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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Hopefully N'Zogbia is the one on the way out. Would make sense really.
  2. Ash

    Rob Styles

    Absolutely hate this twat. I said before the game to my mate when I saw he was ref that he'd give a pen against us today. Sadly, I was right.
  3. He was injured. Why bring him on then when the game had gone?
  4. Ash

    Jonas Gutierrez

    He won't give them a go though, that's the problem. He's had plenty of chances to play them. Instead, he comes out with excuses that we have x amount of injured players and x amount of players carrying knocks. He doesn't need to use these excuses because there are other options, he just refuses to use them and this is why he deserves stick. What would have been the problem with playing Kadar at left back on Wednesday? There wouldn't have been one. Yet, he decides to play someone out of position who has been shown up in that position in the past. He's also someone who doesn't want to be at the club, but he still plays him.
  5. Ash

    Jonas Gutierrez

    And we are supposed to be basing our whole future on youth Havent we got to a point were its almost better to put out the kids then those we put out now? (of course its not, but damn close) The motivation and confidence of the seniors are just not there. This is my one big problem. Give some of the young lads a chance and I bet they'll show more heart, passion and bottle than some of the 'senior' players are at this moment in time.
  6. While I don't advocating him beating up his own team-mates, at least he shows some emotion. Michael Owen looks like he is bored stiff and just waiting for Man City to come and get him. How inspirational and motivational that must be! An ineffective captain is better than a captain that has a negative effect. What are you on about? How can Owen's glaring desire to leave this club be seen as anything but a negative effect? What does Owen actually do in a match when he doesn't score to gee the lads on? Have you seen how annonymous he is when he doesn't have the ball? There is no one man bigger than this club, even England's Michael Owen! I can only assume you didn't see the game today. Whenever we broke through their back line it was usually down to Owen finding some space in behind. This "glaring desire" to leave is entirely your own opinion, by the way. Everything he's said so far has been to the contrary and the club has only recent started contract talks with him. On the other hand you have Barton who is quite clearly a t*** of a man. No I didn't see or hear the game today. But I have seen plenty others. The glaring desire I speak of is to wait about talking about his contract until he is a free agent. Surely if he wanted to be at the club (and he claims money is not the object) then his agent can negotiate the deal and he can sign it. His refusal to sort out the deal until the summer points towards the fact that he doesn't want to be here. or he's keeping his options open... as I'm sure you would if given the same situation... as I'm sure any decent players would given the same situation. If Ameobi and Butt had any real prospects in the Premiership do you think they'd have re-signed? Fact is; Owen wants to win. Whether it's because he wants to get into the England side, or he's in the shop window, or whatever. He wants to do well regardless. Anyway, we're digressing... A rule of thumb in our situation should be: first do no harm. While Owen may or may not be the ideal captain he's certainly a better influence than a lose cannon. Don't get me wrong, Barton is a good player and I want him in the side for the time being. However, as passionate as he is, he doesn't exactly have the best judgement does he? He's certainly not a leader of men that the changing room are going to look up to and rally behind. I am not saying Barton is the man for the armband, but by "keeping his options open" Michael Owen can have a detrimental effect on other members of the squad who could see it as a lack of loyalty. If the captain isn't bothered then why should they be. If Michael Owen wants to do well, then he has been damn good at hiding it this season. He has on more than one occassion looked as if he couldn't be arsed. How can he be a good influence on a team? Just because he doesn't go drinking in Tigertiger? When was the last time you saw Michael Owen spurring on the lads on the field? If we had a striker who could score goals at the same rate as Michael Owen would you automatically make him captain? Are you suggesting he's missing sitter on purpose? Are you suggesting he doesn't care one way or the other if he scores? Come on... I don't think he does care if he scores. All he is bothered about is the ££££££££££'s. His heart isn't in it at Newcastle, that is why he is missing chances, he couldn't give a toss. eyup, thats a new one! Explain games like Wednesday then, when he had clear chances that he f***ed up, and pulled out of at least 3 50/50 tackles then. Everyone pulled out of 50/50 challenges on Wednesday, it seemed like the players had been told not to get injured. He certainly didn't pull out of any today. To be honest I thought Owen was giving it 100% today. At least until we conceded and everyone just collectively gave up. I honestly have no fucking idea what's going on in that man's head. One day I think he's as good as gone already, another I'm not so sure. Likewise. Agree with everything you've said.
