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Everything posted by Astroblack

  1. Why dont we pressure? The one time we did, it was a good move. Martins owen and Viduka just stand there. One more please, we saw what Fulham did last season when we were one up.
  2. Astroblack


    Also felt the same way today. In class I was reading the Harper article from bbc on my mobile and then I was making the formation I'd like to see played. Hopefully the players are full of confidence.
  3. Dempsey is pretty good. Kind of like Rooney type striker. Never gives up and always goes for the ball. If Fulham go down and we stay up, we should go for him. Only saw Altidore in a match against Mexico and he scored, so I say he's pretty good. Was his debut too.
  4. Play every Sunday. I'm really inconsistent. Some days I'm really good and some days I'm really bad. We play on a turf field though. I like it when we play with really small goals(3 steps). That way it's more about skill, than about just blasting the ball up the field.
  5. Sorry, but I don't agree. We all have irrational reasons for liking the team we like. My mom likes Keegan and when he was managing NUFC back in 93 she was a fan and this transfered over to me. My brother is a Man Utd fan because he was watching them and his favorite color is red and they were wearing red. It's not always about winning and losing but I know there are a lot of people who support the winning teams.
  6. The 99-00 one is pretty nice, although I do like this season's one quite a bit.
  7. Gerrard, Essien and Barton Vinnie Jones gets an honorable mention.
  8. Going to go to bed tonight convincing myself that Defoe is definitely a Portsmouth style signing/player
  9. Astroblack

    Jose Mourinho

    I know we can hope, but there is no chance in hell that we'll get Jose. He's too good and we're just shit. Doesn't mix.
  10. Astroblack

    Jose Mourinho

    Wouldn't turn down England and come join us.
  11. He looks really unhealthy there. Newcastle does that to you.
  12. Astroblack

    Jose Mourinho

    Why'd I have to open this thread. It's got my hopes up and tomorrow I'll know I'll be disappointed.
  13. N'zogbia is by far the best player we have. I wish we had 10 more of him. Beye has also done well.
  14. Really? I'm watching in the States and it's 0-0. Never knew there was such a delay in my broadcast. :-[ now it' 1-0. Dam, so we're like 5 minutes behind you guys.
  15. Omg I am so happy I woke up early to watch the Villa - Chelsea game. 4 FUCKING 4! An instant classic. Eight goals, 3 red cards, 93 minutes of pure entertainment.
  16. How did you guys forget Jermaine Pennent? He should be on the senior squad ahead of Becks.
  17. Agbonlahor has been tearing us apart. Roze's shot was great, but friggin' carson saved it. Geremi has also done well. and Smith should of scored.
  18. Italian football is plain shit, why watch that when you can watch the prem?
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