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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. It actually is, on average. Really? That's absolutely crazy. I’m not sure it works the way described earlier though. Google charge for ad-words. For example, if someone clicks on the word “kindle”, Amazon will pay a hell of an amount for that to link to them. Gambling sites pay hundreds for these per-click ad words. We’d need to know which adwords SD pay for before targeting them (is my understanding). http://resources.shopwired.co.uk/articles/online-marketing/google-adwords Google Adwords works on a 'pay per click' advertising model, which means that each time a visitor to Google Search is shown your advert and clicks on it, you pay Google an amount of money. The amount that you pay for each click varies wildly depending on the keyword you are advertising under, from as little as 5p per click to as much as £50. It all depends on how many other people are advertising under the keyword you want to, and how much they are willing to pay per click.
  2. Hudson

    U23s & Academy

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/42914906 Findings from that inquiry - including reported claims that Beardsley used racial language against several African players in the academy - were expected to be made public a fortnight ago but have not been released
  3. Your mad you, after 10 years af $shley you still have hope he may actually run the club correctly !!!! Surely it should be A$h£€y or something like that? Swapping the A for $ doesn't make any sense at all to me ₼$h₺€¥, imo 10/10 for effort. Just way to much dingbats effort involved there. Although dingbats is a perfect match for the fat cunt.
  4. Your mad you, after 10 years af $shley you still have hope he may actually run the club correctly !!!! Surely it should be A$h£€y or something like that? Swapping the A for $ doesn't make any sense at all to me A$h£€y is way too much effort, more than the man deserves.
  5. Your mad you, after 10 years af $shley you still have hope he may actually run the club correctly !!!!
  6. It also wouldn't really matter, as Rafa would just have to not take another job and wait for PCP to hire him if they buy us. It would matter PCP have stated that no Rafa, no future deal.
  7. Isn't Arsenal sitting on a half billion "warchest" or summat? Figure they'll cut Le Arse loose a year early and go in for wor Rafa come the summer and let him buy the universe. Arsenal will be a real worry if they bin Wenger like. To me Rafa looks a very good fit for what they need. Hopefully they'll be too up themselves to even consider it. Arsenal are a bigger board room mess then us and there is a huge power struggle going on at board room level. It's having a massive effect on the whole club, cannot see Rafa wanting to be involved in that after $shley.
  8. Even worse, a Phil Collins tune...one of the utterly abysmal ones like Sussussudio. We're definitely in a land of confusion here Just curious if you can feel it coming in the air tonight? Not sure but if this take over happens it will be "Against All Odds" Seriously. Against All Odds? That's all you got? Yeah Phil Collins is wank, so don't know any of his guff.
  9. Even worse, a Phil Collins tune...one of the utterly abysmal ones like Sussussudio. We're definitely in a land of confusion here Just curious if you can feel it coming in the air tonight? Not sure but if this take over happens it will be "Against All Odds"
  10. Can't remember who we sold for money; Hanley and Murphy recouped about £6m I think? But yeah about £30m net seems right. We were that much in credit last summer when Sissoko went. Didn't we get 10-12 million for Thauvin in the summer after his loan spell last season? Don't foget the payments we received from liverpool and Totenham
  11. I see it more of both sides burning their bridges. Ashley waded in first, and Staveley now sticking the knife back in by revealing what her dreams and plans would have been. Yep. It's over. Hopefully she scorched earth's the f***er, got a feeling he's picked the wrong person to try and bullshit. Do you think, he's already managed it against the UK Goverment https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mike-ashley-parliament-committee-recap-8129264
  12. Keep a team up though, low risk cheap option aswell innit
  13. Dunno, like. £300m is a pretty fair price, meet halfway at £325m and everyone goes home happy. I'm no Ashley fan but £250m is a pretty bad offer for NUFC as it stands. Not sure how £300m being a fair price then jumping another £25m is meeting in the middle. Anyway, Considering the £100m min hole in last years finacial figures. I've based this on the lost £77m dropping into the Championship (£115m in the prem v £38m in the champo). Aswell as the £30m million Mike loaned the club due to religation. £250m seems more like a suitable valuation. Things need to be taken into account, First team needs massive investment over the coming years, The Academy needs growing and developing. This alone could be over £500m investment. Until we start to grow commercial that money whould have to come from a Good owner. The future TV deal will only help to swell player prices devouring any increase in income from the deal. So the growth the club needs can only be generated through commercial revinues. If you look at the Everton sale as a rough guide to values. I would say where behind them in terms of squad ability, aswell as the Finch Farm facility and there ability to bring young players through the ranks and sell for profit. There sale was for a 49.9% Stake at a sale price of £175m or £350m for the club. Are we really worth Ashley £380 asking price ?? If you look at the sky subscribers Ashley has his value more than right. Viewers at the match are one of the highest in the league, away fans also, check. Sky subscribers also up there as the best if not the best. Every angle covered. He has run us as a Sports Direct subsidiary like he has with every other company he has done the same thing to when taking over. He does just enough and I wonder how many Rafa's/Managers in his business he has done the same thing to when stepping over them? Yeah don't disagree with the point about the TV money and it's value to Sports Direct. But it has no value to Newcastle united or the Value of club, now if the club received the correct value in sponsorship for hoarding space (value at upto £40m per season)then that would add to the value of the club.
  14. Dunno, like. £300m is a pretty fair price, meet halfway at £325m and everyone goes home happy. I'm no Ashley fan but £250m is a pretty bad offer for NUFC as it stands. Not sure how £300m being a fair price then jumping another £25m is meeting in the middle. Anyway, Considering the £100m min hole in last years finacial figures. I've based this on the lost £77m dropping into the Championship (£115m in the prem v £38m in the champo). Aswell as the £30m million Mike loaned the club due to religation. £250m seems more like a suitable valuation. Things need to be taken into account, First team needs massive investment over the coming years, The Academy needs growing and developing. This alone could be over £500m investment. Until we start to grow commercial that money whould have to come from a Good owner. The future TV deal will only help to swell player prices devouring any increase in income from the deal. So the growth the club needs can only be generated through commercial revinues. If you look at the Everton sale as a rough guide to values. I would say where behind them in terms of squad ability, aswell as the Finch Farm facility and there ability to bring young players through the ranks and sell for profit. There sale was for a 49.9% Stake at a sale price of £175m or £350m for the club. Are we really worth Ashley £380 asking price ??
  15. Yeah thats not going well for them is it. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/oct/06/arsenal-impasse-fans-frustrations-kroenke-usmanov
  16. Hudson


