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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Joined this morning, cheers to all involved for the efforts and time they commit to this.
  2. Great innit, we can all live in hope that this pressures at the least puts behavour of the EPL and the top 6 out there for all to see and forces some sort of change to helps all teams.
  3. He's a weapons-grade cunt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelvin_MacKenzie Read up to the bit where he worked for the Sun then backed out of his wiki. Anybody who worked or works for that is instantly a cunt in my eyes Alan Shearer had a column with them Still might actually. He does. Ohh dear, well Shearer although a club legend has gone way down after discovering that. Shouldn’t be surprised really
  4. He's a weapons-grade cunt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelvin_MacKenzie Read up to the bit where he worked for the Sun then backed out of his wiki. Anybody who worked or works for that is instantly a cunt in my eyes
  5. Someone on here posted it ffs. Totally missed it and doubt i need to see it
  6. Totally agree, we are making a noise and nusance that more than likely annoy at the best and may or may not do anything but it's better than just sitting idle.
  7. Intriguing statement to make considering I don't think they have spoken about the takeover before.
  8. Liverpool done the same and look where it got them. It staggering the amount of we cannot win so why bother in the mass population over the way corporations treat us not just in football.
  9. Placing the club in further limbo for untold amount of time, with the season starting in weeks. Sounds great
  10. Greg, these are my ideas: 1. Ask the CMA to investigate anti-competitive behaviour by the PL and member clubs in colluding to prevent the takeover. 2. Create a stock email that members from throughout the UK asking them to support Chi’s correspondence with Masters and to support an investigation into the PL by the CMA 3. Actively engage Alok Sharma, Ed Milliband and Lucy Powell to persuade them to push the CMA to investigate the PL. be sure to point out that this issue creates a precedent which has ramifications for 90 other clubs, not just our own 4. Through the FSA engage with other supporter groups. Remind them of times that NUFC fans have helped out their clubs and then ask club groups to engage their own clubs to tell them that interfering in another club’s takeover is not cool. 5. Ask the PL whether they have investigated the information provided to them by C4 about Everton not disclosing Usmanov’s involvement in their takeover. 6. Engage with the Chronicle to run some highly negative stories on the PL on their front page. 7. Draw up a long list of ex-players in terms of their national stature and invite them to become involved in NUST and get involved in the critique of the PL. 8. Need some sort of responsible protest. A front door boo for the PL throughout Newcastle maybe? 9. Accept that moving forward it is going to be hard to run protests and constructively engage with PL and NUFC. Choose which you want to be an open the door for a non-affiliated group to take the other role. Fantastic stuff well played.
  11. The vile Tories couldn’t give two fucks about us up here unfortunately. Spot on, people old enough just need to recall back to the 80's and what they done to the north east. The bunch are even worse aswell
  12. It's clearly bollocks. Especially so when you look at Ashley's statement .
  13. How did Abramovich and Qatar manage to buy Chelsea and Man City if the elite clubs have done this since the leagues inception? Masters was not running the EPL then
  14. Oooooh, someone's doing ok for themselves I'm not that rich compared to the people I make bespoke car colours colours for. This guy spent 3 Million on a Chiron and decided he wanted a Bentayga to match at a cost of 1 million. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgb4GF5hA79/?utm_source=ig_web_button_native_share
  15. You obviously have no idea why their relationship with Qatar is so bad, so let's go with some education and see whether you change your mind or are just a Qatari stooge... In 1996 Qatar launches Al Jazeera, which "routinely criticized Saudi Arabia's ruler." and "routinely criticized Saudi Arabia's ruler." Qatar has often "exiled its most powerful critics to Saudi Arabia." In 1995 Qatar's new ruler established ties with Iran, transferring their affiliation from Saudi Arabia (a Sunni nation) to Iran (a Shia nation). In 1996 there was an attempted coup d'etat against the ruler of Qatar, who blamed government officials from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the UAE. In 2014 the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain withdrew their ambassadors from Qatar due to Qatar backing Islamist groups, such as the Muslim Brotherhood (listed as a terrorist organisation by many countries). In 2002 Al Jazeera