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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Williamson and Shola set to start according to Pardew. Hopefully, get to see the likes Bigi, Amalfitano, Gosling, Tav, Abeid etc as well. He says that he's even tempted to throw Hatem into the mixer, but i'd be surprised. Think whatever the starting XI is at Cardiff next weekend will be the side that starts against Spurs.
  2. Hopefully the fact that there aren't many trains back after the game deters a few.
  3. Yea I was surprised myself. I guess they are hoping that the fact it is a tuesday night, rather than a friday, will negate the possibility of trouble?
  4. Anyone else heading along? Am desperate for my football fix, so think for a tenner I will most likely turn up. Could be a half decent side - Cabaye, Marveaux, Ben Arfa, Abeid, Elliot, Good, Sameobi all didn't travel to Den Haag.
  5. I bet they weren't thrilled at being dragged abroad for the third time in a few weeks for a non event. Did seem a touch unnecessary, have to say. Given they fly pretty much everywhere these days, I doubt it makes much difference to them.
  6. Amazing to think that 3 years has passed. I am genuinely not trying to promote my blog here, however, I have written my thoughts/tribute to the man here http://wp.me/p2C3TG-4N. Just spent an hour reading about his life. Made me happy and sad at the same time and am now in quite a reflective mood. Would love to hear any comments that people have.
  7. Oh yea I remember the article etc, just not sure that we will ever be privy to exactly what the agreement is.
  8. If that is the case it makes a bit of a mockery. Yes, he's the club's long serving player and might not want to be travelling the country to sit on the bench at this stage in the career, but if that is the case then just retire. In my opinion, you can't be contracted to a club, picking up a wage and then dictating when you do and don't travel, particularly given he is well aware he is a backup goalkeeper. However, I have no idea if it has actually been confirmed if that is actually the situation? Shameless self plug, (and I probably shouldn't be doing it - feel free mods to delete) but these are my thoughts on who should be second choice http://www.ifsholascores.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/whos-two-28/#more-236
  9. Mixing it up. That's cracking mate - how did you manage to get the menu bar at the top?
  10. Am getting the hang of it I think: http://ifsholascores.wordpress.com/ Anyone used wordpress and know how to get the menu at the top?
  11. Sorry to be annoying lads, but really trying to get my blog up and running so would appreciate any new followers: @if_shola_scores (blog is http://ifsholascores.wordpress.com/ by the way!)
  12. Says SS1 on mine too. Have centered it. Word press doesn't give you the option to justify. (well it probably does, but as of yet I haven't found it!)
  13. Have gone on Twitter: @if_shola_scores Any followers would be greatly received! What's your blog Cabaye - would love to give it a read and even set a link to it on my page? Obviously, I wouldn't expect you to link back, until I've got some followers of my own - wouldn't want to jump on your hard work.
  14. Sorry Dave! Thanks TimeEd and will have a look Disco.
  15. FFS was making it too complicated. If you can find it in yourselves to forgive me, it is now functioning correctly!
  16. Evening lads, Having put it off for a couple of years, have finally bitten the bullet and decided to start up my own blog. Apologies in advance for the amateur format, but I am just getting to grips with it and want to see how long I retain interest before investing a significant amount of time/money in it. Anyway would be great if some of you could take a look and even better if you fancy leaving a comment or two! http://ifsholascores.wordpress.com/ Apologies in advance if you see any obvious N-O-isms! Cheers
  17. A friend of mine's Dad is high up in a firm that did a lot of work for Carroll. He seems to think that AC is on no where near the reported amount. In fact, he said it was about 30k per week. I don't believe that for a second though - for a start he was probably on that here when he left.
  18. I love Shola, but it's very much a love/hate relationship. He is a cult figure and am more than happy for him to come on to bully defenders for the last 20, however, if he is starting games I fear I will hate him again. People quickly forget the string of games he had in January. He was the main man for a month and was abysmal.
  19. The FA handed out a ban to Suarez 'on the balance of probabilities'. The standard used in a criminal court is higher - 'beyond reasonable doubt'. Something can be proven on the balance of probabilities, but not beyond reasonable doubt. If they FA hide behind the criminal acquittal then it is double standards for sure.
  20. Keys and Gray also tend to get good guests as well because of their status. H & J are my favourites though because it is just very light hearted and easy listening - it doesn't pretend to be anything else. I think as long as you realise that most points of view taken by the presenters on there are just taken to try and get reactions from the listeners it is an alright listen - can't stand Durham & Gough or Jason Cundy though.
  21. Wait a minute. Are you teling us that Gabby Obertan wearing kit actually decreases the value? That is exactly what I am telling you my friend.
  22. Picked up my Perch shorts yesterday. Looks like they have skid marks on them and they haven't come out in the wash, which is less than ideal. Also a little on the small side which is a blow. Bought obertan's black 3rd kit shorts for £15 on sunday. They are class, fit perfectly and you can't really go wrong given that they cost more than that to buy from the shop.
  23. Those dutch full backs could give O'Shea and Ward a run for their money as well.
  24. It may well have something to do with the wording of the clause. Wasn't it that they said the clause simply said Taylor was allowed to talk to clubs if there was a bid of a certain amount, rather than them actually having to accept the offer. Maybe we didn't want to get involved in a prolonged and expensive legal dispute with Swansea.
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