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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Unlucky chaps, well done. Now get your arses on a plane
  2. IF true I didn't see that one coming! I thought we'd show a bit of patience with the chap. Would it mean that KK has a replacement lined up?
  3. Kev, if you're reading this.... Please don't think that Martins and Geremi will turn us into a decent team. They've tried before. They won't.
  4. I wouldn't yet say that I'm worried, I think quite a few of us are a little disappointed at the spectacular second half collapses against the Mancs and the Arse that seemed to show a lack of fight/guts, something that, given time, KK will be able to instill. What I will say is that some fans are beginning to place unnecessary pressure on the team that will only affect performances on the pitch. Though I understand that this cannot be helped to a certain extent, people ought to realise that KK has been here 5 minutes and played one of the best sides in the business with a depleted squad. Have faith and have patience, there have been some really positive moves behind the scenes and some real drive and progress is being shown. Hopefully we may even have a new face in by Thursday which will give us all a lift. Come on the Toon!
  5. Is that cockney rhyming slang Dinho?If so you've answered your own question mate.
  6. Would be delighted if this comes off, I think it would be a reality positive move, a young player with bags of potential in an area where we are lacking quality. I don't think he's the finished article by any means, but I think, with time and the right coaching, he could become a real asset and the focul point of the team. I agree with Toon's Taylor regarding the initial bid, I just hope that it doesn't serve to alert other clubs, it would be just our luck at the mo if Spuds or West 'am were to step in....bastards!
  7. It may be that Wise sees this as an opportunity to put himself in the shop window for a higher level club in the future, or at least move up a level. I'm not entirely sure that I see Wise as a member of 'backroom' staff in the long-term. I should imagine that he would look to get back into management after he has had a 'break' from the day to day running of a club within the next couple of years. After all, it's not as though he's completely cocked up his job wherever he's been so there wouldn't be a reason to turn his back on management
  8. Exactly, I said the same thing when Roeder joined as head of the Academy. I thought that a DOF was supposed to be an 'elder statesman' type of character, someone in the mould of Sir Bobby, not some taxi driving cockney wanker! I hope I'm proved wrong but I don't see this guy improving the club in any way
  9. Would be immense if 'fackin Spuurrs' were to miss out!
  10. Sadly, I don't think we'll be signing anyone, particularly after Woodgit turned us down. The worrying thing is that KK continues to state that 'there is enough quality' in the squad. IMHO I don't think that there is; yes we've got sufficient cover at the back but in the final third, especially in midfield, it's difficult to see where that 'quality' is, Joey 'jailbird' Barton, Geremi? NO, Butt? no fucking way, Smith? fuck off. Other than Zoggy and, debatably Duff, we have nothing special at all. I do however hope that KK can kickstart Martins, Viduka and Owen, we've certainly not seen their best this season but sadly, their form is partly reliant on the 'quality' of the midfield who should be supplying them
  11. Just to draw attention to the match report on the BBC sport website: 'An unlikely comeback was almost completed when bent lashed a shit against the bar, but Chelsea held on to progress to the fifth round'. What complete and utter cretins they have reporting for them, you would have thought that they would at least read their work before it's placed in the public bleeding domain!
  12. In part I agree that a new striker is needed, particularly for the short-term. In an ideal world if KK could bring a striker in next week of the calibre we are talking about then that's great but I think the long-term priority has to be an attacking CM, a midfielder that can spray the ball about and feed both the wingers and strikers. At the moment we have no-one that can do this, we are devoid of creativity and therefore our current strikers are left with no service and no opportunity to score goals.
  13. No service at all would like to see him with more creative players around him before we write him off completely Agree. Would love to see KK move for a more creative midfielder next week though, sadly, I don't see it. IF Woody comes back then I think that's a step in the right direction to building a solid spine to the team. Unfortunately I have absolutely no confidence in Butt, he's a lightweight and a poor passer of the ball who offers little protection to the defence. Completely agree with the view that we need to be more patient, KK has only been here a week and there were certainly positives from the performance. The lads need to adapt to a new system, it's just a shame that we had to come up against this lot twice in a very short space of time.
  14. FFS!!! I never expected us to win but that does not compensate for the complete and utter frustration! I suppose KK needed to take a look at Smith for himself but I just hope he sees the light and sends the useless twat to the reserves. We're just completely devoid of invention and the ability to cause teams trouble What did people think of Owen's performance?
  15. Ade'b*****d'bayor should'nt even be playing! Typical arseluck Come on toon, at least we're having a go!
  16. Okay, so, in an ideal world we would all have liked a couple of reinforcements by now but seemingly with no apparent progress on the transfer front I was just wondering what people would be happy with. Myself, I would be content with a much needed creative central midfielder. I'm confident that as soon as Beye and Faye are back we'll be solid enough defensively and I'm confident that, if anyone can, KK can bring the best out of Viduka/Owen/Oba
  17. I'm disappointed with the result but, in all honesty, it was no nightmare. We were down to the bare bones today and there was a lot of pressure on the players. Combine that with a f***ing awful, anti-football Bolton side and this was probably all we could expect. I'm sure that now this match is over the dust will settle, KK can have a few days working with the squad, sorting out the backroom staff and hopefully look at bringing in a couple of new faces because we sure need a bit of flair and creativity in the centre.
  18. Any news on the length of his contract?
  19. Agreed, after feeling a little uneasy at first I think it's a promising sign that Ashley and Mort have (supposedly) put a manager like Deschamps on their shortlist, young, ambitious, hungry for success, and experience of managing in more than one country
  20. Exactly, I certainly didn't expect us to win but to completely and utterly capitulate in the manner that we did is just absurd! As others have said I'm sure the cream of European management are just pissing themselves with excitement over the potential of being contacted by Mr Mort!
  21. Good point, the teams around us such as Villa, City, and Spurs have shown some real improvement since last season (albeit Spurs only recently, and after a very good managerial coup). The bar has been raised. If we want to keep up with these teams then I think we need to show similar ambition in this next appointment. BTW, Mandaric on the BBC website has tipped Harry to take the job
  22. Not sure how I'd feel about this, what kind of experience does he have of top flight football? I'm aware that he brought Juventus back into Serie A but he left to be replaced by Ranieri didn't he? To be fair, my nan could have taken Juve back into Serie A. Good point, particularly with the squad they had at the time!
  23. Not sure how I'd feel about this, what kind of experience does he have of top flight football? I'm aware that he brought Juventus back into Serie A but he left to be replaced by Ranieri didn't he? Taking Monaco to a champions league final not "top flight" enough for you? Many thanks, I wasn't quite sure of his CV.
  24. Not sure how I'd feel about this, what kind of experience does he have of top flight football? I'm aware that he brought Juventus back into Serie A but he left to be replaced by Ranieri didn't he?
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