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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. What's even sadder that on Monday night we will basically have the same personnel available, save for Cabaye, who is replaced by Anita.
  2. We're 9/2 on Betfair. Seems like a good price, but I have no idea what Bordeaux or like or if they have many missing?
  3. Amalfitano must not be impressing at all to still not get a game.
  4. Could work, can't see Pardew doing it away from home though.
  5. Given our record at Fulham and Cisse's current form i'd like to see Marv and Hatem either side of Ba, with Tiote, Anita and Jonas in the centre.
  6. Why answer that question on Demba's contract?!
  7. Simpson still manages to look woeful even against 10. Just punts it whenever he gets it.
  8. If Tiote misses Fulham picking up a stupid yellow in a game that we are cruising against 10 men then he wants shooting.
  9. The right side (although pretty much picks itself as they are the only senior available). Please Pards just start 4-3-3 though.
  10. Ive just read that he's in an uncapped XI for English players in the PL alongside Simpson and Harper. This is as picked by Lawro, Dixon and Colin Murray. Just shows how clueless most pundits are. He's only the 3rd best uncapped centre back at Newcastle FFS, let alone the PL.
  11. Got to be Marv in for Perch surely?! The only fit 11 senior players pick themselves in a 4-3-3 I hope.
  12. Oh god that bottled tackle on the half way line. I'd forgotten all about that.
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