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Chris Banaloona

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Everything posted by Chris Banaloona

  1. So you know better than Rafa? Remind me who sits top of the league? Managed by whom? Too many subjective blinkered opinions here. We have the highest paid manager, the highest wage bill, most spent on players and yet we are fucking crawling over the line due to his tactics. We have the be the worst team to sit top of a table in the whole of europe. Lucky against Brighton, Huddersfield and Reading. We easily could have came into fulham with zero points.
  2. He gets it wrong every home game. we'd be promoted already with a more positive manager.
  3. but its true. with our resources he's be horrendous.
  4. We've struggled to be fair. No surprise given how we've played for the majority of this season. Deserve to be behind on the balance of play.
  5. Squad is shite. Rafa assembled the squad. Way of playing is shite. Rafa has us playing this way. No wonder the powers that be don't trust him anymore. I think I'll be proved correct with my predication from early on this season that this team won't be promoted.
  6. I'm probably the biggest idiot on this board but he is actually a good player. It either him or Ameobi......
  7. He could be the new 92/93 version of Lee Clarke for us. Who is Lee Clarke? Surely you mean Lee Clark
  8. Who's to say I take the bins out! Let's not get of the subject here. We are struggling through poor recruitment . Recruitment is probably the most important part of the modern game.
  9. Given Benitez record in the transfer market can anyone be surprised . Biggest resource in the league and we are making a fucking pigs ear of promotion. Good on Ashley for stepping up and taking control of this mess.
  10. I think being realistic would be a better description. No team is getting promoted with Colback as a mainstay in their team. I'd even throw Dummett into the mix also. We still haven't rectified our lack of creativity. He had the summer to make sure those three factors weren't still crippling us. Yet we are in January, going into the next phase of fixtures and we are reliant on Colback, Dummett et al.
  11. It certainly looks like Rafa does not have a plan B, not only with his tactics (as soon as we concede or can't scrape a goal we are fucked), but with his transfer business.
  12. I agree, i understand he's well past his sell by date but surely he'd have enough quality to help us get promoted with Gayle in front of him and Shelvey behind him? Not a chance Rafa would go for that. Not enough defenders. After all he played 4 fullbacks v Brum.
  13. At the end of this window, if Colback is an option for 1st team football and we haven't invested in a creative #10, we won't go up.
  14. Rafa doesn't do creativity, so no one should be surprised at all. Colbacks will always prevail.
  15. Another underwhelming signing if true. Rafa's certainly buys some s****. Who has Rafa bought that has been s*** exactly? Also Hogan has 13 goals in 23 games for a Brentford side who are 14th, thats hardly a bad return. - Murphy - Hanley - Diame - Gamez - Sels
  16. Another underwhelming signing if true. Rafa's certainly buys some shite.
  17. Being stupid for forming an opinion on us being 9th in the table after our subsequent investment and resources is fine by me but maybe those that continue to be blinded by the fact we are under performing massively may need to question themselves.
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