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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Apart from all the other amazing things going on for the club right now, not having to trudge through this nerve racking scenario ever again will be fantastic. One more win, come on lads finish strong
  2. He’s our man, nobody could have done it better. The best is yet to come. He fits the club and new ownership perfectly
  3. Fraser is drilled and follows instructions. Maxi God love him is Maxi!
  4. He had a winning goal assist in the Leicester game ?
  5. ?? and it’s reflected back
  6. Think and hope he will, at least until we’re mathematically safe. Then this yo-yo shit can be put to bed for good!
  7. It’s almost a ParduBrucesque hybrid of gobbledegook wordsmithery ???
  8. No way until mathematically safe, Eddie changes a winning side unless forced to by injury or illness etc. And I hope we smash these!
  9. ?? awesome intro that would be, camera zooming in and moving rapidly back and forth between the players eyes! ? Brings back fond memories of Castle Donnington 1985 ????
  10. Except when they beat Man U 4-0!
  11. And it pulls Southampton into the relegation mix (mathematically that is)
  12. Remind me, are we supporting Burnley for the Everton relegation factor?
  13. I watched the documentary Minus 17 I knew then he was our best choice, he’s made the impossible possible once before
  14. He isn’t going anywhere. He’s found his ♥️ place!
  15. The pass is as good as the goal for me, both sex, in fact double penetration!
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