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Everything posted by PRL

  1. Bollocks to that - it goes back too long just to stop as soon as Redknapp comes in. It also doesn't help that he basically embodies most negative cockney stereotypes. Don't get me wrong, through work i have become one of the oft-slated 'london mags' and so i have a lot of friends born and raised here, however even they look at the term 'cockney' as referring to a dodgy east end geeza, the likes of which you'd see in Eastenders. And let's be honest, who couldn't see Redknapp running that car lot, he basically is Frank Butcher.
  2. Kemsley is a lot lot more experienced than Ashley and Mort when it comes to football. His advice could especially be appreciated when Ashley is out of the country. I'm pretty sure Ashley's presence in the country is irrelevant - he wouldn't have flown out if he thought leaving would be detrimental / leave him relying on others - it would make no sense. He chose to fire Allardyce when he did. Kemsley is more experienced you're right, but experience doesn't necessarily make you a better judge - and here we are in the same argument as to what makes a good manager! I would rather Ashley and Mort made their own decision - yes, they might not have been in football long but they've been long enough to make a decision as ruthless as to kick allardyce out when they have, so they should now make their own decision on the replacement. I do trust them, but worry that listening to Ashley's mate could cloud Ashley's judgment. He would hate it as much as us if in a year's time we're stuck with a huge bill paying off Redknapp for failing when it wasn't his gut decision but that of his mate's and he just went along with it as he thought he knew best. Randy Lerner was totally new to football and this country and he still had the nous to get O'Neill in, I don't buy into Ashley / Mort not knowing enough about what they're doing and having to turn to others for help.
  3. I'm not claiming it's up to me, i just don't like him being involved. If Ashley is as savvy as we all (myself included) keep giving him credit for then he'll hopefully be more sensible than to just trust everything Kelmsley tells him and make sure he does his own research. And agreed, this is on the proviso it's all true, i am being sucked in to sky sports following 7 solid hours...
  4. more piece of bullshit, no quotes, there's nothing at all to back their claims, the same 1's that we're said earlier it's fairly good knowledge he was in london with family and friends tonight as well Although the driver of the car in that photo does look like Kemsley. thts the photo of him being driven away by storrie earlier That isn't Storrie. It was him being driven away from training though, i think the press may have spotted that and made slightly more of it had it been Kelmsley / an agent. Why the f*** is this spud suddenly deciding our future anyway? I don't like it at all, i don't care if him and Ashley are mates, i want him out the picture. Interesting that the back of tomo's papers are a lot more ifs/buts than yesterdays blanket 'he's definitely going' Kemsley is an ex-Spud. Yes, supposedly so he can go to the US and start his property investment business... Why is he still here? Getting involved in our business? He supposedly didn't have time to work for Spurs so quit, now he's commenting on us and people are saying he's helping negotiate for our manager. Not particularly keen on it to be honest, no matter how good a mates him and Ashley are. It's like Sam Allardyce inviting Sammy Lee down to pick our team straight after Lee had left Bolton... Probably would have been better, mind
  5. more piece of bullshit, no quotes, there's nothing at all to back their claims, the same 1's that we're said earlier it's fairly good knowledge he was in london with family and friends tonight as well Although the driver of the car in that photo does look like Kemsley. thts the photo of him being driven away by storrie earlier That isn't Storrie. It was him being driven away from training though, i think the press may have spotted that and made slightly more of it had it been Kelmsley / an agent. Why the fuck is this spud suddenly deciding our future anyway? I don't like it at all, i don't care if him and Ashley are mates, i want him out the picture. Interesting that the back of tomo's papers are a lot more ifs/buts than yesterdays blanket 'he's definitely going'
  6. 1.Oliver talks s*** 2.Kelmsley bums Redknapp up the arse so he would be excited. fair enough. Like I said, I'm sulking. Ignore me. It's highely likely it'll be Redknapp, almost certain.I don't understand the huge negativity tbh, he's a good manager, plays passing football and is going to get a significant amount of money to spend, I'm quite excited. still unconvinced he'll leave his cushy life down there tbh. And being 61, I'm not sure how long he'll stick around. With a reported 5m a year? I think he might well leave. he's sorted already. In all fairness, does he really need that £5m a year? If someone offered you significantly more than you were currently earning, would you strongly consider it? Whether he needs it or not isn't the point, it's a massive amount of money to turn down and that's not even considering he'd actually take the job on its merits anyway. Personally, if I was financially sorted for life, 61, settled with my family and offered more money to move to the other end of the country away from all the security I had and a team i had built / was still building, i would stick where i was and see that through. That said, we all know Harry is a greedy bastard so he'll probably put money ahead of all else, including his family and the promises he has made the fans, players and staff at football ("this will be my last club") and come up here. Another reason I don't want him - in an industry of liars and cheats he's right at the top of them. Just another target for an undercover NOTW team to expose, plunging us back into the media spotlight / circus
