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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. Voted for 1-0 defeat, may provide amunition to remove Pardew or force the club into resolving the transfer issue's
  2. Do we need to buy or is it cheaper to ditch Pardew and run with a new manager.
  3. I believe he will turn up along with along with ba, plenty of time yet 60hrs or so , still could all be a smokescreen for someone we have totally disreguarded
  4. One thing is for certain , he doesn't have a future with us.
  5. Ba and Gomis will be here by the close of the transfer window.
  6. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    Good public relations stuff by the kid, shows him in a different light,just need the goals!
  7. been this way b4 will b this way again, for what we paid for him we can allow him to stew in wherever the club decides the player doesn't hold the aces the club holds all of them.
  8. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    any bids for him yet?
  9. make them all sweat a bit longer including Cabaye, yes they may think they can get away with wanting away but, the clock is ticking and after the bell sounds Cabaye could be stuck here with nowhere to go till January, difficult not doing anything till then, he will comeback into the fold a weaker man realising he has very few options including his agents, he could always by his own contract for £20 MILL.
  10. wyn davies

    Alan Pardew

    Move him on, if we can remove Sir Bob after a few games then Pardew must have something in his back pocket to keep his job.
  11. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    Either get rid of him or get rid of Pardew, clearly something is wrong.
  12. Hmm. Why? Looks a bit championship to me... Don't know much about him, personally. Goal scoring record seems decent according to Wikipedia. Still... Brazilian striker! So was Mira and he never settled
  13. Wyn Davies and the 1968 Fairs Cup Team
  14. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    he's shot his bolt time to shift
  15. always the same even for those who work for a living , u can b the bees knee's but if the manager has it in for you , forget it, aka marvs & pards
  16. wyn davies

    Steven Taylor

    been a liabilty for last few seasons, put him in a straight jacket at least then he can't do anything with his arms.
  17. wyn davies

    Joey Barton

    On BT Sport 1 as a pundit on Sunday Night Football, comes across as knowledgeable and interesting on about Ligue 1
  18. shows there some interest in the games
  19. well thats another signing this year technically saving a few quid
  20. Reminds me of Tommy Docherty he was economical with the truth
  21. wyn davies

    Alan Pardew

    I believe Pardew is not as secure as the chronicle believes he is, in other words the chronicle is fence sitting and writing complete load of bollocks, time will tell.
  22. wyn davies

    Alan Pardew

    I assume as he doesn't want us in the Europa League it also means no European Cup either!,so assume will be just below qualifying psoition for either next season also no FA Cup or League cup wins , why bother turning up then.
  23. hard act to follow, who wants the responsibility of not achieving what he has done
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