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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. passing is attrocious, what on earth is going on with here, Pardew got a death wish , oh no Obertan & Ameobi on???
  2. well I know one thing there's gonna be a lot of those who played last night that are not gonna make it in the firtst team
  3. as like Marveux yesterady,thought Anita is now begining to find his feet.
  4. thought he did really well last night.
  5. more insulation might resolve that problem i.e. a larger squad with decent backups
  6. Booing, peeps pay their money therefore can voice their opinion on the service they receive
  7. Just in time to move on in the Jan Window
  8. if we keep on going at this rate massive changes I believe during transfer time and not for our good either.
  9. another home defeat probably,major issue's with this team, defence in sh*g order
  10. wyn davies

    Alan Pardew

    give a guy a long term contract no need to prove himself hence the state we're in
  11. Well good news for the club up goes his value, good news for him,win win situation
  12. back to his normal useless self no commitment and if peeps are getting on Marveaux back then I'm afraid Obertans is well below him,no idea what Pardew see's in this guy.
  13. give him a chance to settle in look how long it took for Colo
  14. maybe we are preparing to flog "the dead horse" in the January sales
  15. thought Tiote didn't deserve red, ref blew whistle as Tiote was in full flow trying to get ball and not as Sly would suggest a deliberate and premeditated tackle well after the whistle
  16. what is so special about a footballers contract that you cannot get rid, or is it all about money?
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