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Everything posted by cubaricho

  1. Remember that season we gave Derby six of their nine total points?
  2. Commentator just said that we now have officially conceded more goals this season than the whole of last season.
  3. Yes they do. Whats the point behind that?
  4. They look at America and closed leagues and see that teams like the Baltimore Orioles sell for over a billion dollars (the price of five/six Newcastles) - a team most people in Europe possibly haven’t even heard of. They want that bag.
  5. How many times do people have to be reminded that Shola doesn’t do the loans?
  6. Tonali just cussing up a storm. “How are you at darts?” ”Shit”
  7. Wasn't Badashile on our radar as a possible signing instead of Botman? So fucking glad we got Botman instead.
  8. These staggered starts are awesome. It’s like three and a half hours straight of football with no commercials.
  9. If this Spurs/Brentford match ends 11v11 I’ll be surprised.
  10. Tottenham look like shit here
  11. And the crowd goes mild in Manchester.
  12. That makes me think about the player who got injured “getting out of bed” like a decade back. Who the hell was that?
  13. People in this thread were waxing poetic about him. He’s been a cunt since the first day he stepped foot into the Prem and he’ll be a cunt on his last day too.
  14. I thought Howe didn't do those?
  15. Needs to be sent to finishing school
  16. That first half we looked back to our best. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season now.
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