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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Typical of the media/public in this country. Offended by something that is of no real significance nor relevance to him. We all do things/have gags that we share with mates - they aren't meant for the public domain. It just so happens that he earns a wedge of cash.
  2. Never hated someone that I have never met as much as I hate this guy right now.
  3. Anita is a livewire. It's great to have someone putting pressure on the ball so high up the pitch.
  4. Amazing that they're booing. He went down and didn't move for a couple of minutes.
  5. Colo has to take a large proportion of the blame for our recent slump. His needless sending off really cost us - we look so much better with him in the side.
  6. Stoke are 5/4 on betfair. I've never bet against us before, but I am seriously short of cash at the moment.
  7. Almost a little bit glad I didn't bother trying on the trains. I would have got there I think, but there's no point chucking good money after bad as they say.
  8. Just been to the train station and was told not to bother trying to get there. Am in a shocking mood now - was in Newcastle all week and could have taken ticket back, but had it sent to my parents address. Brilliant. Not only am I likely to have to watch us lose this afternoon, but i'm going to have paid £35 for the privilege of doing so on a dodgy stream in my front room.
  9. Anyone driving from Somerset today?! Trains are a mess!
  10. If (when?!) we are chasing the game and need a goal i'd honestly rather see Nile come on than Sammy.
  11. Anyone watching Soccer AM? Just did an away days feature on sunderland. Had some fat guy rapping or something - had definitely pissed himself!
  12. Looking forward to this now. Thursday nights have provided some light relief this season.
  13. As do I, but we shouldn't be wearing it at home. It's fundamentally wrong.
  14. Nice theory. You are wrong! I'd love it if I was, but just don't believe I am.
  15. Nice theory, problem is he doesn't have the capability to do that anymore. He played on the left of a midfield four at Reading earlier this season and offered absolutely zero going forward.
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