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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Strange from him yesterday because he looked threatening against both Arsenal and Everton. But like someone said above, if he really was going cut it in the PL, this would be the type of game that he would look a stand out in - instead he was absolutely pathetic.
  2. A really pathetic showing. I didn't expect us to get anything, but hoped we wouldn't just roll over and get our bellies tickled.
  3. Pathetic today. Haven't seen either booking on TV, but him going off helped us.
  4. Thought he looked decent enough when he came on. Perhaps worth keeping around 2nd half of the season so Tav can go on loan.
  5. Would happily see him play LB tomorrow with Santon RB. Might as well.
  6. Worrying, but at least he has signed a new deal recently. Wasn't it his dad who told him that he simply had to sign it as well because of how the fans felt about him? No doubt that he hasn't been himself recently though.
  7. Fuck i've been Giggsed twice in 5 minutes. Pretty sure they are my only posts of 2013 as well!
  8. Anyone seen this? Amazing http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/young-leeds-fan-meets-el-hadji-diouf-while-092437455--sow.html
  9. Cabaye confirmed it on his facebook apparently.
  10. Not reported by Dean so will face no action according to Talksport. An absolute disgrace if true.
  11. Merry Christmas to everyone! Just about to head out for a run so that I can eat like a pig for the rest of the day!
  12. Genuinely worried about getting embarrassed here ala Villa at Chelsea yesterday. Just hope we can keep it respectable.
  13. Mine would tbh. It's nothing against you but fans that take these things to heart need to take a step back from it all imo. It's just a headline though, no need to take it so seriously. Ryder is a terrible journo (and there is every chance he doesn't even write the headlines), but come on you can't really have a go at him for that - it's just the obvious pun.
  14. Beat me to it. That's what I saw as well - definitely took that 2nd one under instruction from Pardew.
  15. "Maybe a player in the window"
  16. The least annoyed i've been leaving a game in a while (missed the Wigan home game). Can't really knock us for effort. A few lapses of concentration cost us dearly, but at least we made a fist of it.
  17. Just needs to do what he does best and stop trying to be creative.
  18. Didn't he spend a good chunk of 10-11 on the bench behind Willo?
  19. Kompany very doubtful according to the Independent. Nasri didn't train today either.
  20. Starting to look the part. Wish he was a foot taller though.
  21. Frustrating tonight - kept misplacing passes. He does have a tendency to step it up a gear when the big boys come to town though so fingers crossed for sat.
  22. Chronicle suggesting Obertan will start. Poor journalism if you ask me.
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