  7. Dogleash acting as the wise old head to a young manager who's first job is gaffer at a well supported club it has been done before with devastating effect. But what does that matter its "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeera" we are talking about.... Someone mentioned Dalglish as his assistant Was tongue in cheek mate. I am gobsmacked by the number of people who would be happy with Shearer in charge. I find it astonishing that the forums have been full of people whining and bitching all day about not getting the likes of Mourinho and Lippi to getting excited about someone with no experience of coaching (with the exception of standing in a dug out on match days in Roeders run) and managing. If it was any other person with no coaching or managerial experience Tyneside would be up in arms but no its "Sheeeeeeeera!!!" so somehow its acceptable.... Agree with this. Because he "loves the club" has no baring on whether he'd be good for us or not. When Ferguson leaves Man Utd do you think they'd be happy with Ince (who does have a bit of experience) because "he loves the club"? But we aren't Man Utd! Of the options realistically available I think Shearer would be the most exciting. Keegan had no managerial experience and did okay! Also, those saying he looks like a numpty on MOTD are right, but then they all do. I think there has been some kind of BBC directive to be as dull as possible after the FA started taking coverage away from them when they were perceived as too negative about England when they actually said f*** all. Even Hansen, who I used to think was incredibly knowledgeable and a great pundit, is now w***. I don't think it's because they're lazy, i think it's because they are told to be (with the exception of wright, who is a moron) Based on what? Based on the buzz around the ground, in the town and hopefully throughout the team. My point is, with the options that (appear) to be available, we aren't going to agree on who we want, that's quite clear. I think the negativity surrounding any appointment will be noticeable and put the new manager on the back foot immediately, with the exception of Shearer who everyone (if he was to be appointed) would get behind, regardless of original preference. As to the point about starting in the lower league, i actually think that it must be harder to start in the lower leagues rather than the league that you were familiar with. Shearer knows the Prem inside out, holds huge respect from fellow pros and I think he might do a good job, despite the risk involved. Don't get me wrong, i'd rather a Mourinho, Lippi, etc. but it seems less and less likely. All i'm saying is i'd rather take a risk on Shearer than a risk on Redknapp. They've both won the same amount of silverware as managers and shearer's win ratio is better after all
  8. Dogleash acting as the wise old head to a young manager who's first job is gaffer at a well supported club it has been done before with devastating effect. But what does that matter its "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeera" we are talking about.... Someone mentioned Dalglish as his assistant Was tongue in cheek mate. I am gobsmacked by the number of people who would be happy with Shearer in charge. I find it astonishing that the forums have been full of people whining and bitching all day about not getting the likes of Mourinho and Lippi to getting excited about someone with no experience of coaching (with the exception of standing in a dug out on match days in Roeders run) and managing. If it was any other person with no coaching or managerial experience Tyneside would be up in arms but no its "Sheeeeeeeera!!!" so somehow its acceptable.... Agree with this. Because he "loves the club" has no baring on whether he'd be good for us or not. When Ferguson leaves Man Utd do you think they'd be happy with Ince (who does have a bit of experience) because "he loves the club"? But we aren't Man Utd! Of the options realistically available I think Shearer would be the most exciting. Keegan had no managerial experience and did okay! Also, those saying he looks like a numpty on MOTD are right, but then they all do. I think there has been some kind of BBC directive to be as dull as possible after the FA started taking coverage away from them when they were perceived as too negative about England when they actually said fuck all. Even Hansen, who I used to think was incredibly knowledgeable and a great pundit, is now wank. I don't think it's because they're lazy, i think it's because they are told to be (with the exception of wright, who is a moron)
  9. I swear there is some kind of betting scam going on here. They come out and claim the club are 'advising' them they are still looking for someone experienced. Would someone really come out and say that to the pres? And if they did everyone would be carrying it. SSN just seem determined it's going to be redknapp and everyone else is following their lead
  10. Why do they let people like this on the radio?! He is saying we'd be a bigger club than man utd if we won a cup!
  11. Shearer has just gone from 20-1 on betfair to 4-1... Whichever of you guys are listening to talksport and are a few minutes ahead on what is happening could seriously make hundreds of pounds on betfair- this happened 5 mins after that news came out!
