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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Question is, would he be the same player if he didn't do all of that shit? Ive always thought he liked to be the pantomime villain as it seemed to spur him on, the little wanker.
  2. Fucking hell. That Suarez is such a brilliant cunt.
  3. Not expecting anyone in or out this Jan tbh.
  4. That's now made my weekend, that. Hope the fat wanker has to stand on a packed train all the way bk to London.
  5. Winter kit? What the fuck is that about?
  6. toon25

    Papiss Cissé

    He's fucking shit. Misses far far too many decent chances that any striker with an ounce of intelligence would put away. Was the same last season too.
  7. The. Let offensive thing in that David Ginola clip was Tim fucking love joy. How the hell does that cunt keep getting work. Smug wanker.
  8. Aye. Think he's a very good manager. Just a bit of a miserable git.
  9. Wish we could play like that every week. Glad the lads proved me wrong.
  10. You know roughly what he is on now? And how much do you reckon we'd give? We'd offer roughly half of what he's on now.
  11. Ffs, not up for this at all. An easy day for the dippers here - 3 or 4-0, them to score an early goal from a defensive fuck up to destroy any hope of taking something from the game.
  12. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Fucking clueless. Nothing we didn't know already. A coward, to boot.
  13. Playing Liverpool soon, aren't we? Sturridge and Suarez against this lot.
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