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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Cheers mate, I'm making the same assumption. Let's hope it is the right one!
  2. I think the actual Eurostar tickets are specified on certain times. Problem is when I chose 'Any Belgian Station', it still just comes up with Brussels.
  3. Reckon I can get the Eurostar from London return and a night in a hotel for about £110 as a 'youth'. Has anyone used this before? I take it you can just jump on any domestic train from Brussels to Bruges?
  4. Disappointed. Really thought we would kick on and really improve the squad, but instead I can't help but fear we have stood still.
  5. Thought he did well tonight. Used his pace pretty well.
  6. Hope it isn't too bad. Don't particularly rate him, but comes across as a nice guy and we certainly need the squad depth at the moment.
  7. Pointless turning up for this. Will have a Euro game on the thursday (i think), Norwich the Sunday, this, then Reading.
  8. I agree with Ronaldo that behind the striker is his best position. Before Raylor got injured he was looking bright and got into the box on a number of occasions. However, i'm just not convinced he has the talent, nor will he get the opportunities to make it here. Hope I am wrong, but can't see it.
  9. Might have a spare if anyone is after one. Probably 60/40 at the moment, but will know for sure in the next 30 mins. Seat is right on the halfway line towards the back of the east stand.
  10. He didn't rule it out though, if we're thinking of the same quotes. I think Demba will start as lone striker and Papiss on the bench though. I'd have to watch it again, but didn't he say something like 'I can't see him being involved tomorrow...he's one for the future'. Didn't expressly rule it out, but strongly suggested.
  11. Maybe, but I'd ultimately we need to get through this game and into the group stages. Just going on what AP said in his press conference on .co.uk, it sounds like there might be a few more first teamers involved tonight. For example, he said that Thursday to Sunday is much more do-able than Thursday-Saturday and I think he explicitly said Campbell wont play.
  12. Not going to be involved tonight according to AP. Sounds like it will be a strong bench just in case the cavalry are required.
  13. Quite often I go to away games on my own for a variety of reasons. Most of the lads I go to home games with can't afford to make many/get the time off work, whereas being a student makes life much easier. Either i'll travel down to London and meet mates there to actually go to the game with, or occasionally i'll fly solo. Everton for example last game of last year I went on my own as no one else had the points and had a great time. Always people to chat to on the trains, in pubs etc. If that makes me sad then so be it!
  14. To me those comments don't mean anything. We all know Pardew is prone to the odd white lie.
  15. Don't think it does mate. I have a student ST and usually whenever I buy additional tickets in my name the online box office, although it says 'adult', it automatically puts the student price in, however, it didn't on this occasion.
  16. Hopefully plenty of people are planning on plotting up on the day and paying on the turnstiles for this, otherwise the attendance could be pretty embarrassing.
  17. Thing is we are obviously keen on him, but there is a big difference between Pards being keen to bring someone in and him actually thinking that we are going to get him.
  18. Wonder if AP will be tempted to give him 60 mins on Thursday to try and get him up to speed.
  19. Simpson is a better defender though, if only because he actually has the athleticism to recover from poor positions, whereas Raylor looks like he is stuck in mud when he tries to turn.
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