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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. wyn davies


    did this ever happen and if not why not seems to be the obvious thing to me at least he'd get some game time
  2. seems to be on par with Xisco except he's been given the opportunity!
  3. get rid, terminate contract, can we keep registration to totally cock him up?
  4. wyn davies


    give the kid an opportunity, he maybe gash, then he may not be, deffo above ranger and maybe better than Shola now
  5. Cisse he'll either put a fluke or score a snorter and we'll all be fine again,Ba went throught the same palava when Cisse turned up last season, season of 2 halfs maybe play Cisse only from January.
  6. think the commentary said there was a possibilty he was on his travels as of tomorrow evening
  7. bollocks, every transfer period someone on this forum spouts the same nonsense and lo and behold something happens and we all say f*ck me what happened there as another unexpected signing turns up. Howay we all know how Ashley and this club now operate.
  8. wasn't expecting much today, though we should of put our chances away, still moveon and forget this game.
  9. Yep will take time to settle in, just look at how Colo took and he has done very well, Anita will be the same.
  10. Time will be the defining moment it waits for no-one,not even Rodgers, he'll be here by end of the transfer window, at our valuation.
  11. wyn davies

    Alan Pardew

    so what should the linesman receive for his ineptness?
  12. thought Spurs were no great shakes, their goal was fortunate (very) and pretty obvious with the various media outlets we are and haven't been anyones favourites for a long time, perhaps for the best,keeps pressure away from us.
  13. looks the part to me, on first showing another good signing
  14. aye, what an absolute tosser, missing 12yds out,stops then shoots the kid is just kidding himself .
  15. I'm sure they used to get 10% of the fee if no transfer request handed in. I believe that was the issue when Brian Robson went to West Ham many years ago, unless the rules have changed.
  16. any chance of hiding him, no contact wth anybody, putting him on the shields ferry up and down the river till the clock chimes
  17. had a canny day at the games yesterday thought morroco unlucky, Spain epic, loved the way they were getting upset, had there chances, crossbar ,uprights etc, fantastic saves by Honduras keeper thought Hondura played well. We moved to diff seats and no-one seemed bothered, no probs with security,only problem was the tw*t nearby banging the drum through all the first game,me head was spinning.
  18. ay, roll on tomorrow, only games got tickets for, believe possibly other games sold out anybody know owt to onfirm
  19. hopefully game will improve looks as though our lots in slow motion
  20. how long we had one of jedward playing for us
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