least a small chance that he'd put in a shift at a crucial time for us between now and the rest of the season. I mean, for fucks sake, what other club in the history of the Prem has weakened the team mid way through the season when sitting in 8th place. It's an absolute fucking travesty and a clear sign as any (if we needed it) that these cunts in charge want nothing more than staying up. Fuck them. Cunts.
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