  12. odds on Redknapp have just doubled on Betfair (still massive favourite but not seen a move that big since last night's breaking story that we were making an approach this morning). Fucking pissed off as tried to bet against him but just missed the odds i wanted and didn't re-enter bet, essentially just lost £80. Still will be worth it if there was a reason Ha, just announced shearer on SSn!@
  13. SSN is such a joke.... why do they keep reporting that redknapp is in london with his family?! I also love the fact they are now reporting the Portsmouth fred bid and not even pondering any impact this might have on their 'main' story as this would undermine what they have been spouting all day. Nothing has happened for hours... very bizarre, thought either us or portsmouth might have said something.
  14. Was it really that about Shearer?! Would be rather interesting. Source?! And on the other point, pretty sure there is no one other than Redknapp in charge of transfers at Portsmouth. Except Willie Mckay perhaps
  15. What, like us making a bid for Diarra when Sam was sacked? Essential difference being that Portsmouth tend not to run their club as some kind of asylum. Don't think they would bid a potential club record fee just off their own back if they didn't know who would be in charge. Adams has been talked about as a possible replacement for Redknapp, maybe they're deciding to pursue targets as usual with this in mind. Valid point, never really considered that And Alan Curbishley? Do you actually watch football?!
  16. What, like us making a bid for Diarra when Sam was sacked? Essential difference being that Portsmouth tend not to run their club as some kind of asylum. Don't think they would bid a potential club record fee just off their own back if they didn't know who would be in charge.
  17. do u mean lyon Yep, excitement got the better of me - its spurs, portsmouth and psg that have had bids accepted
  18. PSG just confirmed that Portsmouth have had an offer accepted for Fred (SSN) - doesn't sound like a team losing their manager. Portsmouth did say that was where Storrie and Redknapp went as well...
  19. PRL


    I was saying to my mate in the pub whilst that footage was on 'what the fuck is beye doing in training today?!', didn't even spot Joey Barton. tossers.
  20. Think it’s a bit harsh to blame Jol for what went wrong money-wise. From the sounds of most reports Commoli was the one that spunked the money up the wall, not Jol. My fear with Jol would be his tactical naivety – he had an awful record against the top 4.
  21. The only small consolation of the morning so far: "While it is believed that a factor in Allardyce's dismissal was Ashley's reluctance to let him spend more of his money in the January transfer window, the Daily Telegraph confirms that such 'prudence will be replaced by new big spending policies when he appoints his first manager since buying the club."
  22. Portsmouth insist no approach has been received from Newcastle United for manager Harry Redknapp. Following Sam Allardyce's departure from St James' Park on Wednesday, Redknapp has emerged as odds-on favourite to take over in some quarters. The Pompey boss has already stressed that he is happy on the South Coast and that he has received no contact from Newcastle. That stance has been supported by Portsmouth, who state the speculation surrounding Redknapp's future at Fratton Park is 'unhelpful'. Compliment "We take it as a compliment that our players and personnel are often linked with some of the top clubs in this country, and indeed abroad," read a club statement. "It is testimony to the quality of their work. "However, we do feel it necessary to correct some of the inaccuracies in reports that have surfaced today. "The club has received no approach for the services of our valued manager Harry Redknapp. He remains as committed as ever to this football club and he recently signed a new, improved four-year contract with Portsmouth. Unhelpful "The club has made significant investments over the last two years in both players and infrastructure, and the results now being enjoyed are the fruits of those investments. "Last year the club finished in its highest position for 52 years and this season we're on course to better that. We've recently won nine out of 10 away games - a club record. "We're in the middle of the busiest time of the season because of the heavy fixture list and month-long transfer window and, as such, this speculation is unhelpful."
  23. This is the oddest thing i've heard all day. I'd rather have Alan Buckley.
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