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Everything posted by PRL

  1. Strange how even Joe Kinnear knows about due diligence...
  2. PRL

    f.a.o martin jol

    Has Kingdawson also disappeared?
  3. Think the soap opera here would be right up his street...
  4. I think the new spelling is probably more appropriate in the current climate!
  5. Yep, made a remark along similar lines in another thread yesterday. We will be bought by someone looking to either run us as a business or use us as a status symbol. Very very probably someone not even UK based and with what is likely to be a fleeting interest in football. I can't turn off my passion for the game, i've tried not to think about it and during my teen years i veered away a bit, replacing fanatical support with something a little less intense, but as i've gone through my twenties my passion has got stronger as we've got worse and football has gone down the pan. I just can't help myself and i don't know why, it is a total addiction and sometimes I wonder if it is unhealthy. But what scares me is what the game is going to be to my children (if and when i have any). How do you explain what it used to be like? Why you fell in love with it? If all that remains is a bunch of assholes kicking a ball around answering to their offshore owner who uses the club as a plaything and a manager who is just part of a 'system' of faceless executives / scouts. There are so few characters left in the game, so few genuinely likeable people compared to even 10-15 years ago. The further you go back, the closer the players were to the fans, as we go forward you feel half the time the crowd is actually a distraction to them and they feel nothing but contempt. All that remains is the fans. They are what keeps my addiction alive and without fellow fans i think my love for the game would die. It's the banter, the tribalism and the common cause. Nothing else matters so much. I hope in time disillusionment grows into anger and anger into a movement that sees fans follow AFC Wimbledon and FC United into the realms of the lower league and supporter-started clubs. At least at that point we can start afresh, knowing that one day it'll develop into the same again most likely, but safe in the knowledge that if it gets too big it's the fans right to knock it down and start again, rather than our passion being dictated to us by Rupert Murdoch and cohorts. Live the dream!
  6. I just laughed out loud and had to explain to my boss what i found so funny there... You cannot be serious dude? Forum browsing and 'pro gaming' is your interest in football?! hahahaha
  7. PRL