published a secret peace treaty between Saudi Arabia and Isarael. More generally, it is important to know about Qatar: Jamal Ahmed al-Fadi, a former business agent for Osama bin Laden, said to the 9/11 Commission and US Congress that Bin Laden had told him in 1993 that the Qatar Charitable Society was one of Bin Laden's sources of funding. Khalifa Muhammad Turki al-Subaiy, a previous employee of the Qatar Central Bank, was a senior level financier of al-Qaeda, and was living freely in Qatar in 2014 (and is on a world wide terrorist blacklist). Abd al-Rahman bin Umayr al-Nuaymi, who was also a senior level financier of al-Qaeda, was the president of the Qatar Football Association and allegedly provided £1.5+million per month to al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq and Syria (he is also on a world wide terrorist blacklist and living freely in Qatar). ... and many more links to international terrorist groups (like al-Qaeda, ISIL, Hamas) So whilst Saudi Arabia can certainly be painted as a group of bad guys, Qatar is (in at least equal measure) also a country ruled by and supporting some terribly evil people. To suggest that Saudi Arabia should just have "a healthy relationship with Qatar" is incredibly naive. To suggest that the Premier League is justified to reject Saudi involvement in the Premier League whilst also taking Qatari money is just morally and ethically bankrupt! Saudi Arabia and Qatar (in fact Qatar and many countries in the region) are effectively in their own version of the Cold War and to suggest they could just have "a healthy relationship" is like asking the United States of America, England, and other NATO countries to just have "a healthy relationship" with the Soviet Union in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar%E2%80%93Saudi_Arabia_relations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Saudi_Arabia_relations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar_and_state-sponsored_terrorism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar_diplomatic_crisis The whole things is just how the worlds plays out now, wank aint it
  16. There are next no steps, It's game over man. People need to see that as long as we live in this version of capatlism, where nothing but consumers of a product. Until that product start's to devalue and become toxic nothing willl change. This reminds me, I can cancel my sky subscription now. Wish i could, but would loose my oly other sport F1
  17. It'll suddenly all be Ashley's fault for not backing Steve. Don't forget Staveley/PIF for the massive distraction this whole sorry affair has caused 100% Mad how you can see how this is going to pan out but can do nothing about
  18. I've actually used my NUFC season ticket money from the last 10 years to Buy a few new cars Learn guitar and buy pedals i don't need :)
  19. It'll suddenly all be Ashley's fault for not backing Steve. Don't forget Staveley/PIF for the massive distraction this whole sorry affair has caused
  20. Tomorrows chip wrappers. There will no damage to their integrity. We are small fry so the news will be forgotten soon enough. No one cares. Don’t think it’s as simple as that. If Staveley’s claims are true then they should be transparent with their reasoning and stop hiding. If Staveley’s talking bullshit, it’s in their best interest to say as such surely? Who cares about what she is saying though, apart from us. No one cares about whether there is any truth in what she says. Fans and media are too busy laughing at us to care about the truth. I'd love you to be right and for this to drag out into something legal but we just don't hold any weight as a club or fanbase. Nail on head
  21. I really wish they could achieve something, but there toothless along with all fan groups. Greg and the other NUST people i do appreciate you continued efforts, My rantings are not a dig more reflection of my feelings towards big business and capatlism.
  22. We've been here before but the only thing that could possibly have an impact would for fans to simply not go to games. An empty stadium/away section will have an impact. As we know though, that just isn't going to happen, ever. Totally agree, but for total and meaninfull change the whole EPL would have to devalue. Little old Newcastle fans not turning up would not achieve that. Maybe Covid and the lack of supporters will help it along, or maybe it will only cement there postion as less fans can go to the game and are forced to watch it from the confines of there homes
  23. Fair play to the number of posters on here who predicted that only to be shot down. I guess it’s proven to be massive naivety on my part but I just didn’t foresee an entity like the PIF walking away in response to something like that. Slight off topic but in the movie Ronin with DiNero. Sam says Whenever there is doubt, there is no doubt. It's just stuck with me through the years and tbh it's spot on
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