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Everything posted by toon25

  1. What irks me most about this Spurs/Carroll saga is that we'd never hear the end of it Saggy face moaning if someone continually whacked in bids for Bale in spite of both the manager and club continually reiterating that he's not for sale. Bunch of cunts that Spurs lot, and hypocrites to boot.
  2. Great news. Keep it up! Especially like the 'very last time' and 'simply not for sale'. My god, I fucking hate Redknapp. Guaranteed they'll come back with £30mil on Monday.
  3. toon25

    Sebastian Larsson

    Thanks for the compliments chaps! Ive also enlarged it and printed it off poster size and stuck it on the wall, much to the disgust of the wife!
  4. toon25

    Sebastian Larsson

    I must say, having paid much closer attention to him since we were linked, I really don't think he's that good.
  5. Andros Townsend on loan to Watford for rest of season. I only mention it as I used to teach the odious little twat at a school in London. His older brother was a wankpot too.
  6. Didn't Lallana just sign a new contract? Sure I heard something about that on 5live last week.
  7. Smith should never play for us again, even at a reserve level. I'm going to go ahead and say he's the worst player we've ever had in my time supporting the club. Not only does he offer nothing positive to the team, he actually assists the opposition with his constant stupid fouls and destruction of our attacking play. I genuinely think we'd do better with 10 men on the field against Sunderland than with this amped up tosser snarling his miserable way around the field. Hope he contracts a very serious illness during the week and is unavaliable for selection, because I have no faith in Pardew leaving him out, even after that horrendous display against Stevenage. It's scandalous that the bloke continues to be picked tbh. I cannot for the life of me fathom why, since he's been here, managers have continued to see him as an 'option'. I know he's not first team any more but I'm flabergasted everytime I see him on the team sheet. For me, that pass to a Stevenage player about 2 metres in front of him epitomised this twat and his lack of ability. Fucking get rid!
  8. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    I don't fucking like the bloke but I sincerely hope he's not stupid. Surely he will have been able to see that Smith isn't worth a shirt? He's never struck me as a manager who's afraid of playing non-British players. I may be wrong though.
  9. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Shock. Horror. Bahahahahaha fucking hell, waht a bunch of fucking cowards. This.
  10. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Did you have to post that!!! I was nearly f***in sick!!!! That's a fucking shit eating grin if ever I've seen one. Bastard.
  11. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Just out of interest will anybody be tuning into the press conference if its on SSN?
  12. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    If rumours are to be believed, this is the worst bit for me. Stinks to high heaven of jobs for the boys. But for the fact this guy is Ashley's mate, I highly doubt whether he'd be given more than an 18 month deal.
  13. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    This. Tbh it's only the laugh I'm getting from some of these 'fuck off Pardew' images that ae keeping me from putting my fucking fist through the monitor.
  14. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Why not? Me either, the same thing happens whenever there's a decision that the N-O board doesn't appreciate, the sky falls in but lo and behold, when the protests and outrage fail to materialise, people on here seem stunned. Pardew will come out, there'll be a mix, if not muted, reaction and life will go on. Welcome to NUFC. I honestly don't think it will be as muted this time. I think this is the final straw for many. People have thresholds - even devote fans. This is a step too far, even for that fat cunt. Even if there is no protest I can certainly see attendences dropping. Something tells me that even 'Pards' won't be able to produce the sort of football worth paying for.
  15. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Is this really going to happen? Why have they not announced anything even though contracts have supposedly been signed?
  16. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Honest question: Is Ashley aware of the extent of fan opposition to this appointment or does he genuinely take us for fuckwits likely to take whatever he puts in front of us?
  17. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    This is the interesting thing for me - the players had a huge amount of respect for Hughton and were also incredibly loyal. Considering some of the reactions to Hughton's sacking from Jonas and Enrique I doubt very much if Pardew is going to (re)-unite the team. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them ask for a move away come Jan and I don't blame them. I expect we'll see a few more of the youth players in the squad/team before Jan as some of the current 1st team won't give a fuck about playing for this clown. We shall see.
  18. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    That is a deliberate ploy from the club to make us think there wasn't a pre-determined plan. Fact. Hoenstly, what a bunch of lying cunts they are. This must be the final straw, surely. Why should we take this time and again? Lying, cheating, clueless scum with no class. Boycoutt.
  19. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    i didn't ask about the situation, i asked about how pardew could possibly be considered worse than JFK i'm out, i'll come back in a few days see if people have calmed down enough to talk sense The thing is, with JFK, I never had the sense that it was permanent. Ashley had simultaneously put the club up for sale and, whilst hoping in vain that he would only be here until the club was sold, I accepted the fact that abolsutely no-one would work under those conditions of uncertainty. No-one. JFK, as shite as he was, was only going to be interim. This takes the piss.
  20. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    What'll really be worse is if he's given a 5 yr deal. What a slap in the face for poor old Chris. I'm with Ronaldo. The only consolation I'm taking from this is that I'm not alone - (hopefully) many more will stand together and say enough is enough.
  21. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Insult to us fans too. Fuck this.
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