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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Obertan looks excellent for a couple of games on the left; Pards moves him to the right where he has been woeful.
  2. Santon appears to have his confidence back, but Anita has been sloppy.
  3. True, but 3 big players missing. Tiote, Taylor and Hatem are a lot better than those currently playing.
  4. Love a bit of Marv. Looking forward to him and Hatem in the same side.
  5. Will take a while to get used to having a RB who doesn't just punt it aimlessly every time he gets it.
  6. I know, it's very bad etiquette even coming out and saying you want another clubs player to sign if you aren't going to bid for them.
  7. Your wrong mate. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20130110/uniteds-injury-woes-easing_2281670_3037001 That was yesterday's wasn't it? This is today's http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/Match/NextMatch/0,,10278~3038197,00.html Is it, ffs. Sorry mate . Although that doesn't really say anything about anyone apart from Debuchy coming in. Maybe read it all? Oh ffs. Why oh why am i such a spacktard.
  8. Your wrong mate. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20130110/uniteds-injury-woes-easing_2281670_3037001 That was yesterday's wasn't it? This is today's http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/Match/NextMatch/0,,10278~3038197,00.html
  9. Sorry if Giggs, but preview on official site doesn't mention Colo. Says we are boosted by the return of Papiss, but no mention of our skipper.
  10. Needs to make a statement regardless. Can't be going on like this. Very difficult one - he's virtually irreplaceable, worth plenty, on a four year deal and we've paid him a massive wedge for the best part of 5 years. If he goes, then we could be in real relegation trouble. However, sometimes in life things are much bigger than football. If he genuinely is having a family crisis then this needs to be confirmed. Not the details, we just need to hear that it from him that he's asked to leave for that reason. Until then it is difficult to pass any comment. This speculation isn't helping his cause though.
  11. Sorry but if, and I guess it's still quite a big if at the moment, this guy bails on us right now I will lose the majority of respect I held for him.
  12. Looking forward to seeing him, Hatem and Cabaye in the same side.
  13. Was like a pre-season game, up until they scored at least. Was essentially two Championship level sides going at it, with a couple of exceptions, one of whom is Santon who has been woeful recently.
  14. Just genuinely can't see him making it. Will get behind him when he gets on, but won't be screaming for Pardew to involve him either. Hope he proves me wrong.
  15. Losing patience with him a bit now - fed up listening to his gabble. However, it would be counterproductive to sack him now and am still hoping that, if the injury list does clear up, we can go on a bit of a run second half of the season. Yes we haven't won away yet, but we've already been to Old Trafford, Anfield, the Emirates, Goodison, Stamford Bridge and the Britannia. Couple of away wins and sort out our home form and things will start to look much rosier.
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