  7. While I don't advocating him beating up his own team-mates, at least he shows some emotion. Michael Owen looks like he is bored stiff and just waiting for Man City to come and get him. How inspirational and motivational that must be! An ineffective captain is better than a captain that has a negative effect. What are you on about? How can Owen's glaring desire to leave this club be seen as anything but a negative effect? What does Owen actually do in a match when he doesn't score to gee the lads on? Have you seen how annonymous he is when he doesn't have the ball? There is no one man bigger than this club, even England's Michael Owen! I can only assume you didn't see the game today. Whenever we broke through their back line it was usually down to Owen finding some space in behind. This "glaring desire" to leave is entirely your own opinion, by the way. Everything he's said so far has been to the contrary and the club has only recent started contract talks with him. On the other hand you have Barton who is quite clearly a t*** of a man. No I didn't see or hear the game today. But I have seen plenty others. The glaring desire I speak of is to wait about talking about his contract until he is a free agent. Surely if he wanted to be at the club (and he claims money is not the object) then his agent can negotiate the deal and he can sign it. His refusal to sort out the deal until the summer points towards the fact that he doesn't want to be here. or he's keeping his options open... as I'm sure you would if given the same situation... as I'm sure any decent players would given the same situation. If Ameobi and Butt had any real prospects in the Premiership do you think they'd have re-signed? Fact is; Owen wants to win. Whether it's because he wants to get into the England side, or he's in the shop window, or whatever. He wants to do well regardless. Anyway, we're digressing... A rule of thumb in our situation should be: first do no harm. While Owen may or may not be the ideal captain he's certainly a better influence than a lose cannon. Don't get me wrong, Barton is a good player and I want him in the side for the time being. However, as passionate as he is, he doesn't exactly have the best judgement does he? He's certainly not a leader of men that the changing room are going to look up to and rally behind. I am not saying Barton is the man for the armband, but by "keeping his options open" Michael Owen can have a detrimental effect on other members of the squad who could see it as a lack of loyalty. If the captain isn't bothered then why should they be. If Michael Owen wants to do well, then he has been damn good at hiding it this season. He has on more than one occassion looked as if he couldn't be arsed. How can he be a good influence on a team? Just because he doesn't go drinking in Tigertiger? When was the last time you saw Michael Owen spurring on the lads on the field? If we had a striker who could score goals at the same rate as Michael Owen would you automatically make him captain? Are you suggesting he's missing sitter on purpose? Are you suggesting he doesn't care one way or the other if he scores? Come on... I don't think he does care if he scores. All he is bothered about is the ££££££££££'s. His heart isn't in it at Newcastle, that is why he is missing chances, he couldn't give a toss. eyup, thats a new one! Explain games like Wednesday then, when he had clear chances that he fucked up, and pulled out of at least 3 50/50 tackles then. Everyone pulled out of 50/50 challenges on Wednesday, it seemed like the players had been told not to get injured. He certainly didn't pull out of any today.
  8. Our next game isn't until a week on Wednesday so there's the break they need.
  9. Ash

    Jonas Gutierrez

    This is getting annoying now. If these players are carrying knocks, he can rest them, he just chooses not too. Give the kids a chance!
  10. I hope the miserable little cunt gets sold in the next two weeks. Not fit to wear the shirt ever again.
  11. We're going to eliminate our midfield problem by playing a 4-0-6 formation. Works for me.
  12. You can't help but find it if you come in off the Motorway near the MacD's. Best place to park? (am taking the car) Try this fella: http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=22509 I've not read it mind. Gotta love the Blackburn fan who claims we only took 3227 to Ewood last season.
  13. Agree with this. Hope Taylor's back to play right back too. I know he isn't great by any means but I'd feel a lot better with him there; Edgar is really confidence sapping.
  14. Agree with this. He is available and therefore we wouldn't have to pay over the odds to convince them to sell. hakka You cunt! a few pages back your slating me for suggesting pennant on loan, you total stupid cunt! lol
  15. I hope he isn't breaking character and is actually lying. If he has been offered a contract, it really feels like the club are preparing for Championship football next season.
  16. Redknapp tapping up Bellamy via the media again? Well I never.
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