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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Could be even worse, we've got two bloody keepers on the bench. Again. Is your squad that thin? What happened to that Rose lad who scored against Arsenal on his league debut?
  2. Aye, just looked, don't even know where to start with that ffs thought I'd started reading their bench by mistake but no, 6 defensive players. Mental. Btw Swelly can you change that fucking avatar it is so creepy.
  3. I'm confused by Liverpool's line up they have 3 fullbacks and 3 centrebacks playing.
  4. We had a decent chace of getting into europe, but with no replacement things are not looking too good.
  5. Remember when we had a manager most of us liked and respected and had a team that was a great bunch of lads?
  6. As Felipao said Carroll is young and is going to get better. Keeping in mind that he is a target man, and as such won't depend on pace he will likely be able to play at a very high level well into his 30's. I wouldn't let go for anything under £40 million. He might not be worth that to some people but I think he's only going to get better.
  7. Good signings for them today. I think they'll be in Europe next season.
  8. Tottenham bid £25 million for Carroll....apparently
  9. Our single syllable players: Smith, Perch, Best, Krul. Hmm. Cheick Will Tear You Apart It's perfect for Lovenkrands man. McLove will tear you apart again. Although he probably wont play well enough for us to ever sing the song.
  10. good result for us this man How? You can't think Blackpool are going to take a relegation spot now? Don't care either way though, I like Blackpool, every single game of theirs I've watched has been fantastic. Want them to stay in this league. Still happier letting them lose so we can gain an extra spot in the league. Relegation or not, they're still a closer rival than Man Utd right now. bingo. Fair enough. Just don't like Man U :sulk:
  11. good result for us this man How? You can't think Blackpool are going to take a relegation spot now? Don't care either way though, I like Blackpool, every single game of theirs I've watched has been fantastic. Want them to stay in this league.
  12. They've scored quick put another striker on :frantic: I love Ollie
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