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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Everyone seems to have gone quiet on Diaby. It's all Szoboslai and maddison chat recently
  2. Came to the conclusion he just likes being abused
  3. Stay and hopefully get another 7 or 8k seats If we build a new ground with 70k plus. We won't be filling it in 10 years
  4. Just seen Matt Doherty is another being linked with Saudi Surely it's time some of our shite is offloaded there now.
  5. Be hell on if this was Harrison Ashby
  6. jack j

    St James' Park

    Beamish it is then
  7. I wanna tell you I might as well do About a boy who can do anything His name is Dominik He comes from Hungary Szoboslai Szoboslai Szoboslai
  8. You joke But don't bet against the above being sang knowing how creative our fans are ?
  9. Mental really in this day and age, especially as it was all but confirmed within 12 hours
  10. Aye I can't see the kids of Milan running round in black and white tops off the back of this like
  11. Is there any chance that the new contracts they've been offered will be less than what they were on?
  12. Not even signed Tonali yet and they're coming out with the old we've got nowt left shite Will they ever learn these fuckers. Even if they're being fed it by sources they should realise they just look like fools time after time We need 3 or 4 players. We aren't spunking 65 million on one if we've got nowt left after it
  13. Subbed off to do his medical yet?
  14. jack j

    Scott McTominay

    Can we delete this thread forever
  15. Surely old fashioned want the best players 1-11 though...
  16. 8 more tweets to come before the here we go
  17. Some shite twitter account linked us to signing him on loan. Never ever gonna happen
  18. It's bollocks we arent going anywhere near players on loan to Saudi Hes just the first of many players in their primes going there
  19. Hope he goes on to have a better career than carroll did mind
  20. What is it with him and Edwards dying to be different to everyone else all the time. They both have huge chips on their shoulder. They were both bullied at school like
  21. Play where Stones has been playing I reckon. Especially against weaker teams
  22. Full agreement; check Handshake emoji; check Green tick; check Twitter level 10/10
  23. jack j

    Plane spotting

    Off to take Gvardiol before man citeh get him as well
  24. Be hilarious if he goes there tbh. The meltdown from the arsenal fans will be better than anything seen before
  25. Watch this Be Ornsteins Romano/Pedro moment ffs
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