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Fenham Mag

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Everything posted by Fenham Mag

  1. Arsenal vs Bayern Munich final would be awesome.
  2. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,60726.0.html
  3. Butt wouldn't even be dropped for Zinedine Zidane.
  4. Yorkmag says: March 16, 2009 at 4:48 pm As an openly gay Newcastle fan myself, I welcome this. I do hope he is better in bed than at football though . Am Yorkie?
  5. Surely this could act as some part of petition to not have him as full time boss.
  6. Song for Xisco : X.I.S.C.O (x 4) He is X, Xenophobic manager He is I, irresistible He is S, super sexy He is C, such a cutie He is O, oh, oh, oh get you sir Tune- D.I.S.C.O -Ottawan
  7. Multiple Chilled cup holders with your seat would solve that or a Guy who go's around with a cooler with bottles of bear in (plastic obv), like a hot dog man. Now that's worth paying an extra £100 on your season ticket.
  8. Football fans are generally a lot better behaved now than they were 20 years ago. With increased security and all seating stadia it is very hard to misbehave without being ejected from the stadium. I believe us football fans should be allowed to enjoy a pint in our seats and its time for Laws on drinking in stadiums to be relaxed. Rugby fans are allowed to and we should be too. Just wondering what peoples opinion are on this.
  9. Bisexual? Not that it matters anyway. Gay best friend tbh.
  10. No way. It would kill me to see Sunderland 8 leagues ahead of us.
  11. Put £10 for Newcastle Win today and got a free £20 bet off paddy power and put that on a win for us too. If we win i will get £64 returns. Not bad off a tenner bet .
  12. His left thigh looks scarily thin.
  13. Can see the headlines now : Hughton : Beye must win right back berth back from Tayls
  14. Not really Nervous about this game but confident. Very Confident that we will win and a convincing in the win at that.
  15. Theo Wallcott has certainly beasted up
  16. John Toshacks tan lines from his glasses
  17. What if it was something local say , Newcastle Brown Ale Stadium or Shepherd offshores Stadium?
  18. I have a feeling we will batter them. 4-1 to us.
  19. Newcastles Very own 50 cent: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=509030147#/video/video.php?v=1050535736841 http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=509030147#/video/video.php?v=1046559277432
  20. What about people who bought their season tickets for the next 3 years Derek ?
  21. 3 years, actually. Intertoto FYP
  22. In reality we could win all of them numerous times if things go well. I'm only 19.
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