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Everything posted by PRL

  1. I like that you assume part of any criminal mindset is a lack of concentration, must make computer fraud and the likes a real bitch for those ADHD-laden delinquents...
  2. PRL


    C'mon though, we're talking about polls in the sun designed solely to antagonise, often costing money to register your vote and meaning absolutely fuck all, compared to either a direct email or a poll organised by a supporters right group that will be communicated to the FA / Prem League as evidence of fans opinions... I think they are a bit different, not that they'll take any notice. Bastard Premier League
  3. PRL

    Ryan Donaldson

    I agree with what you said about Portillo. But for every Portillo there are many other Rooneys, Messis. Please point us towards these 'many others'?!
  4. Fuck me, so it is. I've got the game on a TV literally 5 feet away from me and I didn't even fucking notice Sorry Pete. No worries, except you had my hopes up that it was still 1-0. I bet Senegal somehow fluke it through, would be just our luck.
  5. 1-1 on the bbc website?
  6. I'm having total mindblock here... Who is 'Johnson' in defence?
  7. Does anyone have a link to a story confirming he's been dropped?
  8. A typical example of people wanting anyone in. Benjani will be 30 when next season kicks off so spending big money on him would be ridiculous. Correct. Whoopie do! How old was Viduka when we signed him? That's turned out great hasn't it? You really could of picked a better example, like one that actually backs your argument not shatters it into pieces. mackems.gif Benjani is an average striker in good form. His advanced years do him no favours, not for £6m. I want players in just as much as anyone, but he wouldn't be one of them, not worth our while due to what we've got, whereas Barnes is exactly what were missing (a player i really want here) You're a tit! No really! Cracking comeback. Did you say the other day you were over 30 years old? mackems.gif I really don't think they'd be interested in that swap and seriously, trying to do a player exchange on transfer deadline day - it's hard enough to get one contract tied up and a player signed, let alone one going each way. I think people need to realise it's not like years gone by when you could just wallop a contract in front of someone and get it signed and all done. For the record, Benjani would be an awful signing. EDIT: I can't quote correct posts, sorry
  9. I thought a good example of this was Danny Sturridge against Sheffield Utd at the weekend. I realise when he scored it was a) against Sheffield Utd and b) Man City were still losing but none of his team went with him after he scored, he did a stupid dance and then only Vassell congratulated him on his way back. As it was his first senior goal I would have expected the majority of the team to congratulate him. I haven’t seen last night however, maybe the reaction was different, but I’m guessing he’s a bit of an arrogant prick
  10. PRL


    This with Carroll / Viduka in place of Milner, although i do like the idea of Milner through the middle in certain matches. Just think we need to play 2 proper strikers against Boro, show them we're going for it.
  11. Amused to see all the papers saying Spurs couldn't match Woodgate or Tiago's wage demands, but are now after Puyol... Yep, Barca captain is bound to ask for less to move to WHL... yet i still sit and read these things
  12. C'mon, gotta be worth a go! I've just watched that finding nemo youtube clip about ten times, chuckling each time!
  13. Could people please try the 'mike mike mike' thing saturday... if i hear it shouted i'll definitely be joining in...
  14. Having spent 2 fucking hours getting back across London last time I went to the Emirates (toon carling cup game) I'm not surprised a lot of people left early when they had work in the morning and probably wouldn't have got home much before midnight if they had stayed until the end. (NB I am a moron and i refuse to leave games early but I certainly have sympathy for those in this situation that do, and get grief for it) It's a completely different scenario hanging around on a week night in a stadium that's notoriously shit to navigate home from than say a 3pm Saturday game. The guy in question looked like he had never even had a job, so fair play but he probably didn't have to worry about getting home / getting up for work the next day, just set up shop in a box outside the ground.
  15. Are you forgetting that Keegan has replaced Allardyce?
  16. So now... Given Carr - Taylor - Cacapa - Enrique Milner - Barton - Zog - Duff Owen - Smith(?)
  17. PRL

    in a pub brawl...

    Can't believe no one has mentioned the new lad at Liverpool (Skrtyl?) - I'd have him, Vidic and Kuyt, because he can't come out looking any worse than he went in so would confidently lead us into battle
  18. "Gerrard's just about knocked out Stilian Petrov, in fact there's no just about...about it"... Setanta gets better and better
  19. And that Skertl (sp?) guy looks like an absolute nutjob
  20. was thinking just that, clattenburg loves them
  21. go to Eurosports, bbc don't seem to have one!
  22. That was ace, really made me smile when i saw that... Think he's still learning but he's doing what all of us would love to do and he's done it pretty much perfectly so far. He needs a song really...
  23. Yeah, he's just appeared in the line up, what the hell is going on?! If they had waited until the summer it would have been a lot better organised... :parky:
  24. Defoe doesn't strike me as a Keegan type of striker - Sir Les, Shearer, Andy Cole, Anelka... I could see him being more interested in Bent to be honest. I also wouldn't bet against us trying to pull off a ridiculous signing like Berbatov. Toon fan after all! Was talk on Spurs sites in October about him wanting to move to us - highly tenuous mind! I'd like SWP, Bent (still think he could be a top striker week in week out and if we can get him for 10m i'd think that was decent business), but agree an attacking CM has to be priority. So few that spring to mind though, back to Arshavin maybe?
  25. Darren Peacock was actually our record signing at 2.75m on transfer deadline day if my memory serves me correct
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