    If we drop down we don’t get another round of parachute payments, instead we get payments structure 2 that we never got because we got promoted. The Premier League changed the rules, of you get relegated from the Premier League multiple times within 5 years then you only get 1 full round of parachute payments instead of the round of parachute payments refreshing every time you do down. It was done to prevent clubs from being satisfied being a yo-yo club and to distribute more money to clubs in the EFL better. Yeah I read that somewhere else, but that would effect the 2018/2019 accounts. The 2016/2017 accounts should make for a fun read. When ever there published , I'm sure holds them back a fair while aswell. Adding 2 + 2 but here goes, $shley's asking price at the start of all this was £400m dropped to £380m very quickly. If you take his orginal purchase price at £283m included debts and loans before 2011, where looking at loses of around £107m this year that's a total investment of around £370m(perhaps last years loses are higher by £10m) Your slap bang in the middle at £370-380m. It's easy to see why the offer of £300m in his mind is a loss to him. Thats not even taking into account profit from his nufc direct sales, and £300m-400m in free advertising over the last 11 years. With the new TV deal due very , I really do think $shley has rolled the dice on Rafa keeping us up with a few lone deals and 1 signing. I hope for a better offer before next season. Only selling us onto the next vulture. Welcome to the Barclays Premier league. f***s Sake Edit for lack of proof reading
  17. Hudson


    Just been reading the Swiss Rable and found this little gem If they were to drop down(in reference to last season), they would get around £38 million TV money in the Championship, including a £35 million parachute payment and £2 million distribution from the Football League, compared to the estimated £115 million in the Premier League, i.e. a £77 million reduction. If i get this right, the accounts are going to show a huge drop in revenue. To the tune of at least a 107m. Suppose it goes some way to PCP's valuation of £300m
  18. Owen was on £120-30k pw. I believe it was revealed when we sued the FA for his injury and bought Martins with the money. Fifa and the FA had been paying £50,000 of Owen's £110,000 weekly wages since he suffered the injury, totalling about £2m for the time he was out of action. As well as the compensation for signing Martins as cover for him, Newcastle had also demanded that Fifa pay his medical bills. The club said last night that the dispute had ended with the settlement. Fifa indicated that the settlement was between £6m and £7m but the Newcastle spokesman said: "Taking into account that [Owen's] wages have now been paid in full and the compensation we have received, it will amount to around £10m." https://www.theguardian.com/football/2007/jun/26/newsstory.sport8
  19. Hudson

    U23s & Academy

    Was talking with a mate about this and we recon that it's been held back to distract attention away from the lack of incomings in the transfer window. After see that tweet about turns out we may have been right.
  20. FYP Rafa wants them Ashley seems to think otherwise, wouldn't you agree ?
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