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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Absolutely right. Pay him off and send him on his way.
  2. toon25


    Undoubtedly the best player I've seen during my lifetime. Such an awful shame he was struck down by serious injuries. Farewell the Ronaldo. Eat, sleep, and be merry. And then maybe eat some more.
  3. With this twat still around, there's always a danger he'll make it on to the pitch. Get shot, I say, and do it quickly!
  4. toon25


    Aside from all the bullshit that's been pedalled by Twatter mongs, do we know if any other club has yet made a bid?
  5. Difficult to put a value on him since he's been so important for us, not only due to his leadership skills but also because he scores a number of important goals. If I was pushed I'd have to say £5-6m. But I'd be reluctant to let him go.
  6. Sky Sports sources understand Phil Jones is not heading for Anfield but is in fact having a medical ahead of signing a five-year deal with Manchester United. We'll bring you more details as we get them. Edit: Aaaahhh, 4 seconds late! Good good. One in the bollocks for Dogleash and the bin dippers at least.
  7. Fuck off Fat Sam. Cunt. Whilst I'm with the club on the contract issue, Nolan's too important for us at the moment to be accepting bids, especially of £3m, from West fucking Ham.
  8. toon25


    I really get the sense from that interview that he was just specifically asked about that article (about Arsenal and City). I find it hard to believe that those clubs are looking at him to be honest (Arsenal because of the players they've got, and City because they could spend whatever amount of money on whatever player). The (reliable) French press have only really credited ourselves and Everton with an interest / bids. Agreed. Honestly couldn't see him fitting in at Shitty. If he does go there he'll most likely regret it come the end of the season having spent most of it on the bench. Nah. Perhaps not financially I suppose. Anyway, I'm just trying to make excuses as to why he might want to come here.
  9. toon25


    I really get the sense from that interview that he was just specifically asked about that article (about Arsenal and City). I find it hard to believe that those clubs are looking at him to be honest (Arsenal because of the players they've got, and City because they could spend whatever amount of money on whatever player). The (reliable) French press have only really credited ourselves and Everton with an interest / bids. Agreed. Honestly couldn't see him fitting in at Shitty. If he does go there he'll most likely regret it come the end of the season having spent most of it on the bench.
  10. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100507/smith-takes-top-merit-marks-prize_2281670_2045314 That has Jonas as our second best player, with Harper and Lovenkrands ahead of Coloccini As a person he is not shit, that's all i want say. He's not paid to be a nice person though, unfortunately he was paid because a few mugs thought he could still play football. Good riddance. Contributed the grand sum of fuck all on the pitch since he came.
  11. Loving the new thread title. Edit: not any more.
  12. I think it really depends on whether or not the bloke cares about football. Personally, I'm not convinced he's someone that's going to want to move on and accept a lower wage somewhere else just so that he can 'play every week'. I'm next expecting a 'Smith outlines his intention to fight for place', or something, headline. Still, at least the club have recognised that he's fucking shite.
  13. Fantastic appointment. Thought Villa would do well to get him. Let's just hope we show similar ambition in the transfer market. It looks like it's going to be competitive next season!
  14. This is the problem with England, for me, and probably the reason why I couldn't give two shits whether they qualified or not. Too many players think they have a divine right to be playing. This is no doubt reinforced by the management who continue to pick players on reputation rather than form.
  15. Whilst Nolan is an integral player at the club at the mo, no way should we consider having him here until he's 33/34. Let him see out the remaining 2 years and, if at the end of that time he's still performing, only then should the club consider offering an extension. IMO it's taking a risk to extend his current deal - we don't want another Butt situation, where we're sick of him and desperate to see him go.
  16. Just out of interest VI, what are your thoughts on Ronaldinho? Can't help but think his attitude in his later years at Barca tainted his reputation somewhat. Will always remember that Champs League game against Chelsea mind. Ran the show, and that free kick man.
  17. T'was Noel Hunt I believe. Reached out to touch the ball thinking it was piece of copper piping.
  18. I assume this would also include Woy then, you dirty bin dipping cunts?
  19. This. Tbh though, I doubt they're even close to signing him. If we've just offered a new contract we're hardly going to let him negotiate with another team. Anyway, fuck off Liverpool you fucking bin dipping jammy cunts. Just fuck off.
  20. toon25


    Fucking love this. Should be made into small smiley.
  21. Hopefully not. Was beyond piss poor for Wham.
  22. toon25


    Presumably whilst looking in the rear view mirror as well. For all that taxi driver knew wor Gervi could have been squeezing out a fart.
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