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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. hOW MUCH did u hoy on him then? Have they not got coton and Cottee mixed up
  2. £100 down the drain by the time i reach london should be a cracking day.
  3. jack j


    Its decent. I wouldnt consider it as one of the better followings who make their way to SJP, but their OK. Average numbers and decent noise. I think they brought 1,000 or so to the mackems. 320 odd they took to sunlun, they will bring 400 here at most.
  4. Barton kidnapped madeline says the sun
  5. depending on the timing of the takeover i would be tempted to keep JFK til the end of the season just to stabalise it short term, then next summer start from scratch AGAIN.
  6. jack j

    Players in public

    should of heckled him to why he beats kids and women, and why he can't do his shopping in Sunderland the mackem cunt
  7. WOW!!!1 another thing just how shit are man citehs fans 30 minute journey one of the cheapest grounds in the league billionaire owner galacticos playing yet the self proclaimed massive club can barely fill half there allocation
  8. down that is all we are down
  9. :dave: christ sake, we won't win none of our next 4 games tbf, we're fucked
  10. jack j

    No Jobs for Sam

    He didn't want any of the jobs tbf, none of the clubs who came in for him are big or good enough for him. He will be taking over man united when Fergie retires and will carry on playing his winning brand of football.
  11. jack j


    Me father reckons so, good enough for me.
  12. I thought it was fucking brilliant personally.
  13. ^^^^^what he said, i also agree with mofo to an extent
  14. jack j

    Jonas Left or Right

    he's our superhero playing on the left or right.
  15. Does TOOSB still post on there, we all know what the stands for, how about the robson's nearly dead song, piss off you hypocritical cockend
  16. Great player, despite what he done when he left here, he willl always be an NUFC great in my lifetime.
  17. doesn't help playing with a balloon swerving all over like.
  18. Given Beye Collocini Taylor Enrique Geremi Barton Guthire Gutierrez Martins Shola. That's what team should start.
  19. Gutierrez should of been on the end of the wall, he was about a yard to the right of it, he ducked eventhough it was no where near him....
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