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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. http://bit.ly/kUk7bq New game getting popular in American pubs....
  2. Love how people don't seem to realize that we're going to be nothing but mediocre for the next few years. Williamson is a decent cb, who at his age can only get better. He's not world class but I'd rather invest in a few strikers and a fullback before even considering another cb.
  3. Whichever media it is in - printed press, television, radio, Twitter, take your pick - one thing is consistent, and that is that Piers Morgan is an oily, talentless, repulsive waste of fucking skin. It annoys me that he has built himself up into something nearing a respectable journalist. I had no problem with him being rich or successful, there's plenty of arseholes have done that, but to see him nowadays liked and respected by such a wide audience makes me absolutely despair with humanity. This. Still starting to warm to him a bit after the Man U jibes though.
  4. At the end of the day he's done pretty much identically to Hughton. But the man has been a manager now for years, and he's done fuck all of note, other than getting West Ham to a cup final. I can't see us improving with him in charge, can't see it at all. At least with Hughton I believed that he was improving as he gained experience.
  5. Same here. It's says something about this club that I never expected anything less.
  6. Everton fans were the loudest away supporters at SJP this season imo
  7. Injuries, hasn't hit his stride since. I've thought the same mind - throughout his career he's always scored goals given time on the pitch up until this year. I thought he's had a similar barren spell when he was transferred from Spurs to Portsmouth, I assumed the pressure was getting to him, or something like that. I've always thought he was a 'Purple Patch' striker, where he seems to score 2-3 in a batch and then can go months without scoring again. Agree with the comment that says he's ball greedy and just shoots regardless. His shots to goal ratio must be shocking. Ask the Spurs FM bloke, he'll probs say it's 100%.
  8. Injuries, hasn't hit his stride since. I've thought the same mind - throughout his career he's always scored goals given time on the pitch up until this year. I thought he's had a similar barren spell when he was transferred from Spurs to Portsmouth, I assumed the pressure was getting to him, or something like that.
  9. Is there a reason that Defo has fallen apart this season? He was awesome last year season.
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