    Whoring the club around

    That's HTT for you. Indeed Maybe it's just a case of wanting him to sell through the normal channels. Thaksin Sinawatra, despite being a lunatic fugative, managed to sell Man City, who were in as bad a state as us almost, with minimum fuss and no publicity... Not saying it's always that easy but we seem to be going to a ridiculous extreme the other way, if just a few of the press reports are to be believed.
  8. Not as easy as thought, no, but as was discussed a while back, a lot of the Arabian consortiums and investment groups are doing it as a show of financial strength / positive western publicity. They aren't necessarily looking to run the club as a business, more of a status symbol. I'm not sure which of those two options is best, mind. What happened to clubs being run as football clubs? As and when i have kids how rubbish is it going to be trying to explain how it used to be about the fans and a passionate birthright? All football is now is a big business, it sucks. If you're right, and the primary motivation is to acquire a 'status symbol', than that's a worry, because that kind of motivation won't last. I don't think Ashley was all about big business. He wanted to run the club in a stable fashion, but he's a genuine football fan and he wanted something more than that. He's been dismissed far too quickly, all on the back of this emotional reaction to Keegan going. My reasons for dismissing him are far beyond the action of Keegan in leaving but definitely another thread for that! I don't actually agree that Ashley wanted us as anything other than a business and none of his actions have demonstrated otherwise, with the exception of wearing a toon shirt and sitting in with the fans, which cynics have called PR. The buying cheap, apparent re-financing rather than removal of debts, minimal input in playing staff and sky high asking price (if all true, obviously), will show this to be nothing but a short term high gain business deal. Maybe he sussed the markets were going to go tits up and has used an imaginitive alternative equity trading process. If it ends up seeing him make £100m plus in around a year i'll find it hard not to feel like we've been totally done. Also, sure it's been discussed elsewhere, but didn't Whelan say he was a Spurs fan? Don't trust a word that comes out of that asshole's mouth in fairness, Bruce in best 4 managers in league, Zaki the new Shearer, dear oh dear. He doesn't like Ashley after the whole shirt-fixing scandal anyhow. I'm arguing with myself now, i'll stop.
  9. Not as easy as thought, no, but as was discussed a while back, a lot of the Arabian consortiums and investment groups are doing it as a show of financial strength / positive western publicity. They aren't necessarily looking to run the club as a business, more of a status symbol. I'm not sure which of those two options is best, mind. What happened to clubs being run as football clubs? As and when i have kids how rubbish is it going to be trying to explain how it used to be about the fans and a passionate birthright? All football is now is a big business, it sucks.
  10. It actually sounds like Ashley has been reading this board... "oh those Arabs must all be the same, that fake Rolex i got last Christmas was priced at $1,000 and i got it for $10, best stick the football club at an obscene cost and then we'll shout prices at each other until we eventually meet in the middle". Newcastle's very own Terry Tibbs
  11. Hmmm... would have said the same about the story in the Sun of him getting smashed up in LA as Keegan was quitting, until i saw the pics to go along with it. Not suggesting this is true, but certainly doesn't sound unlike Ashley
  12. Haha, reminds me of Andy Murray's interview after the US Open. "You may have lost, but you have still won $250,000 so you must be happy with that?" "It's about £10 at the minute isn't it?" Dollar is hovering around an 18 month high against the pound, also doing well against the Euro. What's happening in the markets impacts us as much as the states (see ftse v dow today). What we wanna do is get our investors to come from Switzerland or Japan, then they can take advantage of a few decent days of fx adjustments...
  13. Let me be first to say.... source?
  14. It's been a good few years since I did company law during my law degree but i can say with relative certainty as outright owner of the company he can do whatever he pleases. Regardless of day to day running of the company, any constitutional articles that he bizarrely chose to draft would be his and his only to amend, so he could change them and do as he pleased. This is such a silly conversation as we're talking about a successful businessman who would never ever relinquish control of his companies in such a way unless it saw him benefit (sports direct becoming plc), not to mention his undoubted hoardes of legal advisors who would have said more than a few things had he suggested he was going to give over power for no apparent reason. No offence intended.
  15. Yep, remember that conversation! I have to say, whilst i don't in the sober light of day wish injury on anyone, if you're going to act like a complete cunt, as fagan did throughout the game, in a situation as passionate and emotional as Saturday then you're going to get kicked. You'd be lucky to last 2 minutes playing with that attitude in a Sunday league and even those paid to play sometimes let the emotion get the better of them. Even the idiot Hull fan in front of us in the pub said Fagan is a grade a cock. Hopefully Guthrie will learn from this and hopefully won't have to be in such a shit situation many more times during his toon career (either a very ambitious hope or very short career for Guthrie with that second one). totally agree with your whole post mate Yes but that's where being professional comes into it. I know and I understand what he did was wrong, but football was a sport long before it was a profession and it's so hard to objectively draw such a line. I'd find it very hard to stay cool in such a situation and can at least empathise with the action, whilst not condoning it. Hopefully it was just a misplaced action that showed how much he cared for the cause. I certainly don't think he thought 'hmmm, the squad is bloody thin at the moment if i get a ban we'll be a bit fucked, i'm going to kick him anyway', i reckon he probably didn't think at all and saw red and would probably have been gutted a few minutes later. It'd be nice to hear him apologise, more to the fans than Fagan. As i said, it was a really emotional afternoon, he's a young lad, trying his best and let emotion get the better of him. He did wrong, but lets not crucify him for it. He'll serve his ban, come back and then we get behind him. I agree Fagan deserves little/no sympathy, but the bit in bold is absolute rubbish. Agreed, typing quickly and muddling things - i meant in the situation it's v hard to be objective, very easy to do so now
  16. Most of the lads i've played Sunday league with are accountants, finance professionals and IT consultants, all classed traditionally as more intelligent than footballers and in the main very placid, thoughtful and good company off the field, yet i've still seen a few cases of people losing their rags in situations where pros have stayed calm. Just because someone is paid to play football doesn't mean they will become a saint and have all aggression removed. Saturday league that i have played on the other hand, is a majority of viscious animals.
  17. Yep, remember that conversation! I have to say, whilst i don't in the sober light of day wish injury on anyone, if you're going to act like a complete cunt, as fagan did throughout the game, in a situation as passionate and emotional as Saturday then you're going to get kicked. You'd be lucky to last 2 minutes playing with that attitude in a Sunday league and even those paid to play sometimes let the emotion get the better of them. Even the idiot Hull fan in front of us in the pub said Fagan is a grade a cock. Hopefully Guthrie will learn from this and hopefully won't have to be in such a shit situation many more times during his toon career (either a very ambitious hope or very short career for Guthrie with that second one). totally agree with your whole post mate Yes but that's where being professional comes into it. I know and I understand what he did was wrong, but football was a sport long before it was a profession and it's so hard to objectively draw such a line. I'd find it very hard to stay cool in such a situation and can at least empathise with the action, whilst not condoning it. Hopefully it was just a misplaced action that showed how much he cared for the cause. I certainly don't think he thought 'hmmm, the squad is bloody thin at the moment if i get a ban we'll be a bit fucked, i'm going to kick him anyway', i reckon he probably didn't think at all and saw red and would probably have been gutted a few minutes later. It'd be nice to hear him apologise, more to the fans than Fagan. As i said, it was a really emotional afternoon, he's a young lad, trying his best and let emotion get the better of him. He did wrong, but lets not crucify him for it. He'll serve his ban, come back and then we get behind him.
  18. Yep, remember that conversation! I have to say, whilst i don't in the sober light of day wish injury on anyone, if you're going to act like a complete cunt, as fagan did throughout the game, in a situation as passionate and emotional as Saturday then you're going to get kicked. You'd be lucky to last 2 minutes playing with that attitude in a Sunday league and even those paid to play sometimes let the emotion get the better of them. Even the idiot Hull fan in front of us in the pub said he was a grade a cock (Fagan, that is). Hopefully Guthrie will learn from this and hopefully won't have to be in such a shit situation many more times during his toon career (either a very ambitious hope or very short career for Guthrie with that second one).
  19. Did you add that bit about the majority of corporate businesses deciding against renewing due to lack of transfers? Jut looked on .cock and definitely isn't there now... Maybe someone made a bit of an error letting that out the bag officially I added it in, sorry. ha, no worries, seems totally plausible!
  20. Did you add that bit about the majority of corporate businesses deciding against renewing due to lack of transfers? Jut looked on .cock and definitely isn't there now... Maybe someone made a bit of an error letting that out the bag officially
  21. PRL

    Jonas Gutierrez

    You have to force quit to get the damn thing to stop. Use Google Chrome, it'll ask you after the second prompt if you want to close it straight away. Be a bit careful, my mate got keylogged on Chrome the other day, think there's a patch to fix now but seems there are a few problems cropping up
  22. PRL

    Jonas Gutierrez

    What the hell are you on about? Agreed, totally different circumstance!
  23. PRL

    Jonas Gutierrez

    If only Keegan hadn't agreed to sell Milner Having been promised a replacement...
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