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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. jack j

    St James' Park

  2. As Someone said they're obviously being briefed Be interesting to see at what point the local journalists stop reporting it because they're being made to look mugs every time they do
  3. Nah just another one of them who regurgitates everyone else's shite
  4. jack j


    Blue shirts and z cars
  5. jack j

    Match Atmosphere

    Knew what it would be before I even clicked Class?
  6. https://twitter.com/The_Looney_Toon/status/1666893831671799818?t=E8YALrVDjw2WED07VlUSog&s=19 Luke Edwards latest exclusives? The lads gotta point mind Edit someone said its another burnsie account Apologies
  7. jack j


    Still knocking out the dodgy gear in the main square I see
  8. jack j

    St James' Park

    Hopefully it costing 20 quid will put those off who would just buy one for the loyalty point. Cos am sure there's plenty non season ticket holders will be going up
  9. A lot of them turned down mega bucks to now have been bought off by the same people Surely they're gonna feel like they've been sold down the river..could lead to a breakaway tour for these players? Obviously the money is going to be far far less. So will be interesting to see if their morals hold up After all...
  10. There's a few articles saying his stance was softening in recent months Maybes he knew what was on the horizon. Still going to be difficult for those who spoke so vocally about it now to be ran by the very same people
  11. What about the likes of Mcilroy who was very vocal against Saudi and human rights Gonna be a tough one for his morality this. Expecting there will be a few trying to form a breakaway tour, the ones who were very anti this last year
  12. https://twitter.com/jordancronin_/status/1666060906621485057?t=5nKKkJDpM6gVdfurPLtYGw&s=19 Wonder what Jordans username on here is
  13. Where did the pictures come from? Has it been leaked somewhere?
  14. 10/15 years ago you could imagine players kicking right off with this. Bet they just go along with it now. Probably end up the norm ridiculously
  15. As it was Gordon but to say the bloke who's give us the best season in my time of going to games 2 more seasons because of a couple signings is fucking stupid Even ferguson spunked money on shite and he's the greatest of all time
  16. https://twitter.com/Bazro136/status/1665682973167964163?t=_mo0hkXkn50LUV2FGBbPVg&s=19 This account is one of the worst for it. Just constant whinging and bed wetting along with a load of anger Gives me a chuckle. Go and get yourself a bit sun ffs
  17. That would be the ultimate insult to them. Would love it
  18. 2016-2023 (24 Presuming no cup draws) By far the longest period of time we've not played each other since world war 2. Useless bastards what they are
  19. Does anyone ever look at twitter and the likes and think how mental it is seeing people losing their heads over transfers of footballers every other minute of the day. Cant be healthy people living their lives like that
  20. jack j


    Post of the year
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