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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. We are still 5pts ahead of Wigan, can afford to lose another and draw 2 and we'd be ok
  2. we'll run with Pardew till the end of the season, 5 points between us and relegation, we scrape a win and Wigan lose and we're ok, Wigan win and we win we're still ok, Mackems lose next game and they're still in the sh*te.
  3. wyn davies


    didn't they have an initial burst with a number of wins under O'neil to save them previously, no doubt it will end in tears again.
  4. Benfica for me, mackems always turn up at St James, how often do Benfica?
  5. wyn davies

    Steven Taylor

    won't be missed, only by Benfica
  6. I think you should rest Cissé and Sissoko, they look tired and you don't want them to do bad against Sunderland why should we rest players, in other teams the play nearly every game, the guys get well paid to do a job
  7. bad result for QPR, good result for Wigan, Excellent result for the Mackems
  8. wyn davies

    Steven Taylor

    totally agree they guy's a comp liability time to move on.
  9. thoughts, Taylor for the pen always a liability, taylor again at fault for the continuing passing back to the keeper placing Krul under pressure then giving it to Santon who dropped a rick. It appears to me there is too much passing back to the keeper and Taylor not a great defender for me as previously stated always a liability.
  10. wyn davies


    miliband was already on his way out back to the states with his wife, the appointment is a good excuse to give miliband an escape clause, next question being are some of the present mackem players willing to play for someone with his political views?
  11. And they just bought a settee from dfs on 4 yrs interest free credit. That's him nailed for 4 years then, can't leave the country or DFS will get u! who needs a contract get them all signed up tp DFS on 4yrs interest free, see what the agents can do then, sure DFS wiil have all sorts or tie in clauses LOL
  12. does it matter?, better get these stadiums in use as opposed to leaving them empty and falling into disrepair aka greece.
  13. just like the match result 2-1 to them
  14. it would appear Mcmanaman has form over dodgy tackles, see link about half way down, apolls if link been posted. http://mcfcreservesandacademy.co.uk/wigan-homeeds1011/
  15. how will he feel playing second fiddle to Krul following his time in the limelight? doesn't appear to be a Harper type to me.
  16. Chelsea on a Wednesday night (remember those nights midweek games) won 5-1 mid sixties
  17. he's doing a canny job and certainly not overawed
  18. would be interesting t see the response should SD change it's logo into green & white
  19. All u doubters whinging he ain't great, perhaps not, but well ahead of Harper
  20. Typical BS - am used to it now Same on Thursday/ Friday on BBC following the Metalist win showed every other UK Teams goals but ignored ours, get used to it, we're not liked.
  21. he cam knowing he was gonna be a backup so here is his chance to show to potentially other clubs he is worth the oportunity
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